To text or not to text, that is the question. It’s kind of frustrating how much you can get lost in fixating over whether or not you should send him a text or not. Especially when you aren’t sure whether or not he will respond or not. That’s one of the most frustrating feelings ever; sitting by the phone after putting yourself out there and sending the guy you like a text only to get no response!
And it’s understandable why you want to talk to the guy you like. I mean, obviously, you have a crush on him. You are dying to have a conversation with him. It’s natural.
But you don’t want to call him – because who calls people anymore. That’s crazy stalker person behavior. Plus, you might not even know if he likes you or not.
No, what you want to do is start a casual, laid back conversation with him. That means that you want to text him.
You don’t have to think of what to say on the spot – and you can just relax and send them when you’re ready (1). Sound good to you? Sounds good to me. Here’s what to say.
Take The Quiz: Does He Like You?
How To Get The Conversation Going
ok – so if you’re going to text this guy, you’re obviously going to need his number. Like, it’d be impossible to text him otherwise. This is obvious.
So if you want his number, the easiest way to get it is to ask him really casually, with no pressure on him whatsoever to give it to you (2).
Try a simple line like, “Let’s trade numbers – what kind of phone do you have? I just got an iPhone and I love it.
Don’t let things get awkward after you trade numbers – when you’re both thinking about what it might mean. Keep the conversation going instead to stop any awkward moment in its tracks.
Now that you’ve got his number and you’re ready to text him – it’s time to send the first text (3). This might seem scary! In reality though, you’ve got nothing to worry about.

If you two did something together recently, you can use that to break the ice. You could say something like, “That movie was so good I’m still thinking about it” or “I can’t believe how tasty that food was.”
Let him text you back, and if he asks you a question, answer it and ask a question of your own. If he sends you back a short answer with no follow up – it’s probably because he’s busy. Don’t worry about it – and don’t keep sending questions if he doesn’t seem interested in texting. Let him text you if he wants to.
If he doesn’t text you back, don’t worry about it. It’s not under your control, and if you obsess about it, you’ll make him want to text you less. He’s probably just busy anyway.
Now it’s time to read and see how your crush is texting with you. Is he texting you back with questions of his own? Is he just giving you answers and not making an effort to keep the conversation going? Is he texting you back at all?
Don’t worry if he’s being short or curt with his answers. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to talk to you, it just means he doesn’t want to text at that moment – probably because he’s busy doing something else. Whatever you do, don’t read too much into it, and don’t freak out if that’s the case. The best thing you can do to make him interested is just accept it and move on.
However – if he’s texting you back with open ended questions of his own – you can bet that he’s interested in you. That’s great! Keep talking to him and doing what comes naturally.

If things are going really well, and you’re texting about personal stuff – maybe it’s time to take things to the next level. If you’re really getting into personal stuff, you can suggest that you meet and talk about it in person, or even go on a date together. Remember, fortune favors the bold!
Take The Quiz: Does He Like You?
In summary…
How To Text Your Crush
- To get his number so you can text him, just ask him casually for his number and try to have the attitude that it doesn’t matter whether he gives it to you or not
- Text him about something you did together recently to break the ice
- Watch how he’s texting you and gauge whether he’s into it or not
- Check to see if he’s asking open ended questions – that means he’s interested in you
Hey I’m 21 years old,I have a crush on this girl in college and I want to approach her but I don’t know how to start or how to write an interesting massage to catch her attention… please help me.
I like this guy alot but I don’t know how to tell him please out
okay so i’m trying to reconnect with my highscbool sweetheart. we talk now but only when i message him but he responds right away. but he never initiates the conversation. for context, he was a shy guy 7 years ago but i have no idea how much he has changed all these years. plus whenever we chat, he would bring up the past like remember this or remember that, or he sometimes asks me why he never found out i liked a certain thing when we were together before plus he tells me things like he wants me to give him a tour and that since the love letter he gave me got lost, that he’ll make a new one with a drawing again. and he wouldn’t answer my texts coldly or with a passive aggressive tone. he even asks me stuff. BUT HE NEVER STARTS THE CONVERSATION. so im kind of sad, confused, and overthinking so much. idk if i should continue or if i should stop.
Ok so I’ve a crush on this guy so got his number from a friend and i texted him and the chat ended with a goodnight,since then we haven’t texted again.I want to text him again though but I don’t want him to feel like I’m stalking him so what should I do?
Heyy!! So I like this guy…and I want to talk to him like we texted for4 weeks and now that school started I saw him and I want to talk to I approach him? Or just ask him to meet up through text ???
I really do like him but am always the one to start the conversation it really makes me nevours thinking of whether he likes me or not!!?? Its really difficult to even know if he has a crush on me,,,,, I would like him to start one deep conversation some day just like I do
Anne, sometimes guys are just so shy around the girl or women they really like, probably just as nervous as you. They don’t want to say or do anything that might hinder their chances of talking to you again. Have you tried talking with him about mutual interests? Depending on where you know this guy from, maybe he is afraid to make you uncomfortable in that space so he keeps his convos short to make things easier for you. It sounds silly but some guys do actually care about how others feel or are perceived. Be careful because men can be jerks but if he seems like a nice guy and the people around him think so to, he probably just cares a lot about you and spending a lot of time thinking about saying the right thing. Good luck!
Now that he said hey back I don’t know what to say to him was hoping he would say something like how are you?i don’t think he likes me I might have mislead the signals what do you I should do guys? Should text him saying how are u or Jst leave him
Text him
I like this guy soooo much, but he’s my brother’s best friend and I’m only 13 but he’s 15! What do I do? I have been agonizing over texting him for months and I have a text ready but I don’t know if I should press send! Here’s the text: “Hey! I was just scrolling thru my contacts and found your number. Haven’t seen you in a while, what are you up to?”
13 15 is pretty normal all my friends have that age gap as well as myself and my BF I would for it get his number and text him. I mean me and my BF started talking because he caught me insta stalking him so…
I have a crush on this one guy, he’s very sweet, loyal and funny. We text sometimes but I have to start the conversation all the time he snapchatted me sometimes. Every time we text I feel like I want to tell him that I like him but I’m scared to tell him and I feel like he dont like me back, what should I do!!
Let him know
I have a huge huge crush in this guy, and my friends knew that this guy loves me back. Idk how should i confess it, chat is the only way LOL cause i don’t want to get embarrassed in front of many people. Please help me, idk how should i start it
You sound like me but they way I go out of that Situation is I told him that I liked him to his face and he said he liked me and now we are together after two weeks of getting know each other he asked me out so we could say it’s official. What I saying is tell the person you like him to his face and if he says he doesn’t like you don’t look ashamed look like you really didn’t need him he needed you so keep your head up and say ok and give him a cute smile so he won’t think you was obsessed with him and you needed humans walk off looking like you slayed the place
Hy,so i kinda confessed to my crush about my feelings nd yesterday while talking to his friends he was stealing glances at me,i cnt enter his compound again cos i feel he would confront me am so scared naw soo in need of help ASAP
I have this BIG crush and I’m falling in love we see eachother everyday we talk at lunch and in the halls when I’m there. he makes me so happy the way he looks at me and the way acts around me makes me think he likes me but I don’t know if he does he likes one of my friends and he said he likes one other person at the table and it’s just (—–) *—–* and me I thought he was going to say (—–) but he didn’t that made me happy and then there was *—–* and they never talk and he said who is that about *—–* and she’s been sitting there for the past week and then there was me the girl he likes my friend it makes me feel sad but I have to think of the positives right
Also my other friend asked him in person if he likes me and he just got really red and walked away he hangs out with girls his best friend is a girl (he has gone out with girls) what to do HELP PLEASE!!!!
Hey! I’m in kinda the same situation. I really like this guy and think he’s soooo cute etc. And one of my friends has told him that I liked him and he responded with my name in capitals and exclamation marks (must be surprised), then goes red at the sound of my name mentioned, body language is shy etc. So I do think he likes me (I hope so). However, I do NOT dare text him first in case he rejects me and I’ll feel so stupid omg.
So… It was Feb 10th I was dared to somehow tell my crush i like him. My crush his really quiet and we talk but then he became really popular for some reason and became a massive player. We still talk to each other (Rarely), and my best friend she told him i liked him and he just said “And…?” my friend just gave him a puzzled face and walked to me and told me. Later he went up to my friend and said “no” she told me obi and i cried and cried until like 4 days later. I saw my “Crush” at my front door he had flowers and a heart shaped chocolate thing. he saw the bags under my eyes and that i was crying, but then this “popular” girl the most “prettiest Sluttiest” girls ever she came up to him and kissed him, and he kissed back… THEY WERE MAKING OUT RIGHT IN MY FACE!!! LIKE W.T.H. I soon looked around and saw they were just in the door frame so I slammed it in the side of their faces. So…. he came back 4 days later because I just left them there at the door. He came to say sorry except that but saw a guy behind me which was my best friend (a boy). We had actually been on a few dates surprisingly. But then I caught him cheating WITH MY OTHER BEST FRIEND. So I’m a loner now #SinglePringle #ForEverAlone
Me and this guy have been talking for a few weeks whe had some coffee a few times. It has lead to other things and now I find myself liking him. But I don’t know how he feels or if he is using me… this has never happened to me. Please give me some advice
I need help ASAPPPP!! So there’s this really cute guy and I literally can’t go a second without thinking about him and he told me he likes me and we’ve been texting for like 3 hours straight yesterday and now he always reads my texts and never responds…. WHAT DO I DO!?!? In trying to think of something to start a conversation what do I say!??????!!!!!!
If you are a girl and a boy does’nt ask you for a date you must go and ask it for your self #sm tymz bing a gel iz hard..
I’ve had a crush on this guy for more than two years but we’ve never spoke, and he is in my form. We make eye contact but nothing else. I don’t know if I should dm him and just start a casual conversation, he might get the hint I like him and I know he doesn’t like me back.
Am inlove with a guy,all his attitude shows that he loves me,but sometins he doesnot call me at all nd sometimes he did,nd he likes women too much,pls what can l do to change nd make him mind
There’s this guy am really inlove with, he’s my friend. I told him weeks back how i felt, his response didn’t say he feels thesame way and now he’s acting differently towards me, he doesn’t chat with me like he use to. should i ask him if he’s with someone or i should i just forget about him and move on. But it’s really not easy for me. what should i do please?
Dear Yebom,
He was very clear with his feelings so don’t communicate with him anymore. Keep yourself busy and you’ll see, you’re not even going to think about him and who knows the great guy is just out there! :)
So this boy confessed to me that he likes me and I sent him a message. He didn’t reply so I asked his friend to talk to him for me but he hasn’t replied either. HELP
plz i need a help evn my parents ws nt lke him but we do love each other knw he requesting me to come back each other but me idnt lke sm1 smkng is nt my choice so guys i need ur help plz and feedback
am confused i lved sme 1 and he do sme but we broke up for one reason and tht is he start smoking idnt knw what to do?and i still do to lve hm
I NEED HELP ASAP. Okay so one of the girls ive been trying to get closer to lately was dating the guy i like. they broke up a week ago and i have liked him for 5 months. he always smiles at me, talks to me, jokes around, teases me, and sits with me at lunch. what can i do or say to not hurt my new friend but still get my crush???
I NEED HELP ASAP. Okay so one of the girls ive been trying to get closer to lately was dating the guy i like. they broke up a week ago and i have liked him for 5 months. he always smiles at me, talks to me, jokes around, teases me, and sits with me at lunch. what can i do or say to not hurt my new friend but still get my crush???
Sorry, but yess! Go for it!
i’ve been with this guy and.. he confessed to me he likes me, and I don’t really understand his feelings… i would text him back and he would text back, then sometimes he would text me first. then don’t text again. ugh. what does he really feel?
There’s a guy whom I’ve known since last year. I’ve noticed him looking at me, like he just casually turned around and started staring at my face. There was even a time when is feet touched mine deliberately! At first I wasn’t sure, but later on, I’m pretty certain that he did it on purpose. So now, we’re studying at the same school and we bumped into each other like about 4 or 5 times a week, but I still can’t get to know him. Recently, he doesn’t seem to look at me as much as before, or maybe it’s just me ? Anyway, I wanna ask you guys if you think he is still interested in me or not ? I’m dying to know if he does cause you can say that I kinda have a crush on him. So please help me ASAP. I’ll really appreciate it
Hello, I don’t know you but I can tell you he probably did like you because I do the same thing to my crush. There might still be hope He might still like. Try to flirt with him like: hey you like really cute in that shirt or ask if you can touch his muscles if he has any. Bye Mary hope this helps.
From Malik
Well I have the same situation here. But let me tell you. I think he’s still interested in you since he always looks at you. You should walk up to him casually and ask him a question like for example: hey could you maybe help me with my homework? Or could you get me a sheet of paper? Trust me it will work. If he’s upset ask him what is wrong and touch him on his knee so that he feels comfortable around you. I did this before and my crush was blushing so go and do that. It will work Just be confident while talking to him.
Good luck !!!!! I hope this helps let me know how it went.
Fears are stories we tell ourselves. Don’t be afraid to talk to him. Go up and talk to him.
Noran, guys are confusing. Don’t worry about it. If Gabe likes you he will show it. Hang out with him at lunch or before/after school. If his friends make fun of him while your around, it’s a sign he likes you. Ask him if he likes you. Then if he does, make a move girl! It’s not always the guys that make the first move.
Wondering…have had alot of my mind lately buh it seems ur disturbing them..anytime you want start a conversation
There is this guy at work i really like. I have talked to him when i have worked in that area. Which isnt as often. I dont know if he likes me ir not.i got his snapchat and it took him a while to add me as a friend. We talked not even 5 min. Someone gave me his snap. I said “hey” afer he figured out who i was he said “ohh.. Whatss good” then he i said what i was doin and he said what he was then that was it. Later i snaped him again about 2 hours later and he never responded. Im competely clueless to all of the dating stuff
Ooh, lol, I’m sorry but I just wanna tell you that since you like don’t show him to much otherwise he gonna break your heart; just play it cool and say hi when u see him at work. If he’s really in to u he’ll come for u no matter what and just don’t show him you’re desperate… make him want to know more about u… Let him look for you and show him ur needy.. If he really wants you things will get better one day.. Maybe he might have ignored ur text coz he was busy, u never know but just ask him y he didn’t respond.. Just be patient and wait for him to stay- well, if he don’t then let it go I guess.,
Sorry, meant to say just don’t ask him y he didn’t respond and don’t show ur needy, it’ll seem like your stalking him. Good luck! A lot of boys out there, if things don’t change move on you’ll find someone.
it’s a kind of frustrating ,when someone u love chooses to ignore all ur messages. the girl I met a week ago started ignoring my text after a crazy joke,anyway I ‘ve learnt my lesson and moving on at d moment.
I am supposed to dm this guy I met at a water park, my friends told him that I liked him even though I just saw him and thought he was cute. So know he knows and his friends followed me around everywhere asking me if I liked him even know I don’t know him,(That was Really awkward)and I have no idea what to say to him.
My crush is confusing I don’t no if he likes me or his just being too friendly
I am so confused with my crush. He said he liked me and I liked him, then that we would date in summer, then that he liked someone else, then that he wasn’t with her any more, then he called me cute, and pretty. HELP!!!!!!!!
Just ask him, “Hey do you still like me? Cause if you don’t I can move on with my life.”
Then if he does, make a move girl! It’s not always the guys that make the first move.
How can you tell if you really do like someone and you’re not just projecting your old feelings for your ex into them?
There is this really cute guy who used to like me, and he told me that he liked me when I told him that I liked him. For a while we flirted and stuff, and he seemed really into me (he told me I was the cutest, nicest person in the world, he told me my hair was cute curled, he found excuses to hug me, etc…), but then he told me that he likes this other girl, and then he stopped with everything and started flirting with her and hugging her and everything. He told me that I would always be his first choice even though he likes her too, but then he texted me this message about how it would be better if we were just friends and that we probably wouldn’t be able to date anyway. It’s been a few weeks since then, and now I wonder if he still likes me and I am really confused. He keeps finding excuses to touch me and stuff, and sometimes we look at each other and he smiles. He also kept wanting to sit next to me on rides at the amusement park (including a ride where I had to sit in between his legs and one where my legs were over his…). Should I move on, or does he still like me? Please help lol I am so confused!!!
Just be his friend but don’t let it stop you being friends with other lads
I had a crush on a guy who always passby my house.The worst thing we dnt even say hi to eachother but he sends messages to my lil sister LOL somethng crazy really!
Please help me guys, I have a big crush on someone and he is very special to me. I think he too likes me coz he always planned to go for a ride and for some special dinner/ lunch with me. He stares at me alot than I do. He seems to be very happy when we both were alone. Once I when for a ride with him and he even kissed me, that kissed was very soft and I felt very special. But I am confused coz he never text me first , only when I do he does…… why ???? Does he likes me or he is flirting around??
I can make small talk when I am face to face with someone, but when it is through text, I am not sure why but I freeze up. I guess I would just prefer to talk face to face.
Lol I do,the complete opposite. When i talk to him in person I freeze up but texting I really out there.
LOL, that first text is very scary. What if there is no reply, or worse, “Who is this” as a reply…
Oh man, that would not be a good first reply LOL :)
These days it is so easy to approach someone if you have their cell phone number. When you had to approach your crush face to face, it was a lot harder to get a conversation going. Girls have it easy these days.
I would never expect a woman to send me a text if they truly liked me. I envision that it would be a conversation that we have face to face.
I am also a fan of face to face communication.
I see no problem with texting your crush to see if there is anything there. if not, there is nothing to lose and you can move along.
This is a perfect post for sharing with a friend that is not sure how to approach a person they have a crush on. Tips are great!
Great tips! I have been crushing on this guy at work for many months now and just have not had the guts to talk to him or even text him.
I think starting things out slowly is a great tip! You do not want to jump down the guys throat right away and be all like, “I really like you and want to have your babies….” right?
You can do it once, but if things do not go your way, the rest of your life can be a real pain in the neck!
Yeah, LOL..something like this can really get turned around against you.
If you see your crush on a normal basis, or he has at least looked in your direction one or two times per day, then you have something to go off. If this is someone that you do not see that much, you might have a problem getting any conversation going.
If you are not going to get a text back in this situation, there might be more to worry about. First I would feel dumb that he never acknowledged the conversation.
Great tips. I think getting your crush to know that you are crushing on them is one of the hardest things to do in life.
I have no issue getting the conversation going, it is getting the conversation to stop that I do not like. I never know when to hang it up so I tend to babble on like an idiot.
This is so scary. I have a crush and even though I am still in high school, it is something that freaks me out.
It should freak you out! What if he does not even know who you are? Or ignores the text?
There is this guy that I would like to text, but I am scared that he has never even noticed me. We work in the same cafe and I just cannot keep my eyes off him. What do I do?
Most of the time, when I get a text from someone that I am not familiar with, I rarely think it is because they have a crush on me. I usually have very nice with a reply, but sometimes it scares the person away and they freak out.
I think you should know if the crush knows they are your crush BEFORE you text them, don’t you? It would just be more smart compared to just getting all up in their face when they might be having none of you.
Yes. I think it would be weird if I got a text out of nowhere and it was someone that ended up having a crush on me. I would like to know in advance so I can act more natural about it rather than creeped out.
One time I just texted a guy that I was hot for and it did not go well. Mostly because his g/f saw the text and immediately fired back all pissed off. Oops!
Great tips. It is so hard to get over that initial scared feeling that texting your crush is not something easy to do.
Right, but once the ice is broken, things go a lot smoother, don’t you think?
This CAN be a very tough position to be in. That anxiety has probably killed people somewhere LOL. For me, it is always about getting that message out there, but waiting for it to come back.
Yes it can. There are so many things that can go wrong :)
Very, very wrong LOL. I am so glad that I was never in that situation.