“Would you rather questions” are the greatest way to learn about who someone really is without having to directly ask them about it.
They’re literally a psychological test you can pose to someone and find out their true nature without having to get them on a therapist’s couch and charge them $100 an hour.
Of course, that’s overselling them a little bit. Would you rather questions are mostly for fun. Sure, they can get deep – but they can be equal parts hilarious and ridiculous and still be a great time.
If you want to kick off a heated conversation about what the best superhero power would be – would you rather questions are the perfect way to do it. When you get people passionate about both sides of the question, you know you’ve hit the jackpot.
more: 50 Great Questions To Ask A Guy
Plus, if you want to keep a conversation going, all you have to do is ask someone why they picked one option over another. When people disagree, it’s a super fun time!
Try asking these questions one on one when you’re getting closer with someone… or get a group together and go around taking turns asking the “would you rather” of your choice.
This is one of the best, most in depth lists of “would you rather” questions available anywhere – so take a scroll through the list, find one that grabs your interest and attention, then ask!
Take The Quiz: Does He Like You?
The Best Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather never have to deal with a power outage again or a clogged toilet again?
Would you rather give up wearing shorts for the rest of your life or give up wearing pants?
more: The Best 300 Conversation Starters You’ll Ever Need
Would you rather be married to your true love and soul mate – only to have them die two years later and never find true love again… or be married to someone who you like and who’s nice… but who you’re settling for?
Would you rather have two belly buttons side by side or one nipple in the middle of your chest?
Would you rather own a car that can turn into a boat that can go underwater or a flying carpet?
Would you rather be a volcano or a spaceship?
Would you rather have a bottomless glass of your favorite drink or a gas tank that you never had to fill up?
Would you rather be the world best at riding a pogo stick or the world best at jump rope?
Would you rather immediately projectile vomit every time you heard someone say the word “sports” or projectile vomit every time you saw a squirrel in real life or in a picture or video?
Would you rather live a relaxed and tranquil life in a small cabin far from society or live a stressful life in a huge house in the middle of your favorite city?
Would you rather lose all 10 of your toes or all 5 of your fingers from one hand?
Would you rather never get a headache again or never have to sit in traffic again for the rest of your life?
Would you rather with a gun to your head be forced to kill a puppy or a kitten?
Would you rather never feel jealous again or never feel angry again?
Would you rather never drink anything besides water again or never eat anything that’s been cooked again?
more: Ask A Guy You Like These 20 Cute, Amazing Questions
Would you rather be able to fly anywhere in the world for free whenever you wanted or never have to pay for a meal at a restaurant again?
Would you rather be the person who cures cancer or the first person to set foot on Mars?
Would you rather show up everywhere at least 15 minutes late or at least 25 minutes early?
Would you rather give up all meat or all vegetables for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have a skeleton key that unlocks any lock or a one time use only pass to get out of any crime you were convicted of?
Would you rather be forced to sing along to every song that you ever hear, or be forced to dance along to every song that you hear?
Would you rather your best friend disappear forever, or every friend you have besides your best friend disappear forever?
Would you rather never be able to wear comfortable clothing again, or only be able to use scratchy thin toilet paper for the rest of your life?

Would you rather have perfectly tailored clothes that fit you amazingly for the rest of your life, or have the most comfortable bed and bedsheets (including pillow) that’s ever been made?
Would you rather be the world champion of bowling or the world champion of archery?
Would you rather be forced to start any project or start studying for any test only the night before it’s due, or walk around for a full day without knowing you have a huge brown stain on the back of your pants?
Would you rather everyone be forced to wear the same uniform at all times or that everyone was naked at all times?
Would you rather be able to fly (but only at walking speed), or be able to draw things into existence, but you’re terrible at drawing?
Would you rather have to burp after every time you kiss someone, or have to fart after every time you meet someone new?
Would you rather get lost in the wilderness or get lost in a dangerous city?
Would you rather have unlimited free wifi no matter where you were, or never have to pay for a drink again?
Would you rather have to sing everything you say to someone else, or have to read out loud at full volume everything you read?
Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be able to read people’s minds?
Would you rather stop taking showers for a full month or stay offline and off the internet for a full month?
more: Are You Meant To Be Together? Find Out Now…
Would you rather give up Google or Facebook?
Would you rather give up Apple products or give up social media?
Would you rather be able to turn invisible whenever you wanted or be able to fly?
Would you rather get away with a terrible crime but live in fear of someone discovering it, or go to prison for 3 years for something you didn’t do?
Would you rather never have to have a job again (you have all the money you need but nothing extravagant) or never have to go to sleep again (you won’t feel tired or messed up from not sleeping)?
Would you rather be forced to kill one 30 year old who hasn’t done anything, or 10 55 year olds who were convicted of minor offenses (like jaywalking)?
Would you rather have one arm or one leg?
Would you rather have no hands or no feet?
Would you rather be famous and widely mocked, or normal and no one knows who you are?
Would you rather be married to someone average looking who loves you and is a great person, or be married to the most beautiful person in the world but they’re kind of a jerk?
Would you rather be forced to live the same day over and over again for a full year, or take 3 years off the end of your life?
Would you rather own your own business and have to work really hard, or work for someone else and not have to work so hard – you make the same money either way?
Would you rather wear clothes that were always way too big or a couple sizes too small?
Would you rather give up burritos for the rest of your life or give up pizza for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be locked in a room for a year (you can have anything you want in the room), or be homeless for a year (you survive and suffer no ill effects)?
Would you rather be remembered by history as a monster or be forgotten forever?
Would you rather deal with a constant itchy nose and sneezing, or a constant congested and runny nose?
Would you rather not be able to read anything or not be able to say anything?
Would you rathereat an entire cup of uncooked brown rice or eat an entire box of uncooked penne pasta?

Would you rather wake up alone in a boat in the middle of water or wake up alone in the middle of the desert?
Would you rather have a tail or have three eyes?
Would you rather never feel too hot again or never feel too cold again?
Would you rather never have to go grocery shopping again for the rest of your life or never have to do laundry again for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have dandruff that you can never get rid of or chapped lips that you can never get rid of?
Would you rather never go outside again or never go inside again?
Would you rather plants could talk or animals could talk?
Would you rather only be able to eat one food (of your choosing) for the rest of your life, or only be able to drink water for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be the first person to talk to aliens when they came to earth or the first person to talk to aliens on another planet?
Would you rather be decent at something everyone respects or be the best in the world at something most people think is stupid?
Would you rather be unable to close any door once it’s open or be unable to open any door once it’s closed?
more: Find Out Once And For All Whether You’re His Type Now…
Would you rather be really good looking but super dumb or really ugly but super smart?
Would you rather have telekinesis (you can move things with your mind) or telepathy (you can read other people’s minds?
Would you rather your life ended at 40 and you had absolutely no regrets, or you lived until 80 but died with a lot of regrets?
Would you rather give up AC and heating for the rest of your life or give up the internet for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have your whole life broadcast over livestream on the internet or have people be able to read your mind whenever they wanted?
Would you rather everyone thought you were funny but you didn’t think anyone was funny, or you thought everyone was funny but no one thought you were funny?
Would you rather never laugh again or never run again?
Would you rather never be allowed to use a cell phone again, or anyone can see your full internet history whenever they wanted (and you can’t delete anything)?
Would you rather never be able to sing again or never be able to dance again?
Would you rather never watch tv or movies again or never read a book again?
Would you rather be considered the most talented basketball player ever but only play for 2 years, or play for 15 years and have what most people consider a great career?
Would you rather be the best baseball player in the league and never win a championship, or be a decent baseball player and win 4 championships over 15 years?
Would you rather wear only ugly outfits for the rest of your life or only have ugly haircuts for the rest of your life?
Would you rather smell like fresh baked bread forever or smell like fresh baked brownies forever?
Would you rather have a phone/laptop that never runs out of batteries or have access to superfast wifi anywhere you go?
more: How To Know If Your Crush Likes You
Would you rather be a king 1000 years ago or an average person now?
Would you rather have super long nose hair that you could never cut or super bad B.O. that you could never get rid of?
Would you rather only eat really spicy food for the rest of your life or only eat really bland food for the rest of your life?
Would you rather eat only oversalted food or never be able to have salt in any of your food again?
Would you rather be able to get free takeout food 3 times a day as long as it costs less than $8 or get a really nice meal from a restaurant free once per week?

Would you rather never wait at a red light again or never stand in a line again?
Would you rather live on a space station or live in a facility at the bottom of the sea?
Would you rather be the president and be poor or have zero political influence but be rich?
Would you rather have huge face tattoos or have one arm that’s significantly longer than the other?
Would you rather have to eat a whole onion when you wake up every morning or have to eat a half pound of cottage cheese right before you went to sleep every night?
Would you rather be terrible in bed but everyone thinks you’re amazing, or amazing in bed but everyone thinks you’re terrible?
Would you rather have no nose or no ears?
Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Would you rather hate your job but get a great salary or love your job but get a pretty bad salary?
Would you rather never have to do chores at home again or have a car that drives you wherever you want to go?
Would you rather get free unlimited taxi/uber rides or free unlimited plane rides?
Would you rather look fit/muscular but be incredibly weak or look overweight and out of shape but be super strong?
Would you rather go forward 250 years in time or go back 250 years in time?
Would you rather be beloved by the general public but your whole family and friends hate you, or be hated by the general public but your whole family and friends love you?
Would you rather be able to throw a baseball 100 miles per hour or be able to dunk on an 11 foot rim?
Would you rather go to jail for a crime your friend committed or tell the police that they did it?
Would you rather have no eyebrows or one huge eyebrow?
Would rather aliens were real but being covered up by the government, or that there were no aliens anywhere else in the universe?
Would you rather live on a boat in the middle of the ocean or live in a treehouse in the middle of the rainforest?
more: Exactly How To Text Your Crush And Start A Conversation
Would you rather have two heads or four arms and legs?
Would you rather your entire body be covered in hair or to have no hair anywhere on your body whatsoever?
Would you rather live somewhere uncomfortably hot or somewhere uncomfortably cold?
Would you rather have to eat three snails every day or eat an enormous tarantula once per month?
Would you rather be a bird or a fish?
Would you rather win the lottery and then go broke 10 years later or never win the lottery but live comfortably for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be the world’s best chess player or the world’s best poker player?
Would you rather have your ideal companion and soulmate be an artificial intelligence program, or never find true love in your life?
Would you rather have 10 fingers on each hand, or have three fingers on each hand?
Would you rather have perfect vision at night so that it looks like it’s bright sunlight out, or be able to breathe underwater?
Would you rather always know the fastest route to your destination (including traffic), or be guaranteed to never be late again?
Would you rather have an enormous wild incredible party for your birthday with hundreds of people there that you can’t remember when you wake up, or have a small gathering with some friends that you remember perfectly?
Would you rather live in your dream house in the middle of nowhere or live in a crappy small apartment in the middle of your favorite city?
Would you rather get all A’s in school without trying but learn nothing, or get C’s while trying really hard but learn a lot and grow as a person?
Would you rather never be able to go out during the day again or never be able to go out at night again?
Would you rather only eat something that comes out of a can or only eat something that grows in the ground?
Would you rather be a world renowned scientists or a famous actor?
Would you rather be staggeringly rich and unknown to the public, or poor but known by everyone you meet?
Would you rather have a bright red clown nose for a nose or have humongous clown feet that squeaked when you walked?

Would you rather get free meals at any drive through window for the rest of your life or free entrance to any amusement park for the rest of your life?
Would you rather never have to pay to go to the movie theater again or never have to pay for movie theater concessions ever again?
Would you rather never lose your phone again or never lose your wallet again?
Would you rather never get another spam phone call for the rest of your life or never get another junk mail or email spam for the rest of your life?
Would you rather get one free airplane ticket per year or be able to take a train anywhere you want for free?
more: Find Out Why He Isn’t Texting You Back Right Now
Would you rather be able to see through walls or be able to do any math equation in your head?
Would you rather give up being able to read for a year or give up being able to see anything on a screen for a year (tv, computer monitor, cell phone, etc)?
Would you rather be able to hear as well as dogs can or be able to smell as well as dogs can?
Would you rather have the world’s most sensitive taste buds or have the world’s most accurate and powerful sight (think eagle vision)?
Would you rather be able to type faster than anyone alive or be able to read faster than anyone alive?
Would you rather be able to convince anyone to do anything but they despise you afterwards, or be loved by everyone you meet but never be able to convince them to do anything?
Would you rather have perfect vision or perfect hearing?
Would you rather have tinnitus for the rest of your life in both ears or never be able to listen to music again?
Would you rather hear an awful singer’s voice instead of the regular singer in all music you hear for the rest of your life, or have the voice in your head sound terrible to you?
Would you rather write the world’s best novel and not get any credit for it, or get credit for the world’s best novel but have had nothing to do with writing it?
Would you rather live in a house with no windows or no doors?
Would you rather have autocorrect correct to the wrong word every single time, or take forever to type every text on your phone by typing with two fingers?
Would you rather never eat ice cream again or never eat candy again?
Would you rather live alone in a tiny studio apartment or live with 5 roommates you don’t like in a large house?
Would you rather never be able to drink coke again or never be able to drink pepsi again?
Would you rather be able to communicate only through emoji or never be able to text anyone ever again?
Would you rather be the greatest videogame player in the world or the worst basketball player in the nba?
Would you rather have to kill or harvest anything you personally eat or only eat fast food for the rest of your life?
Would you rather always know what’s coming 10 minutes from now or always be able to see what’s happening in the world 150 years from now?
Would you rather never be able to eat sushi again or only be able to eat sushi for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have massive, enormous hands or massive, enormous feet?
Would you rather stay in a room that’s super brightly lit for an entire week or stay in a room that’s kept quite dark for an entire week?
Would you rather be able to understand any language but speak none of them, or be able to speak any language but not understand it when it’s spoken to you?
Would you rather be able to manipulate and control water, or be able to move around and control any fire?

Would you rather be a mermaid or a centaur?
Would you rather be famous for writing the greatest movie of all time, or for directing the greatest movie of all time?
Would you rather feel extremely hungry all the time regardless of what you ate, or feel extremely tired all the time regardless of how much sleep you got?
Would you rather make the world’s greatest music but no one listened to it, or be the a super famous singer but not actually sing or make any of your music?
Would you rather snore insanely loudly and bother everyone you ever shared a bed with, or have the person you love snore insanely loudly with no cure?
Would you rather have an amazing memory but forget everything that happened more than a month ago, or have an amazing long term memory but be super forgetful in the short term?
Would you rather only be able to sleep hanging upside down or only be able to sleep for 2 hours at a time (and then have to stay up for at least 2 hours before going to bed again)?
Would you rather be a doctor who works in a hospital or a doctor who works in a research laboratory?
Would you rather have any purchase under $20 be free, or have one purchase that’s more than $1,000 but less than $10,000 be free every six months?
Would you rather live in an artificial paradise that you knew was fake, or live in the real world and deal with struggle every day?
Would you rather be able to speak any language on earth but have to live in your hometown, or only be able to speak English but you can travel anywhere you want?
Would you rather be amazingly photogenic but unattractive in person or unattractive in all your photos but ok looking in person?
Would you rather be trapped in a room for a year with access to any book you wanted to read and any music you wanted to hear (and you can’t watch tv or anything else), or with access to any tv show you wanted to watch (and you can’t read or listen to music).
Would you rather always be too hot when you’re trying to get to sleep or always be too cold?
Would you rather win the lottery but die in 10 years or keep living like you are now (with no guarantee that you’ll live a long life)?
Would you rather be amazing at any instrument you want as long as no one heard you play it (including recordings) or be extremely mediocre at an instrument but people want to listen to you play it?
Would you rather gain the ability to avoid paper cuts for the rest of your life or avoid brain freeze for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be guaranteed to never fart in public again or never slip and fall again?
Would you rather that every time you listened to music it was either slightly too quiet or slightly too loud?
Would you rather always feel like it was too bright for you outside or always feel like it was too dim for you outside?
Would you rather have your own personal swimming spot that was breathtakingly beautiful but full of mosquitos, or go to a public one that didn’t have any mosquitos but was crowded all the time?
Would you rather be able to command anyone to do anything (but they know you’re commanding them and hate it), or be able to read anyone’s mind without them knowing?
Would you rather double your lifespan and live to at least the age of 150, but look elderly the entire time, or live to the age of 65 but look like you’re a 25 year old the entire time?
Would you rather your skin was covered in feathers or in fur?
Would you rather be forced to ride everywhere you go on the back of an ostrich or on the back of an ornery donkey?
Would you rather have a bathroom that was clean all the time without you having to clean it, or laundry that was clean all the time without you having to do it?
Would you rather be forced to move from place to place (at least 100 miles away) every two weeks, or be forced to stay in the same place for the rest of your life?
Would you rather live the rest of your life living in an RV or living in a houseboat?
Would you rather deal with 200 days of rain in a row, then 165 days of absolutely beautiful weather, or a general mix where the weather changes from day to day?
Would you rather everyone thought you were incredibly funny and entertaining but you felt depressed all the time, or that everyone thought you were boring and not fun to be around but you felt great about yourself?
Would you rather be allergic to sunlight or allergic to sugar in any food that you eat?
Would you rather snore so loudly that no one wants to sleep in the same house as you, or only be capable of sleeping for 4 hours every night?
Would you rather be a world renowned artist or a mathematician doing cutting edge work in math (assuming you get paid the same for either one)?
Would you rather reincarnation was true but you had to be reincarnated as a cockroach after dying, or that there’s just oblivion and nothing after death?
Would you rather be incredibly persuasive or have an incredible singing voice?

Would you rather find your soul mate and marry them or stumble upon 10 million dollars buried in the ground?
Would you rather be unknown during your life and become incredibly famous after you die or be famous and well known during your life only to be utterly forgotten after your death?
Would you rather be the world’s fastest typer or have a text to speech program that actually works 100% of the time?
Would you rather get complete amnesia from your whole life up until now, or never be able to remember anything new from now on?
Would you rather only be able to watch movies that won Oscars in any category, or only be able to watch movies that never won Oscars in any category?
Would you rather only be able to wear one set of clothes for the rest of your life, or never be allowed to wear a shirt again for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have a car that can never go above 60 miles per hour but never breaks down, or a car that can go up to 200 miles per hour easily but breaks down all the time?
Would you rather have one leg 5 inches shorter than the other or one arm way shorter than the other arm?
Would you rather your arms went down to your mid shin level or that your legs were three times as long as your torso?
Would you rather work a job you absolutely hate from 9am to 7pm 6 days per week but make millions of dollars a year, or work a job you loved but live in near poverty?
Would you rather live in a dystopian nightmare world as the absolute ruler of everything, or live as a normal person in a utopian paradise?
more: The Best Would You Rather Questions For The Internet
Would you rather cry at the drop of a hat or have to sneeze at least 8 times per hour for the rest of your life?
Would you rather live in an absolute mansion in the middle of the city with see through glass walls, or in a crappy tiny run down studio apartment with absolute privacy?
Would you rather everyone was forced to wear sunglasses 100% of the time or everyone was forced to wear a wig 100% of the time?
Would you rather have out of control leg hair or out of control arm hair?
Would you rather not be able to grow hair on your head or not be able to grow eyebrows?
Would you rather it was constantly raining outside or that the wind was constantly strongly blowing outside?
Would you rather never be able to wear gloves again or never be able to wear a hat again?
Would you rather have to shout every single word that you type out loud or only be able to type 10 words per minute?
Would you rather be the world’s greatest liar but feel terrible every time you told a lie, or be a mediocre liar but be able to lie without feeling bad about it?
Would you rather life a normal life or be able to poop solid gold, but only if you ate a diet of purely spiders and other gross insects?
Would you rather have a great body but an unattractive face or an unattractive body but an unbelievably handsome/beautiful face?
Would you rather grow lots of thick hair on your elbows or on the backs of your hands?
Would you rather only be able to talk to other people over the phone or only be able to talk to other people over text?
Would you rather have to grow and cultivate everything you ate or only be able to eat at McDonalds for the rest of your life?
more: 100 Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather be able to talk to animals and understand them but they all hated you, or be beloved by all animals you meet but not be able to talk to or understand them?
Would you rather have a professional chauffeur drive you everywhere you wanted to go or have a professional cleaner clean up your house twice per week?
Would you rather have a professional chef or a professional personal trainer?
Would you rather the majority of people were able to fly or the majority of people were able to turn invisible?
Would you rather never have to watch commercials again or never lose the remote control to the tv ever again?
Would you rather have the latest and greatest phone whenever it came out for free but the battery only lasted 30 minutes before it needed a charge, or have to use a 5 year old phone at all times that never ran out of battery?
Would you rather be incredibly insightful but have a voice that no one could stand listening to, or be dull but have a voice that everyone loved to listen to?
more: Funny Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather be well known and hated, or unknown and thus people are indifferent to you?
Would you rather not have to work out or exercise and have an incredible body but actually be incredibly out of shape, or look like you were incredibly out of shape and flabby but actually be in amazing condition?
Would you rather be able to run a 4.5 minute mile or be able to set the world record in the high jump?
Would you rather be the world’s greatest pole vaulter or be the 250th best doctor in the world?
Would you rather wake up tomorrow with 500 million dollars but have to eat 10 cockroaches every morning when you woke up or keep living as normal now?
Want to find out if he really likes you? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Does He Like You” Quiz right now and find out once and for all if he likes you…
wow, just what i need! thanks for sharing these awesome ideas, i can ask these without looking too interested. haha!
oh! i just can’t wait to ask my girlfriends this question even if i already know what their answers would be – Would you rather be amazingly photogenic but unattractive in person or unattractive in all your photos but OK looking in person?
these would you rather questions are highly recommended especially if you are looking for a good conversation starter. some of the questions are really hard to answer and will make your friends, boyfriend or family think.
would you rather questions are always great to start a conversation when you can’t get the courage to ask directly. it’s also a fun way to get to know someone you’re interested in because it will help you both learn from each other.
would you rather questions are a fun way to get to know someone especially if you’re shy to ask direct questions. there are also those funny questions to break the ice. i love them!
some of these would you rather questions are hilarious! if you are bored or just want to pass the time, this game is perfect.
lemme try asking these would you rather questions to my family and friends and see if they have the same answers.
we’ve done this one time and got a moderate success. we will try it again using the would you rather questions in this article i know my friends would love.
“Would you rather give up all meat or all vegetables for the rest of your life?” – i think any would choose meat over vegetables without even thinking. haha!
for girls, it’s really difficult sometimes to ask too many questions to someone you’ve just met. personally, i get really awkward and this idea is perfect for me. i can even ask my friends to play with us and it will be a lot of fun!
this is awesome! i’m usually not the type to ask questions to a guy i just met, specially if he’s my type. i’m too shy to ask but these are all awesome and it won’t feel like i’m trying to interrogate or interview him at all. lol!
if you really like someone and you want to get to know them but are too shy to ask, these would you rather questions are best to use. not only will you learn a lot about him, he would also know things about you.
“Would you rather have no nose or no ears?”- this must be the hardest would you rather question.
“would you rather have no nose or no ears?” – this must be the hardest would you rather question.
good thing i came across this post. my friends are coming over this weekend and i can’t think of any game for us to play to avoid boredom.
definitely a perfect list! can’t wait to ask these questions to my friends this coming weekend!
these are cool ideas to use with my boyfriend. we used to play this when we were younger, maybe it’s nice to do it again.
these are tough questions! especially this one “Would you rather not have to work out or exercise and have an incredible body but actually be incredibly out of shape, or look like you were incredibly out of shape and flabby but actually be in amazing condition?”
So fun… I love would you rather and it’s so innocent but a great way to break the ice and get to know people better (and also to get shy people to open up)
going thru these questions and this struck me…
“Would you rather be forced to live the same day over and over again for a full year, or take 3 years off the end of your life” i honestly don’t know what to choose.
this is so fun played with your partner esp when you 2 do not have something else to do but chill on a couch or in bed at night. this is what we always do.
awesome! i’ll definitely use these next time we’re in for some would you rather questions game
these are fun questions i can ask my husband before bedtime lol
we love playing this game while drinking and just hanging out
funny questions! my friends and i will definitely have fun!
now i can’t wait to play this game again w/ my friends and crush! :)
these are hard to answer!
will definitely add spark to any social gathering.
i can’t wait to ask my friends these questions and hear their answers!
my friends love playing this game when we’re drinking and just hanging out