Even though you’ve made it this far in life, figuring out someone else’s affection or lack thereof can be confusing.
There are 27 ways a grown-up can tell if someone else likes them or not.
You can read the 27 points first, and then we’ll discuss them in more detail so you’ll have more insight into each item.
MORE: Exactly How To Know FOR SURE If A Guy Likes You
1. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Vulnerable.
2. They Send You Texts Just to Say Hello.
3. They Display Positive Body Language.
4. They Try to Shield You from Danger.
5. They Show Up with Their Friends to Meet You and Your Friends.
6. They Look Deeply Into Your Eyes.
7. They Move Physically Closer to You No Matter Where You Are.
8. They Act Differently Around You.
MORE: Exactly How To Tell If A Guy Likes You At Work: 16 Giveaway Signs
Take The Quiz: Does He Like You?
9. They Actively Comment or Like Your Social Media Posts.
10. They Compliment Your Achievements.
11. They Laugh at Your Jokes.
12. He or She Acts in Affectionate Ways.
13. They Always Follow Up with You.
14. They Put Their Phone Away and Give You Their Undivided Attention.
15. They Remember Passing Details About You.
16. They Use Any Possible Chance to Insinuate Sexuality into Your Conversation.
MORE: The Biggest Signs A Guy Likes You More Than A Friend
17. They Attempt to Spend More Time with You.
18. They Initiate Conversation with You.
19. They Open Up About Their Lives to You.
20. They Constantly Groom Themselves in Your Presence.
21. They Dress Differently Around You.
22. They Try to Make You Laugh.
23. They Notice and Comment on Your Physical Appearance.
24. He or She Attempts to Find More About What Interests You.
MORE: Is He Into Me? 8 Huge Signs He’s Into You And Likes You
25. His or Her Friends Take an Interest in You.
26. They Try to Fix Your Problems.
27. They Are Awkward Around You.
Now let’s break these down and see what is really going on when someone likes you.
1. Don’t be Afraid to be Vulnerable. Before you worry about whether someone likes you, know that it’s safe to let down your guard. If you don’t take a chance, allow yourself to be vulnerable, and let someone in, then you can’t experience love. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Do you want to go to your grave never having even given love a chance, or even multiple chances, if there’s even the slightest possibility that you could be experiencing unbound enjoy in a relationship with another human being? We didn’t think so.
2. They Send You Texts Just to Say Hello. In the age of constant access sometimes the easiest and most non-threatening way to show interest is a simple hello via text. If they get a positive response from a simple hello and they try to take the conversation further, this is an additional sign that they like you.
3. They Display Positive Body Language. When someone is interested in you, their communication will non-verbally indicate this is so. They will try to touch you, place their body in proximity to you, or steal glances at you when they think you aren’t paying attention. Women will cross their legs in the direction of their interest, or uncross them completely. He body language will be open, perhaps even exposing her wrist or her neck. A man will stand confidently, trying to come off as brave and strong, or turn to face her.
4. They Try to Shield You from Danger. When a man in particular, is interested in a woman, his body language will tend to be on the protective side. He will try to shield you from oncoming cars, the looks of other men, or even unwanted attention from friends or co-workers. He may also defend you verbally if someone talks negatively about you.
5. They Show Up with Their Friends to Meet You and Your Friends. When someone likes you they may want their crew with them as emotional back up. They gain self-confidence and emotional stability by being around people who have already proven that they are likable and desirable to be around. They can also ease feelings of self-consciousness and vulnerability by keeping their friends close by. They may also secretly want to see if your friends and their friends can get along.
6. They Look Deeply Into Your Eyes. When someone likes you they can’t look away. It’s like watching a car wreck, only in a positive way. They may look deep into your eyes even if you’ve just met them as if they are looking for something utterly compelling.
MORE: Exactly How to Know If a Guy Likes You FOR SURE
7. They Move Physically Closer to You No Matter Where You Are. It doesn’t matter if you are at a party, an office board meeting, your kid’s school performance, or some other place. They will physically move closer to you when they like you. This is true even if they’ve never uttered a word to you before.
8. They Act Differently Around You. If you notice that they act completely different around you (more gregarious, more shy, just outside the norm in any way) they may like you. Sometimes they may act bigger and louder to get your attention, or if they are shy, they may shrink into themselves for fear of being rejected or their affections being discovered.
9. They Actively Comment or Like Your Social Media Posts. When someone wants to get to know you better, and they seek your attention, they will get more involved in your social media streams, professional and personal, alike.
10. They Compliment Your Achievements. If they are the first one to congratulate you on a raise, your first week sticking to a new diet, or managing to go on a vacation to a far away place, then they like you.
11. They Laugh at Your Jokes. Even if you don’t fancy yourself a funny person, if you find that someone is always laughing at your jokes, or quirky things you say, they like you.
12. He or She Acts in Affectionate Ways. When they do overtly affectionate things like bring you lunch, compliment your presentation, run interference for you, or even blow you a joking kiss, they like you.
MORE: 5 Telltale Signs He Likes You
13. They Always Follow Up with You. If you mention that you need to get your car washed or that you need to pick up your dry cleaning, they’ll ask you about those things the next time they see you, even though they are inconsequential.
14. They Put Their Phone Away and Give You Their Undivided Attention. When someone puts their phone away in this day and age, then they definitely like you. It means they don’t want to be distracted by work, friends, or anything else. They just want to be with you.
15. They Remember Passing Details About You. If you mention something in passing and he or she remembers days or even weeks later, then they like you. They are likely hanging on your every word.
16. They Use Any Possible Chance to Insinuate Sexuality into Your Conversation. Though this may not happen in the workplace because it is inappropriate, you may find that they make sexually connoted jokes or refer to human sexuality as way to test the waters with you. This is particularly true if they find you sexually attractive.
17. They Attempt to Spend More Time with You. If they try to spend more time with you then they likely are infatuated. This includes rearranging their schedule or turning down social engagements with friends or family commitments to be with you instead.
18. They Initiate Conversation with You. When someone likes you, they will try to talk to you, even if it is about mundane things like the weather. Any initiation of conversation is a sure sign that they like you. With someone that they weren’t interested in, they wouldn’t take the time or chance being snubbed.
MORE: 15 Obvious Signs A Guy Likes You (According To Dudes)
19. They Open Up About Their Lives to You. When someone shares intimate details about their lives with you, it means they trust you and that they are seeking a deeper level of connection. They may do so in hopes that you open up more to them too.
20. They Constantly Groom Themselves in Your Presence. When a woman plays with a lock of her hair, or a man constantly adjusts his baseball cap, it is a subconscious signal that they like you. We groom ourselves just like Bonobo monkeys groom each other – to establish connection and communication and to signal sexual interest.
21. They Dress Differently Around You. If someone starts taking extra care in their attire, their haircut or their makeup it means they like you. No one spends an extra $400 on a suit or a new dress if they don’t think it is going to get noticed by the person they are attracted to.
22. They Try to Make You Laugh. When someone wants to get your attention, they will try to make you laugh. Men, in particular will do this to help melt the walls women usually have up when assessing a potential mate. If they can make you laugh, then they know they’re as good as “in.”
23. They Notice and Comment on Your Physical Appearance. If you changed your look in any way and they notice, it means they like you. If you get a new haircut, wear a new tie, or start wearing a different perfume and they don’t bat an eye, the opposite is true.
24. He or She Attempts to Find More About What Interests You. When someone wants to know what makes you tick, or what your hobbies and interests are, they like you and want to get to know you better.
MORE: Does He Like Me? 10 Signs the Feelings are Mutual
25. His or Her Friends Take an Interest in You. Sometimes a person will confide to their friends that they are interested in someone without revealing it to that person directly. Their friends then start doing detective work to find out more about you and to assess whether you may have an interest in their buddy or girlfriend, too.
26. They Try to Fix Your Problems. When someone tries to make your life easier, or ease your burdens, then they like you. If they open doors, carry books or your briefcase, offer to pay for lunch, etc. then it’s a sure sign they are interested.
27. They Are Awkward Around You. Introverts or more shy people may act less confident instead of more confident when they are feeling interested in another person. You’ll know an introvert likes you when they act awkward, shy, blush, or stumble when they try to talk to you, or they just won’t talk to you at all. All the while they will still try to be around you.
This article shows you all the best ways to tell if a guy likes you, now in any relationship I’ve found there are 2 pivotal moments that determine if your relationship ends in heartbreak or you get to live happily ever after so it’s vitally important that you take the next step and read this right now, because at some point the man you want is going to ask himself: Is this the woman I should commit to for the long term? That answer determines everything…
Do you know how men determine if a woman is girlfriend material (the type of woman he commits himself to) or if he sees you as just a fling? If not you need to read this next: The #1 Thing Men Desire In A Woman…
The second problem almost all women experience: At some point he starts to lose interest. He doesn’t call you back or he becomes emotionally closed off. He seems like he’s losing interest or pulling away – do you know what to do? If not you’re putting your relationship and the future of your love life in great danger, read this now or risk losing him forever: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This…
Want to find out if he really likes you? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Does He Like You” Quiz right now and find out once and for all if he likes you…
Take The Quiz: Does He Like You?
In summary…
- Don’t Be Afraid to Be Vulnerable.
- They Send You Texts Just to Say Hello.
- They Display Positive Body Language.
- They Try to Shield You from Danger.
- They Show Up with Their Friends to Meet You and Your Friends.
- They Look Deeply Into Your Eyes.
- They Move Physically Closer to You No Matter Where You Are.
- They Act Differently Around You.
- They Actively Comment or Like Your Social Media Posts.
- They Compliment Your Achievements.
- They Laugh at Your Jokes.
- He or She Acts in Affectionate Ways.
- They Always Follow Up with You.
- They Put Their Phone Away and Give You Their Undivided Attention.
- They Remember Passing Details About You.
- They Use Any Possible Chance to Insinuate Sexuality into Your Conversation.
- They Attempt to Spend More Time with You.
- They Initiate Conversation with You.
- They Open Up About Their Lives to You.
- They Constantly Groom Themselves in Your Presence.
- They Dress Differently Around You.
- They Try to Make You Laugh.
- They Notice and Comment on Your Physical Appearance.
- He or She Attempts to Find More About What Interests You.
- His or Her Friends Take an Interest in You.
- They Try to Fix Your Problems.
- They Are Awkward Around You.
if i like someone, i will try my best to make him laugh. this is my style to get his attention and it never fails.
this guy always leans towards me whenever we are sitting close to one another. does this mean he likes me? i still have difficulty figuring out since it is really hard to read a man’s actions.
i agree with you. it is really confusing figuring out if a man is into you. i will keep all these points in mind and thank you so much for discussing each further.
when someone initiates conversation, this is a huge sign that person is into you. some guys may like you for what you look like from the outside and would readily ask you for your number and stuff…but someone who actually wants to know you better from the inside would establish good foundation first. choose this kind of person.
now i know better. thank you so much for posting this article. very helpful.
i knew it! this guy never fail to comment on my physical appearance and he always say good things regardless of how bad i look.
another sign that will tell you if a guy likes you is if he fumbles over his words when he talks to you. this has happened to me before so i would know.
i do not worry too much about this stuff. if he likes you, it will absolutely show from his actions and you’ll definitely know. remember, actions speak louder than words.
these are unmistakable signs! guys cannot confuse me again! big thanks to this site!
well, nobody can really tell you what someone else is thinking, especially guys. but i found these signs really helpful. “does he like me or am i getting played” will no longer be a question for me from now on.
men do not easily open up their personal lives unless they trust you and have feelings for you. this is actually one of the proven signs to watch out for if you want to know if he likes you.
this guy always greets me with a message the minute i am online on social media. i guess he is constantly monitoring his chat list to see if am active. i am now convinced that he is into me.
thank you so much for cutting out some agony out of my life. the signs you posted here are true and can absolutely help me figure out if someone is into me.
i became vulnerable because of a past experience. i was hurt by the man that i truly love… but this post is also true, i don’t want to go to my grave without giving love a chance so i should start moving on from this bad experience.
i just don’t get it. guys can just come right out and say he’s into you, right? forgive me but there are some things that i don’t really understand about guys. guess i have to buy a book to help me decipher their actions.
thank you so much for explaining these 27 points further. i learned a lot about men and i am very much willing to share this post to my friends. keep posting articles like these, please.
well for me, if a guy compliments you then he is really into you. it is not normal for men to give out compliments unless they really mean them.
this is a great read! the intense suspense of the does he like me question will not bother me anymore. i will keep all these signs in mind. thanks!
i will not let guys confuse me again! i will definitely keep these signs in mind! thanks a lot for sharing this to us!
yes, he definitely likes you if he actively comments or like your social media posts but personally, i think social media makes dating a lot harder. why? because it’s like we have lost the skill of courtship and the capability to make a connection.
i found men very cryptic and hard to read. i feel like sometimes, they make it hard for us to know that they are into us! well, good thing this article gave us what signs to look for.
i admit that sometimes, a guy will be nice to me but still i am thinking if he likes me or not. i don’t want to read his signs wrong. so nice i finally found an article that can help me determine if he likes me more than a friend.
if you want to know if a guy really likes you without asking him directly, this post can help.
it is very frustrating. i am really into this guy and i don’t know if he feels the same way for me. i appreciate you giving some advice on how i could find out if he likes me too.
this post gave me goosebumps! i am excited to know if he likes me too! will definitely watch out for these helpful signs.
this is a very good post. all the signs are accurate! read on if you are trying to exactly figure out if a guy is into you.
OMG! i really like this guy at work and i found myself feeling like a schoolgirl thinking if he likes me too. well, that question is no longer difficult to answer. thanks for this amazing article!
this guy always offers to buy me a coffee, dinner and so much more. can this also be a sign that he likes me? sometimes it is also a sign of friendship.
this is also applicable for girls! i really like this guy and i am guilty of all these signs!
i always catch this guy stealing glances at me! he thought i was not paying attention. haha! i bet he really likes me!