How to Stop Being Clingy In A Relationship

Clinginess lies behind insecurities which is something to pay attention to. Start by figuring out why this is showing up for you…

Am I Being Needy? Exactly How To Tell If You're Asking For Too Much

Understanding neediness is so important for sustaining a happy, healthy relationship. Why? Because neediness can ruin budding…

What To Do When A Guy Suddenly Stops Texting You

One of the most frantic questions I get all the time is, “Why did he suddenly stop texting me?” And when I say “suddenly stopped…

How to Save Yourself From Turning Needy with Someone New

Do you get attached, clingy and wonder where is the amazing independent girl I used to be? Me too! You have it all together…

Are You An Attention Seeker?

Some women (and men) just can’t help but crave attention. They seek out attention all the time, sometimes to the detriment…

What do men think of neediness?

Focusing on yourself actually is the secret key to having an amazing love life…