9 Tricks For Getting Rid Of Stubborn Belly Fat For Good (FINALLY)

No doubt about it – extra belly fat sucks. From ruining the look of your favorite jeans to forcing you to remove outfits from…

6 Reasons Your Body Isn’t Burning Fat (Even Though It Should Be)

So you’re trying to get that ideal, toned body and not getting the results you want. Maybe you still have a stomach pooch that’s…

The Best 10 Exercises To Tone Your Butt

Do you just want a perfect butt and don’t know how to get it? Nothing beats having a perfect, toned butt…

Women! Get Toned And Strong With This Super Effective Workout Routine

This is the plan that will get you the sexy, toned body you want, without making you look bulky or masculine. Even if you tried, you couldn’t…

Burn 500 Calories In A Day With One Of These 21 Activities

If you’re looking for the best way to burn 500 calories every day, it depends on how much effort you want to put in and how much time you have…

Hate Running? Here's How To Learn To Like It

When I first started running voluntarily, I still hated it with every fiber of my being. However, after a little while of sticking with…

How Can I Get My Partner To Work Out With Me?

Out of all the reasons that relationships can fall apart and get ruined, fitness is near the top of the list…

6 Common Female Fitness Myths Exposed

With all the advice flying around on the internet when it comes to fitness, it’s easy to get confused and feel like it’s useless to try to…

7 Reasons Why You’re Working Out And Not Losing Weight

There is actually nothing more frustrating than torturing yourself, making sure you stick to a strict workout schedule and see NO results…

Effortless Ways To Lose Weight Without Trying

Putting these effortless weight loss tricks to work for you will cause the pounds to melt off way faster than they ever would…

7 Huge DON’TS For Any Fitness Class

There are a lot of huge benefits to working out in a group. You get a boost to your energy – you get to work in tandem with lots of other people who have…

Why Lower Intensity Workouts Are Great For Weight Loss

You DON’T have to do HIIT training in order to lose weight. According to recent research…

How to become a morning exerciser

Well, research has shown time and time again that morning exercisers…

6 Myths About Glute Training

There’s some misinformation out there about the best way to train your butt-area. So I’m going to dispel those…

Kettlebells: The Most Effective Way To Burn Calories

There’s a reason kettlebells are getting crazy popular… that has something to do with the amount of calories it burns…

The 6 Worst Exercises To Avoid At All Costs

So imagine if you’re exercising, torturing yourself and it’s for nothing? You might think you’re doing something good…

4 Week Squat Challenge Will Get You Fit

Whenever women come to me asking how to achieve their perfect body, I have one answer for them…

Best Exercises for Toned Arms

Ever feel embarrassed to wear a short sleeve shirt or… gasp… a tank top? You’re not alone…

You Should be Doing Way More Of These 5 Great Execises

So that’s why when you do go to the gym, you should make the most out of the time you have there. Plus, if you’re using your time more efficiently…

Benefits of Strength Training for Women

Too many women are afraid of lifting weights. They’re afraid they’ll gain “too much muscle” and won’t lose enough fat…

The Troubling Big Trend In Fitness That’s Not Healthy At All

It’s not so much about how you’re working out as it is about the attitude behind how you’re working out….