The Best Way To Get A Flat Belly In 4 Weeks

The Best Way To Get A Flat Belly In 4 Weeks

So you want to finally flatten your belly!

Getting a flat belly doesn’t have to take forever. It may feel like it takes forever because all the steps you’ve taken so far haven’t given you the results you’ve wanted.

Dieting here and there and exercising inconsistently is usually the problem. Also certain diet no-no’s like eating too much sodium or not eating enough fiber and protein can make your stomach look bloated.

more: The Best Natural Ways To Lose Belly Fat In One Week

Getting a flat belly in 4 weeks means you need to be consistent with the right kind of diet and right kind of exercise specific to the stomach area. Here you’ll find both.

Flat Belly Diet Dos and Don’ts

To have a flatter belly in 4 weeks:

Do… drink more water, eat a balanced diet of healthy carbs such as whole grains and fibrous vegetables like broccoli, increase your protein intake by eating lean meats or plant proteins like quinoa, and healthy fats such as avocado, salmon, and coconut oil.

Drink teas like peppermint or chamomile which are natural diuretics.

Eating yogurt that contains probiotics is also helpful.

more: 6 Easy Ways To Lose Belly Fat At Home

Eat smaller meals 6 times a day.

Don’t… drink carbonated soda, use artificial sweeteners like mannitol, sorbitol, or aspartame, smoke, chew gum (creates air in stomach), overdue alcohol, chocolate, salt, or coffee.

Try to avoid gluten whenever possible.

All of these make you bloated.

The Best Exercises For A Flat Belly

The flat belly exercises that you will do in the next 4 weeks take into account all the muscles in your stomach, not just those targeted by crunches.

Crunches are a one dimensional exercise meaning they only target the upper abdominals and to a lesser extent the lower abdominals.

more: Exactly How To Lose Belly Fat In 7 Days

To get a complete stomach workout, you need to target the lower abdominals, hip flexors, and the obliques. To do that you need exercises that work from multiple angles.

This is how I’ve seen clients get sculpted abs and keep them into their 50’s and beyond.

more: Losing Weight Is Easy When You Discover The Tools Here

Just pair the exercises I’m about to show you with 30 minutes of cardio 6 times a week and you’ll have a flatter belly fast.







1. Side Bend

Starting position: Sit on your right hip with your right leg bent in front of you and your right hand beneath your shoulder. Place your left foot flat on the floor just in front of your right foot so your left knee points to the ceiling. Rest your left arm on your left knee.

Movement: Pull your abdominals in and lift your hip off the floor, as you come up onto your right knee straighten your left leg and raise your left arm over your head to form a straight line with your body. Try to hold the position for 30 seconds. Then repeat on the other side.

Reps: Each side 3 reps of 30 seconds.

more: 19 Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast

2. Leg circles

Starting position: Lie down on your back with your legs extended straight along the floor. Raise one leg to the ceiling with toes pointed and hands palms down by your side.

Movement: Focus on a spot on the ceiling and make a small circle around it by moving your toe in a circular motion. Inhale as you make the circle and exhale when you complete the circle. Keep still and let your stomach muscles do the work. Do 12 circles and reverse direction and do 12 more. Repeat the set with the other leg.

more: Want To Know How To Lose Fat? Keep Reading!

Reps: Do 3 sets of 24 circles on each leg.

3. Criss Cross

Starting position: Lay down on your back with hands behind your head and chin up. Lift both legs into a 90 degree angle.


Movements: Extend your left leg out straight and slightly tuck in your right leg. At the same time, twist your torso and lift your back and shoulders off the floor as you try to touch your left elbow to your right knee. Inhale as you rotate your torso and exhale as you come back down. Switch legs and elbows and repeat on the opposite side. That completes one rep.

Reps: Do 12 reps, rest for 8 seconds, and repeat times 3.

more: The 21 Best Foods For Fast Weight Loss

4. Leg Kick

Starting Position: Lie on your right side with your legs extended out straight and together so you form a line with your body. Hold yourself up on your right elbow and forearm, lifting your torso off the floor. Balance with your left arm.

Movement: In a swift motion swing your top leg forward and kick, trying to extend as far as you can. Once extended, keep the kick there and pulse for 3 counts. So kick, kick, kick. Exhale as you kick and inhale after the 3 counts. After 3 counts swing your leg back to the starting position and repeat. One swing kick and 3 pulse kicks makes one rep. Do 12 reps without lowering your leg and then switch to the other side.

Reps: Do 3 sets of 12 reps on each side.

more: 10 Ways To Get A Flat Stomach

5. Toe dips

Starting Position: Lay down on your back with your legs up and bent at a 90 degree angle. Rest your hands at your sides with palms facing down. Press your lower back toward the floor and contract your abs.

Movement: Inhale and dip one toe and leg down for a count of 3 (down, down, down), moving only from your hip. Dip the toe but do not touch the floor with it or drop the leg all the way down. Exhale and raise your leg back to the starting position for a count of 3 up. Lifting the knee toward the stomach pulse up,up,up. Repeat on the other leg to complete one rep.

Reps: Do 12 reps

Flat Belly Diet Tip

Ramping up your digestion for the next 4 weeks is a sure fire way to flatten your belly.

more: 30 Great Flat Belly Tips

Your digestive system doesn’t just run perfectly without a little help. When your digestion is sluggish, you tend to hold onto toxins, fat, water, and gas.

Two key players that can improve your digestion are fiber and probiotics. Fiber helps move waste products out of the stomach and colon while probiotics help grow the “good bacteria” in your stomach.

more: Take The Quiz – Do You Know The Unique Veggies That Burn Abdominal Fat?

This good bacteria helps break down carbs, sugar, and dairy. This helps you lose weight and get rid of bloating.

Here is a recipe full of fiber and probiotics…

A Great Recipe To Reduce Bloating

Chia Fruit and Yogurt Bowl

Makes 2 servings

You simply can’t go wrong with this snack. It’s delicious and nutritious. It’s also a great substitute for donuts or cookies when you have a sugar attack.

more: How To Get A Flat Stomach Fast

You can also use any number of fruits, grains, or yogurts. Adding Chia seeds gives this fruit bowl a blast of protein that keeps you going for hours.

I use whatever fruits are in season, but I always add a berry of some sort because they are so high in antioxidants.

If you like, you can also add cinnamon which is great for burning fat, or cocoa which has a good source of calcium and magnesium. Talk about a supercharged snack.

  • 2 cups Greek Yogurt (low sugar)
  • 1 cup Oats
  • ½ cup blackberries
  • ¼ cup sliced almonds
  • ¼ cup grapes
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 1 small banana
  • ½ cup cantaloupe
  • 1 teaspoon Chia seeds

Spoon out about 2 cups of yogurt into a bowl or to-go container and then add the oats. Slice the banana and cut the cantaloupe into cubes. Place all the fruit on top of the yogurt and then sprinkle with the sliced almonds and Chia seeds

Final Flat Belly Note

Be consistent! The only way to make progress is to stick to a diet and exercise plan for consecutive days for the next 4 weeks.

But don’t stop there! Once your plan is in place, stay on it and become healthier and happier.

Good Luck!

In summary…

The Best Exercises To Get A Flat Belly In 4 Weeks

  1. Side bend
  2. Leg circles
  3. Criss cross
  4. Leg kick
  5. Toe dips

ways to get a flat belly in 4 weeks

32 comments… add one
  • wilembe sandrah September 22, 2020, 10:01 am

    Thanks so much for the healthy tips, Am so greatful, let me try.

  • David July 10, 2019, 6:12 am

    Thankss for sharing this awsm info….

  • kelly April 19, 2017, 12:01 am

    these sound great, i can maybe try these and see if it’s gonna work

  • pauline April 17, 2017, 11:45 am

    get in your best shape by doing effective exercise

  • jenna April 11, 2017, 1:42 pm

    careful with what you drink. don’t believe those so-called zero sugar/light sugar, etc

  • diana April 10, 2017, 12:20 pm

    1 month doesn’t sound so bad at all. i hope i can get this done

  • nerissa April 3, 2017, 1:25 pm

    i would love to start this exercise routine and lose this belly fat soon!

  • honey April 3, 2017, 11:20 am

    i’m trying these exercises tomorrow! thanks for the work out ideas

  • sofia March 23, 2017, 7:52 pm

    i will try these exercises to achieve a flat belly in no time.

  • kelsey March 22, 2017, 3:53 pm

    i go with greek yogurt topped with fresh fruits and some chia seeds.

  • trish March 20, 2017, 5:19 pm

    focus on drinking lots of water and less on sugar added/carbonated drinks and this will help you healthy and lose those belly fats

  • sharlyn March 15, 2017, 5:36 pm

    i would love to try these tips and see real results in 4weeks

  • marianne March 14, 2017, 5:42 pm

    women think it’s all exercise and work out. they do not realize that what they eat is actually more important in losing belly fat. this article is the perfect guide to be successful

  • sara lyn March 13, 2017, 7:05 pm

    i love everything about losing weight especially tricks on how to lose those belly fats

  • pia March 9, 2017, 6:50 pm

    i want a flat belly but i hardly have time for exercise

  • bernadette March 8, 2017, 12:21 pm

    i can’t wait to achieve a flat belly. after recovering from my operation and with my physician’s approval, i will start exercising again.

  • hailey March 6, 2017, 2:57 pm

    i’m so into these exercises and thanks for the reminder to be consistent. i have failed a lot of times before bec of inconsistency but i’m willing to work on that now.

  • ginnie March 5, 2017, 11:54 pm

    i would love to lose all the belly fat in no time, i think i’ll try these exercises

  • jessie March 1, 2017, 3:24 pm

    im dying to get a flat belly and this is just the perfect guide for me. thanks!

  • erika February 28, 2017, 2:43 pm

    i started the exercises and im feeling good about the idea. thanks!!!

  • Josephine February 24, 2017, 10:12 pm

    i love your flat belly tips, im pretty sure a lot of women will benefit from them

  • Carmel February 22, 2017, 11:07 pm

    i need to do this so i can achieve my fitness goal

  • Dyanne February 21, 2017, 1:39 am

    I will work on these exercises and look forward to a good result

  • genie February 16, 2017, 2:14 pm

    wow, i can do this just in time before attending my friend’s wedding next month. i love it! :)

  • bianca February 14, 2017, 7:15 pm

    all so true! thanks for the reminder, as always!

  • samantha February 13, 2017, 7:51 pm

    i can do 4weeks! i hope i could be as consistent as possible though!

  • gloria February 9, 2017, 7:10 pm

    these exercises are really effective especially if you’re eating a healthy diet

  • sandra February 7, 2017, 4:28 pm

    it really feels like forever! im thinking i have no hope anymore :(

  • kiara February 6, 2017, 4:19 pm

    i will do these exercises for sure! need to get back on shape for the summer. i will be in hawaii with my high school friends, so excited for this trip! :)

  • leanna January 25, 2017, 2:11 pm

    ill give these exercise a try! i so badly want to lose my belly fat.

  • juliet January 24, 2017, 7:14 pm

    i will start doing this soon. i just hope my schedule allows me soon!

  • shannon January 23, 2017, 10:51 pm

    definitely trying this for a flat belly in a month! need to look lovely and fit on VDAY!! <3

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