All men are different, and certain men will obviously enjoy different questions more, but this article is going to give you options…
All men are different, and certain men will obviously enjoy different questions more, but this article is going to give you options…
Here’s the real story – breakups are messy. When two people break up, it’s almost a guarantee that they’ll both still have…
There is something about getting a text before you go to sleep at night can put a smile on your face and make you feel…
So you’re really into a guy, but you don’t know if he feels the same way. Or maybe you caught a guy checking you out and felt like you had a “moment” and you’re wondering if he’s actually interested, or if he was just bored and it’s all in your head. You may be asking [...]
You want to know the worst thing about what happens when a man starts to withdraw and become distant?…
We all love watching television, and the reason for that is our favorite television shows. These television shows come in multiple…
Liking someone is amazing when you know they want you back, and we aren’t just talking about romantically either. It’s a precious…
One of the most annoying things men do is to push you away, seemingly for no reason. Everything is great, until it isn’t anymore…
Have you ever been in a relationship where everything is great for a while, but then he just starts distancing himself, emotionally? It’s…
Break-ups are always difficult, and if you still love the other person (maybe they still love you, too), it’s even harder. But even with…
They say you can’t change someone else, you can always change yourself and control your own behavior. You can’t determine if…
Is there a guy you like, and you’ve been flirting with him and giving him signs, but you can’t figure out if he’s as into you as you are into…
Psychological research that has been carried out over the past century has proved that love can be controlled and changed according…
You’re so in love with him, but he just doesn’t seem to share your feelings. And if he does, he isn’t showing it. Can you do anything to…
Sometimes a guy will tell you straight out what they are thinking, but often you need to do a little observation of his subtle body language…
Everyone has insecurities, especially when it comes to figuring out if a guy is attracted to you or not. It is a question that can drive…
Why does anyone date or enter a relationship? Is it just sex? Of course not (well, maybe for some people but not most. For most…
You’ve been together for a while and you’re reasonably certain you love him, but does he love you back? Sometimes you think he…
Even though you’ve made it this far in life, figuring out someone else’s affection or lack thereof can be confusing. There are…
There are a few ways you can tell if someone likes you to take the guesswork out of knowing if a crush or someone you’ve even been…
He’s been on your radar for a while, but you aren’t sure if he likes you. You feel a little shy about making it obvious you’re liking his…
Do your relationships seem to end a little too quickly? Do your boyfriends seem to lose interest in the relationship soon after…
Asking questions regardless of how simple they are moves a relationship forward. The more you know about one another the…
Getting to know someone on a more personal level can be a tricky task. Not everyone wants to open up and getting certain people to…
How can you be sure that you and your partner are a good match? Being compatible is an extremely important part of any healthy long…
Whether it’s someone you like at work or someone you’ve met at a party recently, you always want to have a repertoire of good questions…
So, the first date is over, and it went well! Or at least, you think it did (enough for a second date to be happening). Most of the initial…
A first date can be nerve-wracking. There are almost certainly going to be some anxious feelings associated with any first date. There is…
Maybe you’re looking to deepen your relationship, or maybe you’re trying to hash out something unknown about your significant…
Remember asking weird questions can either come off as original and funny, or on the opposite end, can be cringe inducing…