Why is getting a flat, perfect stomach so toned you can wear a bikini so hard? If you asked women what’s at the top of their lookin’ good wish list – most (if not the vast majority) would say they want a toned, flat stomach.
Which is why it’s so surprising to me that women have no idea how to get one. I mean, if you ask most women how to get a flat stomach, they’ll probably tell you that you should do crunches. Crunches! Crunches are not the way to a flat stomach (1).
The problem with crunches is that they exercise the muscles on the front and sides of your stomach only – instead of all the muscles in your core that go towards making your stomach flat and toned.
If you want to get rid of belly fat and get toned abs, then this series of exercises is for you. These stabilization exercises (2) work on your core muscles to improve posture, burn calories, and shred fat.
So here’s exactly what to do (instead of crunches) to burn belly fat and get the flat stomach you want:
Flat Stomach Exercise #1: Plank On Your Side
This exercise is great for toning your muscles and getting you a flat stomach – and doing it in the shortest time possible.
Now, it’s true – this is even harder than doing a normal plank (which is amazing for your body anyway). Since you’re supporting your weight on two supports instead of the 4 in a normal plank, your core has to work harder to keep you upright – and that translates into more calories burned and more defined muscles.
What To Do:
Lie down on your side – we’ll say the right side at first – keeping your right elbow directly beneath your shoulder and your left leg directly on top of your right leg. Keep your left hand either on your right shoulder or at your left hip.
Next, flex your abs and lift your hips up off the floor. You want to be balancing on your forearm and feet only – no other part of your body should be touching the ground, and your body should look like a straight line.
Try staying in that position for 30 to 45 seconds. You’ll feel the burn! If that’s too long, go as long as you can, then rest and repeat it.
Flat Stomach Exercise #2: Pushup Position Walkouts
This exercise has you moving and exercising your entire body (3)something that not many exercises can boast.
You’ll be using your arms and legs to keep yourself upright, and you’ll also be training and strengthening your entire core to make yourself stronger and have yourself looking amazing. This will burn belly fat on your body – especially if you think your body isn’t burning fat when it’s supposed to be .
What To Do:
To begin, get into the basic pushup position. You want to keep your hands 2 inches outside your shoulders for this to be most effective.
Next, use your hands to walk out as far as you can possibly go, then walk back. You’re looking for slow, controlled movements here, and most of all to keep your body totally stable and balanced. You want to do 10-14 reps of this.
If you want to make this exercise more difficult and burn more calories (as well as get a better workout), lift up one of your legs before you walk yourself out and back on your hands.
Flat Stomach Exercise #3: The Core Furnace
This exercise is great for your core – because it will have to work so hard to keep your body stable and upright. You’re going to be dragging yourself along the floor, which means that you’ll burn way more calories and get yourself feeling super strong.
What To Do:
Pick a spot that allows you to go 10-15 yards straight ahead without hitting anything. Next, find something that will slide across your floor with no friction – think towels on hardwood or plastic bags on carpet.
Next, get into the pushup position that we talked about in exercise #2, and put your feet on top of whatever you’re using to slide, towels or bags.
Now, walk forward on your hands while dragging your feet behind you until you’ve gone at least 10 yards (try going for 20 if you can). Then, take one minute to rest before repeating the exercise back to where you started. Repeat that twice and see results fast!
In summary…
The Best Abs Workout To Lose Belly Fat
- Don’t do crunches, they aren’t as efficient as other exercises
- Do planks on your side
- Do pushup position walkouts
- Try “the core furnace” to burn fat fast
LOVE this workout. My abs never looked or felt so good!
Best workout you can do. I have it planned into my weekly routine ALL the time. It is the one type of exercise that I never replace.
I am with most of the people here. The crunches and the side plank are the best option. You are going to be shocked once you see the results with those exercises!
My abs look great, according to my husband and friends, but these are things that do NOT happen over night by any means. These workouts are a great place to start!
Ab workouts are something that I feel are the best. My lower back also benefits and that is the best part.
My back feels better when I do them as well.
Crunches, crunches and more crunches, right? There are like 50 varieties of this exercise and if you can master a few of them, your midsection is going to look badass.
When it comes to losing that belly fat and showing off your abs, there are a few exercises that I know work great. One is the plank, or the side one like this and the other is bicycle crunches. Those two work wonders for me.
Who wants to lose that nasty belly fat? We ALL do! This exercise will kick your butt, but when you master it, you will be smoking hot!
And the guys like it that is for sure!
Planks suck there is nothing more to that, but I know they work. If you want a toned stomach and NO love handles, that is the way to go. Become a master and WOW the guys!
I have been dealing with this type of fat for many years. I sometimes think I have it under control, but then that changes the next month. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
I understand how push ups work your body, but I find that when I do them, it hurts my elbows and wrists. That is not a good thing to continue.
I love this workout! You are doing a major service to your core and if you can master the different types of plank exercises, then you can get toned very quickly!
I do too! It is so hard to get used to, but once you have it down, the results are always top of the line!
Planks are not fun. BUT, I always tell myself when I do them that workouts are not FUN, they are WORK. Great tips!
I like to workout. I have been thin my whole life, but there is a little belly fat sneaking up on me. DO I need to follow these tips only?
The core furnace is something that I have been doing more. I love the way it makes me feel!
I love working out my abs. They feel so good after I get to stretch it out.
Hmm, plank on my side. I never really thought about that one, but I can see how it would be a great workout for my stomach!