You’ve been together for a while and you’re reasonably certain you love him, but does he love you back? Sometimes you think he does, but other times, you’re not so sure.
Saying “I love you” can be terrifying, so it’s entirely possible that he feels it, but is just afraid of saying it out loud. After all, few people willingly put themselves in such a vulnerable position. But you can’t live with this uncertainty – you need to find out, once and for all, if he loves you or not.
MORE: 3 Ways To Find Out Whether Someone Truly Loves You
Take The Quiz: Is He Losing Interest?
Here are 32 signs he loves you, even if he doesn’t say it.
1. He holds your hand
A guy who only wants your body won’t hold your hand. It’s a sign that he wants to tell the world you’re his beloved. If he also does it when you’re alone, it’s clear he always wants to be close to you.
2. He kisses your forehead
And speaking of cute gestures, there is nothing more intimate and sweet than forehead kisses. There is no lust to it, no ulterior motive. Just a chaste, affectionate, and slightly protective gesture. It’s love, alright.
3. He smiles randomly when he’s with you
Do you know that amazing feeling when you’re just so happy inside, you feel like you’re going to burst? And you just keep smiling like an idiot, because you can’t stop? That’s how he feels when he’s around you.
MORE: Exactly How To Know for sure If A Guy Likes You
4. He can’t keep his hands off you
Pay attention to what he’s like around you – does he always manage to touch you in small ways? A hand on your waist, or back, an arm around your shoulder, holding your hand, a protective arm on your knee?
5. He introduces you to mom
When a man voluntarily, uncoerced, and unprovoked decides that he wants to take you home to meet mom, then you’ve won. You have my congratulations! Men don’t waste time with this unless they’re serious about the gal.
6. He introduces you to “the gang”
The other “test” is his friends – has he taken it upon himself to introduce you to them? And they like you? Well, he’s clearly been telling them good things about you; maybe even the L word.

7. He puts a lot of passion in his kisses
Kissing isn’t reserved for couples in love, but there’s a difference between a lustful kiss and a loving one. If he can’t get enough of your lips and really gets into kissing you, even without it leading to sex, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve got him hooked.
MORE: Exactly How To Tell When A Guy Loves You
8. He listens to you
You know that annoying thing men do where you’re talking and they just ignore you and occasionally throw in an absent-minded “Uh-huh”? He doesn’t do that to you. By god, he actually seems interested in what you’re saying and doesn’t tune you out.
9. He talks about the future
When a man is afraid of commitment or isn’t planning on sticking around, he doesn’t make plans with you. So, if he’s been hinting to your future together, it’s a sign he thinks you’re a keeper.
10. He calls “just because”
A sign that he thinks about you often is that he calls or texts without a specific reason. He just wants to see how you are, hear your voice, and talk to you a little. He wouldn’t feel the need if you wouldn’t occupy his mind.
11. You make him laugh
The more he laughs around you, the more he likes you. He just thinks you’re the best, and what’s not to love?
MORE: Exactly How Men Really Show Their Love
12. He makes time for you
We’re all extremely busy, and time is precious, but he chooses to spend it with you, and often. That says something, doesn’t it? You are his priority.

13. He misses you
A man’s behavior when you’re not around is just as important as the one in your presence. Does he think about you? Tell you constantly that he misses you? Is there a gap in his life when you’re not there? It means you’ve successfully become a part of him.
14. He stands up taller
If he stands a little straighter, a little taller when you’re around, he wants to impress you and appear attractive. It’s cute, isn’t it?
15. He gives you gifts that mean something
On our first anniversary, my boyfriend gifted me a first edition of “Love In The Time Of Cholera”; he remembered I quoted it on our first date. You see, anyone can buy expensive jewelry, but it takes a special person to give you something meaningful.
MORE: 11 Undeniable Signs He’s In Love With You
16. He’s domestic
If he’s switching from bars and drinking to staying home and cooking with you, that’s something to pay attention to. If he’d rather be old and lazy on the couch with you than go out with his friends, that’s a declaration of love, right there.

17. He makes an effort with your kids
Not only is he not bothered that you have a past and a family, but he is actively embracing his role in their lives. He always brings a little something for your little ones and genuinely enjoys spending time with them. Doesn’t that just make you swoon?
18. He’s a little bit nervous around you
It’s always cute when men are nervous, especially if they blush. The fact that you make him nervous means he really, really likes you.
19. He turns to look at you often
Does he turn around to look at you, even when he’s doing something else? Does he look up from his phone to smile at you? Check to see what you’re doing? Catch your eye across the bar, even as he’s talking to friends? You know what that means.
MORE: 5 Telltale Signs He Likes You
20. He compliments your personality
Telling you you’re hot is great, but what really makes your heart melt is when he admits how much he enjoys your sense of humor or your childish laughter.
21. He inconveniences himself for you
Helping you out isn’t always convenient, and at times, it even involves something he hates. But he does it anyway, because it’s for you and because *drumroll please* he loves you.
22. He’s always doing nice things for you
Someone who is interested and involved with their partner is going to find ways to do nice things for them. Breakfast in bed, buying you chocolate when he comes home from work, or even just a backrub when you’re on your period.

23. He stands up for you
It goes without saying that a man who loves you will fiercely protect you and stand up for you when you’re not being treated right. Be proud!
MORE: 7 Ways Guys Say I Love You Without Actually Saying It
24. He stays the night
If he’s interested in just sex, he’ll make any excuse to get the hell out after the deed is over and done with. But if he stays, he’s there for more than just sexual release.
25. He supports you
A good and loving partner supports your dreams and efforts, whatever they may be, and even if it means he’ll see you less or if he disagrees. It’s not only a sign of maturity, but one of love.
26. He gives you space
Love doesn’t mean smothering your partner to death! Sometimes, love is found in the space in between two partners. He understands you need it and he gives it to you, unprompted.
27. He puts you first
A famous verse says that love is selfless, and it’s true. If he puts you first, even to his own detriment, then there’s no real question about it.
MORE: 14 Signs He Loves You Without Saying It
Watch The Video: 12 Surefire Signs He Loves You Without Saying It (Telltale Actions That Reveal He’s In Love With You)
28. He’s comfortable at your place
When you said “mi casa es tu casa” he took it and ran with it. He doesn’t mind making the trek to your place and spending time there, he likes it. Hell, he’s even brought an extra set of PJs and a toothbrush. The man is here for the long haul.

29. He shares things with you
He doesn’t like to open up about personal things, but with you it’s different. He knows you would never judge him and that he can be vulnerable around you, which is one of the biggest compliments he can give you.
30. He picks up on your behaviors
Did you know that couples in love tend to mirror each other’s behavior? It’s called isopraxism and it’s adorable.
31. He lets you win
Listen, men love to win. It’s what they do; they’re winners. So, admitting someone else is right, or even letting someone else win literally, in a game, costs them their ego. And he’ll gladly give it to you, because he loves you.
32. He’s just a little bit jealous
You’re his and he doesn’t want to share you with anyone. Not in a possessive way, just in a loving way that says he’s here long-term, exclusively, and he wants you to be too.
This article shows you all the best ways to tell if a guy loves you, now in any relationship I’ve found there are 2 pivotal moments that determine if your relationship ends in heartbreak or you get to live happily ever after so it’s vitally important that you take the next step and read this right now, because at some point the man you want is going to ask himself: Is this the woman I should commit to for the long term? That answer determines everything… Do you know how men determine if a woman is girlfriend material (the type of woman he commits himself to) or if he sees you as just a fling? If not you need to read this next: The #1 Thing Men Desire In A Woman…
The second problem almost all women experience: At some point he starts to lose interest. He doesn’t call you back or he becomes emotionally closed off. He seems like he’s losing interest or pulling away – do you know what to do? If not you’re putting your relationship and the future of your love life in great danger, read this now or risk losing him forever: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This…
Want to find out if he’s really losing interest? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Is He Losing Interest” Quiz right now and find out if he’s really losing interest in you…
Take The Quiz: Is He Losing Interest?
In summary…
1. He holds your hand
2. He kisses your forehead
3. He smiles randomly when he’s with you
4. He can’t keep his hands off you
5. He introduces you to mom
6. He introduces you to “the gang”
7. He puts a lot of passion in his kisses
8. He listens to you
9. He talks about the future
10. He calls “just because”
11. You make him laugh
12. He makes time for you
13. He misses you
14. He stands up taller
15. He gives you gifts that mean something
16. He’s domestic
17. He makes an effort with your kids
18. He’s a little bit nervous around you
19. He turns to look at you often
20. He compliments your personality
21. He inconveniences himself for you
22. He’s always doing nice things for you
23. He stands up for you
24. He stays the night
25. He supports you
26. He gives you space
27. He puts you first
28. He’s comfortable at your place
29. He shares things with you
30. He picks up on your behaviors
31. He lets you win
32. He’s just a little bit jealous
But am confused with all the sings, my guy he is a busy type sometimes to call me is a problem and if I talk to him about it he will say is NT like that ,am the one will do d calling if he didn’t pick it at the moment later he will call me and what am confused here, anytime he have free time he will call me to come over and if I come sex but I know is normal he’s all over me and he’s happy playing with me he even don’t want me to go back , but my problem here is he truly love me ? Because am confused based on the way he is NT calling me at times but he will tell am on his mind..
I agree with Melissa’s point ,,,that’s what mostly happens
What we’re not that close?
Ok if that’s ok. I wanted to add some other signs unlisted that ive been noticing through me and my crush( future love interest.) Yes alot of tgose resonate with him. But i have really major ones that are unseen that my crush does:
He is very shy but still see these signs
1. He tells me honestly that he wants to better his life before getting in a committed relationship
2. He secretly tells his family goode things about me( his dad is actually treating me as his daughter in law and admits that he wants me as his daughter in law)
3. He’s extremely busy but he will tell his closest brother about his progress and his brother will tell me ( with him knowing of it)
4. He is loyal in our friendship( he has turned down other woman letting know he likes me)
5. Though he isnt really a texter, he checked my messages to him and he’d ask his brother about me.
6. I feel his love energy strongly when i shop in his town.
7. I constantly see things that remind me of him
8. His family excepts me and my family
9. His kisss was very passionate( and we arent together yet
10. He is ok with me tagging him on social media( seaking true love about him
11. He tells me what he is doing and its confirmed through family.
12. His family knew of me liking him before I told them
13. He gets a bit protective of me if another guy shows interest in me( he and his jealous ex brother in law argued over me because my crush is protective)
14. He tells my dad as well as his family that he likes me.
15. He felt hurt when i felt hurt.
16. He adores my son
17. He admits he loves me( though in the friend stage) and talks of bettering his life to have a future offer in love
Lmmfao i have a lot
Thank you very much for this atleast now I know I’m not in the wrong hands at all☺️
This list is so helpful ….
he likes staring at you and giving you compliments every now and then. a guy who is in love with you would want to make you feel good and that you also see the good he sees in you. it’s really sweet! <3
i never thought that it is possible for a guy to say “i love you” and not actually be into you. i should be extra careful with men.
when a man opens up and starts to share things with you, he must be saying he loves you. men are mostly not good with words so you better read this list to know for sure.
He makes time for you – this is one beautiful way a man shows his love even without saying the words.
this would definitely the most beautiful thing! <3
i would die to be with a man who constantly shows me and makes me feel loved. i can't wait to meet him and i'm really hoping soon. i'm almost 30 and i want to settle down with the one for me.
true! a man is in love with you if he always puts you first regardless of the situation. if you feel that you are not a priority in your relationship then you should talk to him to sort things out and if it didn’t change, i suggest to let him go.
When a man keeps changing his posture around you, it’s a sign he likes you. What this does is show you his manly strength and masculine manner while hiding his insecurity.
see? even if a man doesn’t always say ” i love you “, there are still ways for us to see if they are really in love with us! i am so happy to discover this site! i am learning a lot about relationships. keep it up!
yeah it is true that love is all about give and take. a man who truly love loves to give and give and will appreciate all the things even the small ones you do for him. these are the gestures of love honey!
when a guy gives you space, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he doesn’t want to be with you. sometimes it means that he loves you enough to respect that you are an individual with personal needs that should be dealt with alone.
if a man introduces you to his mom and the gang, then he is absolutely proud of having you as his girlfriend. it means he is very much in love with you! these are things that you can be sure of!
when he listens to you and prioritizes time with you, it may mean he loves you. women tend to take this for granted because they’re too busy looking for grand gestures but these are the more important acts of love a man can show any woman.
well, i always wonder if my guy is in love with me or if our thing is just a fling. i will use these signs to see if love is really on his mind.
i love my man! he may not always say ” i love you” but i can see him express this every day without opening his mouth! i can say that i am a very lucky girl because i have him!
this article is very helpful. it is very hard to predict what a man is feeling because they are not too vocal about expressing their feelings. i no longer have to guess in the dark if he is in love with me. i just need to observe and follow the advice in this article closely.
i love this list and i couldn’t agree more with you. these are really nice gestures that man would do to make a woman feel loved. most men are really not too vocal about their feelings and so these signs are what you should be looking for.
when he supports you with your work, hobbies and priorities..this means he doesn’t only like you. a man who would give everything to show you his love, support and care means he is indeed in love with you.
i agree to all of these signs! if your guy is not vocal or is silent in the four-letter-word but does these signs, then he is madly in love with you! so cheer up! there are many ways to find out if your prince loves you!
a man who introduces you to everyone specially his family definitely in love with you. only those who have serious intentions with you will have the courage to do that. he may even do it holding your hand to show his love.
when he really tries to be there for you and listen to you when you need him to, he might really love you. and even if he can’t tell you straight, his actions must be enough to send you a message. look for these other signs, they’re for real!
so this is how men say i love you without words. i find them very cute! especially when he can’t keep his hands off you!
men are mostly showing actions rather that voicing out their feelings so these signs are to be really looked into very closely. if he does most of these to you then he must really be in love with you.
these are very useful information. we really need to show that we love and care for someone instead of just saying it to spice things up and keep the relationships lively.
these are all spot on. if you want to see him in action. look for these and you’ll get the answer you’re looking for.
good luck if you are up to figuring out what a man is feeling because they are not too vocal about it. but, they really show it through gestures. if you don’t know the signs then you will surely miss them!
i think above all these, if he introduces you to his mom tops it all. a man with not at all good intentions may let you in his inner circle of friends but not with his mom. this is just really BIG.
these signs are undisputable! a guy can say that he loves you but not really mean it. now i know what to look for. i can’t thank you enough for posting this.
a kiss in the forehead is always sweet for me. if a man kisses you in the forehead, it means he loves and respects you. you can’t go wrong with that.
really? a guy who only wants your body won’t hold your hand? this is new to me. but thanks for mentioning that.
i am so happy i found this article! i really need to find out, once and for all, if he loves me or not! i will definitely watch out for these signs.