The 12 Fastest, Easiest Ways To Lose Thigh Fat

The 12 Fastest, Easiest Ways To Lose Thigh Fat

Wish you could just lose your thigh fat already?

I mean what’s taking so long, right? You keep trying and it just hangs on for dear life.

Don’t feel bad, most women get aggravated over this same trouble spot. Unfortunately there’s no magic way to lose fat in just that one area because when you burn fat, you burn it from all over your body.

However, you can work on toning the thigh area while you’re burning fat. Learning how to tone your body is just one quick way to get into your skinny jeans faster, but there are other ways too.

We’ve complied at least 12 quick ways to lose thigh fat as fast as possible, so you can say good riddance to it once and for all. Check it out …

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The 12 Easiest And Fastest Ways To Lose Thigh Fat

1. Remember To Eat Breakfast!

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. What you eat in the morning will fuel your entire day, and set the mood for how you feel.

If you wake up and eat junk, that is what your body will crave the entire day. However, if you wake up and eat a nourishing and healthy breakfast, your body will crave healthy foods throughout the day.

A healthy breakfast will give you energy to get through your workouts. Don’t eat super sugary breakfasts such as processed cereals or pop tarts.

Instead, eat a filling breakfast packed with lots of protein which will help your body when you’re trying to build muscle.

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2. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep helps immensely with weight loss. If you are eating healthy and exercising, but still not seeing the results you want, take a look at your sleeping habits.

If you are staying up until 1, 2, 3am, that can have a negative effect on your weight loss. When you are sleeping, your body has time to rest and digest your food.

If you are up for late hours, you will likely get hungry and eat something at night, which could lead to weight gain.

more: This Makes Getting Rid Of Belly Fat A Snap – Check It Out!

3. Do More Cardio

Cardio is amazing for overall fat loss because you burn loads of calories this way. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight.

Cardio also boosts your metabolism and helps you gain muscle, which will automatically force your body to burn more calories even at a resting rate.

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In the process of doing cardio, you also strengthen your thighs and tone them. Some very effective cardio exercises include jogging, stair climbing, and biking.

Aim to do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. One 30 minute cardio session of biking can burn 315 calories!

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4. Small Snacks Help a Lot

Whenever you feel hungry, instead of ignoring that hunger, eat a small snack. Eating a small snack when you feel hungry will stop you from overeating and possibly binging later on in the day.

As long as you make sure that your snacks are under 175 calories, you can even have a snack twice a day without it having any negative effect on your weight loss.

Fruits and vegetables make the best snacks, because they are naturally so low in calories. Eating one apple only has 80 calories. They are also full of water and fiber, so they tide you over until your next meal.

Carrots and celery with hummus is also a great snack idea, and apart from apples, some other great fruits to snack on are grapes, berries, and bananas.

5. Cut Down On Sodium

Consuming high amounts of sodium causes weight gain in the form of water retention. If you are eating above 2000mg of salt a day, you are probably carrying around at least 10-15 pounds of water weight.

Once you try eating a diet lower in sodium, the water weight will come off. Instead of sprinkling your food with salt and using salt while cooking, try using different spices for flavor such as garlic powder, onion powder, and celery salt.

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6. Don’t Forget The Muscle

When you finally lose that layer of fat, you will uncover what’s underneath … muscles!

You want your muscles to look toned and sexy. The more you exercise, the better your legs and thighs will look.

Lunges and squats are great ways to sculpt your thighs and glutes.

7. Don’t Stress Yourself

Stress is terrible for weight loss.

When you are stressed, your body produces a hormone called cortisol, which is hormone released during stress. Cortisol affects the body negatively and hinders weight loss.

Avoid the negative effects of cortisol by remembering to kick back and de-stress every once in a while!

more: 10 Relaxation Techniques That Quickly Relieve Stress

8. Keep A Meal Diary

Every time you eat something, write it down in a meal diary, or a journal. Writing down what you eat has been proven to help keep people on track.

When you see everything that you are eating written down in front of you, it makes you motivated to continue eating healthy. If you know that every time you eat something bad, you have to write it down, that can make you refrain from eating it.

In order to lose weight, you do need a caloric deficit. If you cut out around 600 calories a day, you will lose weight.

It doesn’t have to all come from food though- for example, 300 of those calories could come from exercise, and 300 can come from diet. You just need to make certain that you will not be dipping below 1200 calories a day for women, and 1800 calories a day for men.

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9. Do Not Calorie Restrict

Creating a slight caloric deficit is important, but it’s not the same as calorie restricting. Eating anything below 1200 calories a day for women, and 1800 calories a day for men is considered calorie restricting.

Once you go below these numbers, your body will go into starvation mode, and hold onto fat. This will prevent you from losing weight and seeing results.

A scientific study posted in the US National Library of Medicine called Low Calorie Dieting Increases Cortisol found that calorie restriction only hinders weight loss.

10. Make Sure To Drink Lots Of Water

Water is amazing for weight loss. You burn more calories when you drink water through a process called resting energy expenditure.

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Water also helps move everything along in your body and helps you have regular bowel movements, which in turn will make you feel lighter and less bloated.

When you drink water you flush out all toxins and help get rid of extra water weight on your body (because your body will no longer have to hold onto water if you’re constantly drinking it).

more: How To Lose Inner Thigh Fat

11. Embrace the Incline

Try to include an incline in your exercise routine. You can easily do this by running or biking up hills, running up flights of stairs, or doing an incline on the treadmill.

When you exercise on an incline, it builds more muscles in your thighs, calves, and glutes than if you were walking on a flat surface. You also have to work harder to exercise on an incline, meaning you will burn more calories, and overall get a better work out.

According to a scientific study called A Paradigm of Uphill Running posted in plos One, inclines are the most advantageous for weightless. The higher the incline, the more benefits you will receive. Try to do an incline of around 15% for maximum benefits.

more: How To Lose Thigh Fat Without Gaining Muscle

12. Realize You Can Only Do So Much

In the end, genetics is what determines where your excess fat goes on your body. For a lot of people, it’s their thighs. You can’t fight your genetics, but you can work with them and do the best that you can.

If you are dieting, exercising, eating right, sleeping enough, and have a healthy lifestyle overall, you are doing all that you can do.

You should feel good about the fact that you’re trying, and make sure to also focus on the parts of your body that you love, not just the ones that you want to change!

In summary…

These Are The Best Ways To Lose Thigh Fat

  1. Remember to eat breakfast
  2. Get enough sleep
  3. Do more cardio
  4. Small snacks help a lot
  5. Cut down on sodium
  6. Don’t forget the muscle
  7. Don’t stress yourself
  8. Keep a meal diary
  9. Do not calorie restrict
  10. Make sure to drink lots of water
  11. Embrace the incline
  12. Realize you can only do so much
31 comments… add one
  • Hester July 9, 2017, 10:16 pm

    Cindy, I hope you know that you and Bill are my family and I am so so sorry for your loss. Bill is a great man and I enyejod all the time I spent with you and him. Remeber you have lots of people who love you and will always be ther for you. Love ya.

  • sheena April 21, 2017, 12:00 am

    oh, how i hate my thighs! im going to try these tips and let you know if there will be a difference

  • christina April 19, 2017, 4:35 pm

    more cardio for me then. thanks!

  • sue April 18, 2017, 11:57 pm

    i can’t wait to see the final results soon, im just so excited!

  • letty April 11, 2017, 1:27 pm

    i’m going to follow your advice and hopefully i get results soon

  • ashley April 10, 2017, 11:28 am

    Thanks for your kind reminders. I’ll be more mindful

  • dorothy April 5, 2017, 6:42 pm

    focus more on cardio’ll soon feel and see the improvements on your body

  • bianca April 4, 2017, 11:37 pm

    im gonna do this, i hate my thigh fat!:(

  • misha April 3, 2017, 12:25 pm

    make sure to eat a healthy breakfast and get enough sleep at night

  • iyana April 3, 2017, 10:42 am

    good thing i have skinny legs, this is not my problem at all

  • jordyn March 23, 2017, 9:34 pm

    i always thought restricting calories will do the magic. thanks for the info

  • peggy March 22, 2017, 4:04 pm

    thank you for helpful tips like these, i really want to have sexy thighs

  • abigail March 16, 2017, 7:53 pm

    one of the many parts a woman can lose confidence with is this. thanks for your article!

  • melanie March 15, 2017, 7:13 pm

    i’ve started eating healthy. i guess i just need to do exercises to really lose thigh fat. thanks for this reminders.

  • karla March 14, 2017, 7:05 pm

    absolutely right with eating small snacks and make sure it’s healthy

  • serena March 13, 2017, 4:15 pm

    this is just the perfect info i need for my cousin’s wedding where i would need to be fit for my lovely dress

  • shirley March 9, 2017, 6:43 pm

    yes, tons of water to drink all day!

  • thelma March 8, 2017, 8:27 pm

    i will surely need to do more cardio

  • lorraine March 7, 2017, 1:49 pm

    i remember struggling because of my big thighs..i did a lot of cardio, running and uphill activities. these made me lose weight and tighten my problems areas especially in my thighs

  • aria March 6, 2017, 1:33 pm

    definitely do lunges and squats, best way to lose those thigh fats

  • rhea March 5, 2017, 11:50 pm

    keeping a meal diary and following them is a must in trying to lose weight

  • sharon March 3, 2017, 3:19 pm

    drinking lots of water is definitely a must, whether you’re on a strict diet or not it will help losing fats

  • pauleen March 1, 2017, 12:56 pm

    great stuff that really helps in so many ways

  • maxene February 28, 2017, 4:46 pm

    i really would like to lose thigh fat, i can’t wait for summer

  • adrienne February 27, 2017, 2:17 pm

    i will try running up on stairs instead of my usual runs around the park

  • maggie February 24, 2017, 8:57 pm

    i love posts like this, especially that it is concentrated on body parts that need more attention

  • Melanie February 22, 2017, 2:01 pm

    For any part of the body you want to have fit and sexy, these are all going to work.

  • mariel February 20, 2017, 7:23 pm

    do some leg exercises and try climbing up instead of just the usual jog or run.

  • maria February 19, 2017, 3:10 am

    you definitely have a point. and yes, stress is your enemy.

  • criselda February 16, 2017, 12:50 pm

    i will try these tips you’ve shared.

  • tara February 14, 2017, 6:29 pm

    definitely cut down on sodium, i have had this problem before and wouldn’t want to experience it again

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