Growing your hair really long. It can be super frustrating!
It’s definitely not easy. And if you’re struggling to grow your hair out to exactly how long you want it to be, it can seem impossible.
Worry not! In fact, it’s not impossible.
With a little bit of hard work, attention to detail, and patience, you too can have the long, glorious hair that you’ve always wanted.
That’s not to say that it’s going to be easy though.
If you’re looking for a magic pill that will instantly wipe all your troubles away and grow your hair out super long overnight, you’re going to be disappointed.
Take The Quiz: What’s the best hair color for your skin tone?
However, if you take the time to learn what really does work, and apply these strategies consistently over time, you will get results.
All it takes is some persistence and attention to detail.
For the full explanation of how to grow your hair super long, read my article here.
If you don’t want to read the whole article, you’re in luck: that’s why I created this infographic!
It’s a handy reminder of everything to remember if you want to grow your hair out really long.
There are 13 secrets you need – and if you keep them all in mind and follow them, you can have the long hair you’ve always wanted.
The 13 Secrets For Really, Really Long Hair:
- Don’t brush your hair too much
- Make sure to try and avoid tangles
- Invest in quality products (see my article for the best products that I recommend)
- Sleep on a satin pillowcase (you’ll be surprised at how much difference it makes!)
- Gently brush your hair when wet – gentle is the key word!
- Don’t use towels violently, use them to gently dry your hair
- Eat a healthy diet to keep your hair healthy and strong
- Take hair vitamins and supplements to give your hair the nutrients it needs
- Limit heat styling and always use a good heat protectant
- Don’t use shampoo every time you get into the shower
- Use a deep conditioning mask to keep your hair as healthy as possible
- Trim your hair regularly (to avoid split ends and to keep it looking as amazing as possible)
- But… don’t cut your hair too often!
That’s it! Those are the 13 secrets to having super long hair.
Remember, if you want all my in depth recommendations and strategies, read the whole article.
Good luck!
Want to find out what’s the best hair color for your skin tone? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “What’s The Best Hair Color For Your Skin Tone?” Quiz right now and find out your best hair color…
Just use natural products like Maple Holistics.
very good
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