Want to know how great Vitamin A is? It’s a vitamin… and an antioxidant! And it helps your skin glow!
Whoaaaaaaaaaa… those are all good things!
Vitamin A has been shown to help prevent blindness at night, dry eyes, and eye inflammation as well as a host of other benefits for your body. Everyone should be eating more of it.
So here are 26 foods high in Vitamin A to keep you and your eyes healthy:

1. Red Pepper
Red pepper (aside from giving food an awesome extra kick and much more flavor) has a great amount of Vitamin A as well.
Just a tablespoon will give you 42% of your daily value.
2. Turkey Liver
Ever cook turkey for Thanksgiving and wonder what’s up with the bag of gibblets? Well, if you’re looking to make your stuffing or your gravy tastier – you can add turkey liver to it to make it incredible tasting. Oh, and also to give it a whopping 1500% of your daily value of Vitamin A – that’s insane!
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3. Carrots
Carrots are the first food that people think of when it comes to Vitamin A and eyesight, and they’re right. Just one carrot has over 200% of your daily value of Vitamin A, plus they’ve got other vital nutrients like Vitamins B, K, and C, as well as fiber and magnesium.
4. Mustard Greens
Mustard greens are great however you eat them, and it honestly doesn’t matter whether you prefer going raw or cooked. Plus – only one cup will give you 118% of your daily value of Vitamin A – plus manganese, folate, protein, calcium, fiber, and vitamin E. Not bad!

5. Peaches
no one should need more reasons to eat peaches. Peaches are the greatest thing. A peach on a hot summer day is pretty much the only reason to be alive.
If you need another, they’ve got 10% of your Vitamin A. But c’mon. You don’t need another reason.
6. Dried Apricots
These delicious fruits make an awesome on the go snack, plus they’re packed with nutrients and antioxidants. Eat a cup and get 94% of your daily Vitamin A.
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7. Dried Marjoram
Not too many people are adding this spice to their food – and if you’re not, you’re making a mistake. 100g of dried marjoram gives you 161% of your daily value of vitamin A – so spread it out over a few meals and enjoy!
8. Paprika
Paprika is an awesome way to spice up food and give it a delicious, unique flavor.
Just a tablespoon of it gives you 69% of your daily value of Vitamin A, plus additional nutrients like potassium, calcium, and Vitamin C.
9. Whole Milk
Whole milk is the preferred type of milk for a lot of people strictly on taste alone. It’s also got a ton of nutrients in it, like Vitamins D and A, plus protein, magnesium, and calcium.
10. Mangoes
What can’t mangoes do? You can eat them for breakfast, desert, as a meal – they do it all! They’ve also got a huge amount of the nutrients your body craves – just 1 cup will give you 35% of your Vitamin A for the day.

11. Spinach
Spinach is just straight up great for you, without question. It’s got Vitamin C, K, iron, manganese, calcium, oh yeah, and 50% of your daily value of Vitamin A.
12. Dandelion Greens
These nutrient packed greens are a welcome addition to any salad, and give your body exactly what it needs to stay healthy. Just one cup has more than 100% of your daily value of Vitamin A.
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13. Butternut Squash
Butternut squash looks yellow-orange, which is a sure sign that it’s got beta-carotene – the nutrient your body converts into Vitamin A. Just one cup of the delicious squash has over 400% of your daily value of Vitamin A, plus Vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.

14. Tomatoes
C’mon. You don’t need more reasons to eat tomatoes.
Tomatoes are awesome. Plus, one tomato gives you 20% of your Vitamin A, plus Vitamin C and lycopene.
15. Papaya
Papaya has got a ton of vital nutrients and minerals, as well as antioxidants and enzymes. From one papaya you get 29% of your daily value of Vitamin A.
16. Red Bell Peppers
Can’t go wrong with red bell peppers in pretty much any meal, and they give you tons of nutrients to boot. Eat them for lycopene, Vitamin C, and 75% of your vitamin A.
17. Beef Liver
Liver is great for you – even if you don’t feel like eating it. It’s got Vitamin C and Vitamin A – a massive amount in fact. Just 100 grams gives you 300% of your Vitamin A for the day.
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18. Iceberg Lettuce
When people want to go healthy with greens, they usually go for spinach. However, they’re missing out on a ton of Vitamin A from iceberg lettuce. One cup gives you 10% of your daily value, plus other great vitamins and minerals.
19. Sweet Potatoes
ok , I’m going to come right out and say it: sweet potatoes are delicious . They’ve also got an amazing 438% of your daily value of Vitamin A. No brainer.
20. Cod Liver Oil
Fish oil supplements are becoming more and more popular, and with good reason – they’re a great source of nutrients for your body. They’ve got Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and omega 3 fatty acids in spades.

21. Fortified Oatmeal
This tasty breakfast option is also a great source for Vitamins D and A, as well as a great way to start your day. You get 29% of your daily value of Vitamin A from a one cup serving.
22. Dried Basil
Dried basil is a great addition to pretty much any food to bring out flavors and make it more yummy, and 100g of dried basil will give you 15% of your Vitamin A. Spread it out and enjoy!
23. Kale
Being that kale is considered a “superfood”, there’s no surprise here that it’s got a massive amount of Vitamin A. Just a cup has over 200% of your daily value.
24. Cantaloupe
The good news here is that a good cantaloupe is delicious . The better news is that even if your cantaloupe isn’t the ripest, it’s still got a ton of Vitamin A – a 1/8th of a cantaloupe contains 120% of your daily value.
25. Peas
Know what are delicious? Sweet green peas. You know what’s high in Vitamin A? Sweet green peas. Just a half cup gives you 134% of your daily value, plus Vitamins B, K, and C.
26. Turnip Greens
These dark leafy greens are awesome in any diet – but unlike other leafy greens, they’re best cooked instead of raw. Try steaming them to get the highest amount of nutrients per serving.
In summary…
The Best Vitamin A Rich Foods
- Red pepper
- Turkey liver
- Carrots
- Mustard greens
- Peaches
- Dried apricots
- Dried marjoram
- Paprika
- Whole milk
- Mangoes
- Spinach
- Dandelion greens
- Butternut squash
- Tomatoes
- Papaya
- Red bell peppers
- Beef liver
- Iceberg lettuce
- Sweet potatoes
- Cod liver oil
- Fortified oatmeal
- Dried basil
- Kale
- Cantaloupe
- Peas
- Turnip greens
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Many people favor whole milk over skim milk for its many nutrients and rich taste. A cup of whole milk is high in Vitamins D and A, and it’s a good source of calcium, protein, and magnesium.
One of the best things about being a vegetarian is the fact that more of the foods like these become more common place for me.
Getting your vitamins from natural sources is so good for your body. I have some deficiencies so I take multi-vitamins ALSO. This is a great list worth keeping for reference.
My husband and I were just talking about vitamin A the other day. Now I can show him this list and how it will help us out!
Totally, it is a great list to have as a reference file on the fridge or wherever.
Great list. People that are always taking supplements should know that these goods will do the same for them. On the bonus side, they will be eating better as well!
Hmm, Dried Marjoram is new to me. I never heard of it before, but now I am curious about it.
Awesome. My doctor says I should take in more vitamin A to see if it will help with my dry skin. It is worth a try since these foods are very good for you!
Wow, turkey liver just became a super food :) 1500% of your vitamin A intake, that is crazy. With all of these great foods to eat, you could have the best skin around by eating just a few of these each day.
Wow, great tips! I never realized how important vitamin A is for the way your skin looks. Thanks!
I agree. This is a great list if you are concerned about your skin health!
Fruits and veggies are the best for your skin without a doubt. There are a couple on this list that I would not have really thought about when talking about skin related health.
Lots of fruits on this list. You cannot go wrong with that!
Throw a bunch of these together and you have one of my favorite types of salad!
I have never heard of Dried Marjoram. With that much vitamin A, it is totally worth checking it out. But, where do I buy this from?
Thank you for posting these awesome diet tips. They are very helpful!
I always felt that my skin looked its best when I ate fruit on a regular basis. This is a very good list of foods that will help your skin and eyes in the long run!
I have noticed the same thing. My skin looked great, no breakouts and way less oily than normal. These are awesome tips.
This is awesome. You can get so much for your body by just eating these foods. Most of them are high in vitamin A, but they are also high in other things that your body needs!
Wow, mustard greens are THAT good for you? I never realized that!
I know, right? Some of this list is just amazing and it is great to know what is good for your body!
I was not aware that Vitamin A does this for your body. Great, I love to learn new things!
I know! That is so healthy for you and the list contains most of the foods that I have tried AND liked before!
Awesome, i always felt weird about how my eyes looked and I would like to maintain them the best that I can. This list should be a good start!
Vitamin A does many things and as you can see, most of the foods that it is found in you can buy without even leaving the produce department.
Exactly and the experts say that is the best place to shop any ways!
So many good foods on this list, it is really hard to know where to start.
That is what I thought, at first. So, with that being said, I am going to start at the top and work my way down. Seems easy enough, right?
Again, so many benefits from eating a few healthy things per day. I hope there are some people out there that learn from this!
Growing up is was always about the carrots. I never knew ALL of these could really help your eyes. Great post!
wow, this is a great list. the best part is that there is a major variety here and you can choose any of them if needed to fill in on your diet. great pick!
Awesome list! All of these foods are healthy additions to any meal. I am going to pass this one along.