Asking questions regardless of how simple they are moves a relationship forward. The more you know about one another the closer you will be. Asking questions is just about the only way to bring your relationship to a more personal level.
Asking questions not only brings you to a more intimate connection with your boyfriend, it can also be fun, and stress relieving!
These questions are a perfect way to spark a conversation, no matter what you’re looking for, and give you some entertaining back and forth dialogue. These questions are supposed to evoke a “cute” or at the very least honest response from somebody.
MORE: 50 Great Questions To Ask A Guy
Take The Quiz: Is He Losing Interest?
If you get an honest answer from all of these questions, you’ll have a much better idea of what makes your man tick. So, start asking away and start having a good talk with your boyfriend!
Who is your least favorite celebrity and why?
Have you ever had a celebrity crush?
Why do you like me?
Have you ever missed me?
Would you ever go to space if you had the opportunity?
Would you move away with me?
If you could live in the universe of any book or movie what would it be?
MORE: Ask A Guy You Like These 20 Cute, Amazing Questions
Have you ever witnessed anything paranormal?
Who is the last person in the world you would want to be stranded on an island with?
What would be your dream vacation with me?
If you met an alien what would you do?
If you could drive any car what car would that be?
What’s your favorite moment with me?
If you had to watch one movie for the rest of your life what movie would that be?
MORE: 110 Questions to Ask your Boyfriend
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
What the most trouble you’ve ever been in with your parents?
Have you ever had any ridiculous fantasies about a relationship?
Have you ever seen anything super cringe-worthy?
What’s the cringiest thing we could do in public?
What’s one thing that’s makes you burst out laughing?
MORE: 55 Questions to Ask Your Crush – Everything You Need!
What’s your favorite type of animal?
What animal would you describe me as?
If you could be any animal what would you be?
What is the definition of a soulmate to you?
If you could have any superpower what would that be?
Do you have any weird family members?
What’s the funniest movie you’ve ever seen?
MORE: 225+ Amazing Questions to Ask a Guy: The Ultimate List
Who is your favorite character from a tv show?
Do I resemble a character from any tv show or movie?
Is there anything you find funny that you used to keep secret?
What was your favorite cartoon to watch as a kid?
Did you ever fail any subjects?
If you could be a billionaire what would you buy?
What’s the first thing you noticed about me?
What kind of kid were you in school?
MORE: 20 Questions to Ask a Guy You Like to Get Closer
Do you remember when we met?
What’s one thing about me you absolutely love?
Do you like giving nice big hugs?
What’s your view on pda?
Do you think it’s cute to kiss a girl on her forehead?
When did you first hold someone’s hand?
Have you ever written a poem or song for a girl?
Is there anything a girl can do that will make you automatically fall in love with her?
MORE: 100+ Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend
How many times have you dreamt about me?
How do you cheer someone up?
What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
Would you protect me if something happened?
Do you like buying me things?
Have you ever fallen asleep outside under the stars?
If you saw a shooting star what would your wish be?
If you could end one evil in this world what would that be?
MORE: 160 Good Questions to Ask your Boyfriend or Girlfriend
There you are! Ask these questions and be prepared for some great dialogue between you and your boyfriend! These questions are super fun and easy to ask. Don’t worry about some of the questions spinning off into some tangents, just let the conversation flow!
He is your boyfriend, after all, so he probably thinks you’re cute already!
Now, don’t think just because things are perfect right now that they will stay that way…
Don’t let your relationship fizzle out and die. Keep the flame lit with some of these cute questions. Don’t forget that there is always something more you can learn about your boyfriend that can deepen your relationship!
There are 2 big turning points every woman experiences in her relationships with men and they determine if you end up in a happy relationship or if it all ends in heartbreak.
So pay attention because the next step to take is vitally important. At some point he’s going to ask himself if you are the woman he wants to commit himself to for the long term…
Do you know how men determine if a woman is girlfriend material (the type of woman he commits himself to) or if he sees you as just a fling? If not, you need to read this next: The #1 Thing Men Desire In A Woman…
And the second big problem many women face: Do you feel he might be losing interest, going cold emotionally or pulling away? If so, then you need to read this right now or risk losing him forever: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This…
Want to find out if he’s really losing interest? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Is He Losing Interest” Quiz right now and find out if he’s really losing interest in you…
having a cute and amazing conversation with each other is what couples love to do. this is important to make a relationship healthy.
i like cute text messages that are also romantic. my guy never fails to send me these type of text messages because he knew that it will make me feel loved and inspired.
i like cute text messages that are also crazily romantic. my guy never fails to send me these type of text messages because he knew that it will make me feel loved and inspired.
it is never good to run out of things to say. these cute questions are great icebreakers! they will surely make both of us smile and stay in love.
i love asking my boyfriend what exactly makes his heart pound every time i get near him. he finds me very cute whenever i ask him that specific question.
now i have a list of cute questions i could ask him whenever i am bored! hahaha! you did a great job in posting this!
i can’t thank you enough for this wonderful and cute questions. i hope these will give me and my man something to talk about while learning a little more about each other.
i really want to know more about my crush and continue conversing with him. i found this article perfect for me! these are the best and cutest questions i could ask him!
i will make sure to ask my man every last question in this post. i will not skip any of them!
i already told my friends about your article and they liked it too! keep up the great work!
i love spending time with my boyfriend but sometimes i feel so bored especially if i am with him and he spends too much time playing games on his phone. i am thinking to have a nice Q & A session with him using these cute questions so that both of us will have a good time.
in a relationship, being curious is normal. asking questions can also help you form a connection with your special someone.
i love these questions! they are so great! can you please write more?
hey! this is a fantastic article! i have already bookmarked your excellent site. your posts about relationships will help me a lot.
we always talk about the day we first met and he still remembers every detail of it. i find it really cute when he mimics the look on my face when we first saw each other.
these questions are not only cute but also funny! my boyfriend said he likes the idea of me asking him these questions and also mentioned that nothing in this world can beat my cuteness! haha!
can i also ask this questions to a guy i like to catch his eye? i really want to know him more but i don’t know how to begin.
these are really cute questions! i actually asked my boyfriend some of these and i was shocked by his answers! we had a great time!
sometimes, couples really feel comfortable with each other and they tend to forget the little things, like the need to ask questions. this is a complete list of cute questions you can ask your boyfriend or husband to keep the spark going in your relationship.
our relationship is just new and so i was looking for the perfect cute questions i could ask my boyfriend to keep our love alive. i love this list! absolutely what i was looking for!
i am ready to ask my boyfriend these questions and i am also prepared for some dialogue between us! this is so exciting!
asking questions is normal, especially in a relationship because that is one way of getting to know each other better. some feel irritated when their partner ask them questions because they feel that they are being interrogated.
i need cute inquiries to ask my sweetheart and these are just perfect! i bet this will help me get to know him even better!
this is such a great list! my guy will definitely find these questions interesting and cute at the same time!
these questions are so cute! i really hope i will get an honest answer from my boyfriend if i ask him some of these.
i totally agree with this post. a simple question can really move a relationship forward. you can discover something new about your partner each day by simply asking questions.
i am in a new relationship and i have this desire to get to know my guy better. i can use these cute questions! i am sure he will be comfortable with them.
my boyfriend and i love asking each other cute questions like these. when we feel stress, we just sit down and talk about anything under the sun.
How many times have you dreamt about me? – this is my personal favorite! i will definitely ask my guy this one!
asking a guy what was his favorite cartoon to watch as a kid is really cute and it will definitely relive childhood memories that are fun to talk about.
i tried asking my boyfriend these questions and he was wondering where i got them. he said my questions are so cute!