No Contact Rule: How Long Should You Do It For?

Maybe you really want him back and you want to give yourself the best chance possible to get him back. Maybe you broke up with…

Exactly How To Let Go of Someone You Love And Move On (Really Works)

Break-ups are always difficult, and if you still love the other person (maybe they still love you, too), it’s even harder. But even with…

He Says He Misses Me: What Does It Mean When He Says He Misses You?

They all say it, right? “Oh, I miss you, I miss you so much”. And you want to believe it. But is he genuine, or is it just a cheap ploy to get…

How to Tell If He Misses You

If you’re seeing a guy (or you have a crush on a guy) and you want to, there are some very clear signals that he’s thinking about…

Should You Take Him Back After He Dumped You?

One of the hardest decisions you’ll have to make is whether or not to take him back after he already ended things with you. Not only…

The Exact Reasons Why The No Contact Rule Works Every Time

If you want to get your ex back, following the no contact rule gives you the best chance of doing it. And if you want to get over your…

It's Really Over: The Top 8 Signs Your Ex Has Moved On

Maybe you just broke up and you’re wondering if you can get him back, but some of the things he’s saying and doing have you feeling…

The 10 Biggest Signs Your Ex Misses You

Maybe you’ve been broken up for a while and you’re still holding out hope that you could get back together – but you want to know…

Do I Still Love Him? 7 Signs You're Still In Love With Your Ex

I know that if you’ve been trying to get over a guy, especially if you’ve been trying for a while, it can be really discouraging to find yourself…

The 10 Biggest Signs Your Ex Is Over You (And Exactly How To Fix It!)

This can be an unacceptable and terrifying thought – especially if you’re still in love with him. You might’ve seen things on his social…