Here’s how I lost unwanted fat faster than I ever thought possible.
After years of yo-yo dieting, I finally figured out what it takes to burn fat without going to the gym for hours and hours, resorting to some fad diet, starving yourself, or taking diet pills.
In case you don’t know I’m Jen, a 42 year old female pharmacist who refused to let aging or genetics ruin my dreams of having slim toned body. As I got older the pounds of fat began to add up.
I knew it was unhealthy but I used to think it was impossible for me to transform my body. Nothing I did seemed to work fast enough or last. Some diets and certain types of work outs actually made me gain weight. Fat was still covering my muscles like blubber, even after having a personal trainer and sweating for hours at the gym. I was frustrated and ready to give up.
I’m not going to lie I wanted to “look” a certain way, not too muscular, but slender and noticeably healthy. I wanted to feel more youthful energy and after my divorce I wanted to catch the eye of a certain man as well. His past girlfriends were all in shape. So while insecurity partly drove my decision to change, ultimately I had to want to lose the weight for myself.

Not only did I need to lose weight but many people around me were spiraling out of control with their weight too. These were people close to me whose fat was actually making them sick.
Fat loss didn’t used to be my specialty. Mine was dispensing drugs to everyone whose fat was making them sick. Like my dad….He developed pre-diabetes, and then Type 2 Diabetes. Plus day after day I would dispense more and more drugs to patients, and I just wanted to say, “Hey if you lost the weight, you could probably get off these drugs.”
But who was I to say anything? I was overweight myself. Sure I could have given them all the sensible weight loss advice I had learned in school, but would that really be enough. It didn’t seem like enough for me.
After feeling helpless for so long, I started doing some research and soul searching, determined not only to lose my weight, but save my dad’s life, and help save the lives of everyone I could.
To do this I had to take a not so glamorous journey, where at the end I came back with the answers to my fat loss problems.
On my journey I uncovered what I call the “lost superfoods” and unusual spices which are part of an ancient Egyptian Fat Loss Secret.
These lost super foods and unusual spices totally transformed my body, gave me more energy than I had had in years, plus made me lose 60 lbs of unwanted fat!
Now I can:
- Keep the weight off because I know the right foods to eat
- Wear clothes that I haven’t worn in years
- Run and play with my daughter with ease
- Catch the eye of men my age and much younger
- Not worry that I am the next in line for Type 2 Diabetes
- And best of all wear my bikini again, (although I could use a tan)

But enough about me, this fat loss secret has now helped everyone I know including my dad lose weight faster and permanently.
And believe me my dad was as stubborn as they come about losing weight. He had every excuse in the book. He said in a country voice, “I’ve got to have my comfort foods now. I am an old man. There’s no reason for me to be starving myself.” Then he said something that really bothered me. He said, “I am going to die soon anyway.”
That broke my heart to hear. I couldn’t wait any longer to help my dad. So it was my mission to have fat loss that just plain works, is easy, and is permanent.
After I lost all my weight, I immediately flew home to show my dad. He was shocked to see my transformation. But I wasn’t there to brag, I was there to lead by example.
I told him that I had started using a Fat Loss Secret from Egypt that I discovered.
My dad is a smart man, smart enough to weasel out of anything, so naturally he was skeptical.
He asked, “So these lost super foods, are they expensive, and how do they taste?”
Telling my dad to eat food other than buffet food from the Cracker Barrel is like asking a asking a lion to eat grass.

I said, “Yes dad, it’s inexpensive and you mix the lost super foods in with smoothies and they all taste great. Plus they fill you up.”
My dad saw the concern on my face and finally agreed to try it out.
To my shock, he actually followed all of my instructions and lost 40 lbs of belly fat!!
When he showed me how much weight he lost. I was jumping up and down with excitement.
After that there was no stopping me. I wanted to share this fat loss secret with everyone. I was like a squirrel gathering acorns, trying to get the word out.
Now I am bringing it to you, so you can:
- Finally end your battle with weight
- Look your very best in your clothes
- Win back your health
- Ward off all the health complications that being overweight causes
- Turn heads with your new slimmer body
To tell you more about how and why this Fat Loss Secret works, I put together a video presentation that starts you on your path to a new slimmer you. Watch it now so you can start losing stubborn fat permanently.
(Be sure your speakers are on and click the play button to watch)
This information has transformed the way I understand fat loss forever. In fact, I honestly believe it will change your life. It definitely has changed my life. I finally have a slimmer body and I have this information to thank for it.
Thanks for reading. I hope you like the video and take action today to change your life.
All the best!
– Jen
P.S. If you want to finally lose stubborn fat and keep it off for good then you owe it to yourself to watch this unusual video that I put together. I think it’s the best resource out there. My father is living proof this works.