So you want to know the biggest signs your ex doesn’t want you back.
It’s a brutal situation when you’re not sure how your ex feels about you – especially if you’re open to getting back together with him.
If you don’t know his feelings for you, then you don’t know how to act towards him and you don’t know how he’ll react.
Maybe you broke up a little while ago and you’re having second thoughts, but you don’t want to make the first move if you’re going to get rejected.
more: Find Out If Your Ex Still Loves You With These Hidden Signs
Maybe he’s been doing things lately that have you thinking he’s over you and that thought is freaking you out.
Maybe you just want to know where you stand with him so that you can make a decision and move on with your life.
Whatever the reason – you want to know for sure if he doesn’t want you back, and you’re sick of the uncertainty and not knowing.
Don’t worry – I’ve got you covered.
more: The Top Signs Your Ex Wants You Back
Take The Quiz: Can You Get Your Ex Back Or Is He Gone Forever?
I’m going to give you the biggest signs he doesn’t want you back and is over you, so that you can know exactly what’s going on in his head and what you should do next.
Ready? Here they are:
The Top 10 Signs Your Ex Doesn’t Want You Back
1. He Outright Tells You That You Should Find Someone New
A guy will never do this if he has even the slightest plans to get back together with you.
more: Can I Get My Ex Back?
The only time an ex boyfriend would encourage you to look for someone new is if he knows he’s never getting back together with you, and he wants you to move on.
If he’s said this to you, he either is tired of you trying to get him back or he’s tired of seeing you in pain over not being with him, and he wants you to move on more than anything.
So if he tells you to find someone new – that’s a huge sign he doesn’t want you back.

2. He Never Responds To Your Messages
This depends a little bit on when you broke up, but it’s still not a good sign for your future prospects.
more: Sneaky Giveaway Signs Your Ex Wants You Back But Won’t Admit It
I advise anyone who’s just broken up with their partner to go through a period of “no contact” with him. I think it’s the best way to get perspective on the relationship and know what to do next.
So if it’s only been a couple of weeks since you broke up and he’s incommunicado – it doesn’t necessarily mean he absolutely doesn’t want you back.
But if you’ve been broken up for a lengthy period of time and he’s still ignoring your texts and calls, that’s a very negative sign for any potential future with him.
more: The 10 Biggest Signs Your Ex Is Over You
3. He Always Seems Really Angry At You
This depends on how the relationship ended.
If you cheated on him or did something that really made him upset, it makes sense that he’d be angry with you for a while.
Still, him being angry at you isn’t ideal. It means that he still feels something for you, but if that something is anger then it’s a very bad sign for getting back together.
If he’s holding onto anger and resentment towards you, that’s not going to turn into longing overnight. Chances are, if he can’t talk to you without getting angry, he doesn’t want to get back together with you.

4. He Tells You It’s Not You… It’s Him
If a guy doesn’t want to get back together with his ex, he could come up with any of a million reasons why not.
But when he uses this reason, it very strongly means he doesn’t want to get back together.
Why? Because you have no control over this reason – and he knows it.
When he tells you it’s not you it’s him, what he’s really saying is that he doesn’t want to get back together, and that nothing you could say or do will change his mind.
more: Exactly How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back
He’s saying that he’s the reason why you can’t get back together, and that you should stop trying.
So if he’s said that it’s him, not you… it means he doesn’t want to get back together with you.

5. He Doesn’t Flirt With You Even A Little Bit
After a relationship ends, there’s always a degree of intimacy left between you.
After all, you dated each other and had an intimate connection with each other. That doesn’t really go away, and certainly doesn’t go away overnight.
That’s why it’s so common for exes to flirt with each other, and maybe even get back together for a night before breaking up again. The connection is too strong.
So if he doesn’t flirt with you at all (and shuts down your attempts to flirt), it means he’s trying to erase any sort of intimacy and connection between you.
more: How Guys Deal With Breakups
And the biggest reason a guy would do that is if he doesn’t want to get back together with you at all.

6. It’s Been A Long Time Since You Broke Up
The longer it’s been, the worse your chances are at getting back together.
You know the phrase “time heals all wounds”? It also means that as time goes on, intense feelings for someone fade.
If you were dating for a while and it’s only been a few weeks or a few months since you broke up – sure, not a lot of time has passed.
But if it’s been a really long time, and there’s no indication that you’re going to get back together – that’s a huge sign that he never intends to get back together with you, and he doesn’t want to.
more: 11 Signs Your Ex Has Moved On
7. He’s Dating Someone Else
One of the best ways to get over someone is to start dating someone else.
It gets your mind off your ex and fills part of the hole they left in your life with someone new and exciting.
Now, if you just broke up and he’s dating someone new, does that mean you have no chance at getting back together?
No. Lots of guys (and women) will jump into rebound relationships after breaking up… and those usually don’t last (or help them get over their exes).
But if he’s dating someone new and it’s been going on for a while, and it seems more serious than casual… that’s a big sign that he’s over you and doesn’t want to get back together with you.

more: Tips On How To Deal If Your Ex Doesn’t Want You Back
8. The Trust Between You Is Completely Gone
You can’t have a good relationship without trust. It’s like oxygen – without it the relationship can’t develop and withers away.
So if the trust between you is completely gone, and it’s unlikely that it will come back, it’s a huge block between you and getting back together.
If he doesn’t trust you, he’s not going to want to get back into a relationship with you. It’s as simple as that.
9. He Wants His Stuff Back And Gives You Back Yours
One of the big steps in processing a breakup is getting rid of anything that reminds you of your ex.
If he wants his stuff back from you and he wants to give you back anything you gave him, it’s a big sign that he still has feelings for you… but they’re negative feelings that he doesn’t want to deal with.
It means that he’s trying to get rid of anything that reminds him of you, and that he’s trying to get over you as quickly as possible.
If that’s the case, it’s a big sign he doesn’t want you back.

more: Even If He Does These Things He Doesn’t Want You Back
10. He Turns Down Any Invites To Meet Up
This is another sign that could get mixed up by the no contact rule.
If you recently broke up, he might be trying to follow the no contact rule, which would mean that he would definitely turn down any offers to meet up or spend time together.
But if it’s been a while since you broke up and he still has no interest in hanging out or spending time together, that’s a big sign that he wants to move on with his life… without you in it.
So if he turns down any invites to hang out, it usually means that he doesn’t want to get back together.
Want to find out if you can get your ex back? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Can You Get Your Ex Back” Quiz right now and find out if you can ever get him back or if he’s gone for good…
Take The Quiz: Can You Get Your Ex Back Or Is He Gone Forever?
In summary…
The Top Signs Your Ex Doesn’t Want You Back
- He outright tells you that you should find someone new.
- He never responds to your messages.
- He always seems really angry at you.
- He tells you it’s not you… it’s him.
- He doesn’t flirt with you even a little bit.
- It’s been a long time since you broke up.
- He’s dating someone else.
- The trust between you is completely gone.
- He wants his stuff back and gives you back yours.
- He turns down any invites to meet up.
if he says he’s with someone new now, he’s most probably not getting back with you. he may be even telling you to move on and start anew.
When he wants his stuff back and tells you to get yours or that he wants to give yours back, it’s a clear way of knowing he doesn’t want you back.
when a guy turns down any invitation from an ex, it shows that he wants to move on and don’t want anything to do with her or the relationship. it also is a sign that he doesn’t want the girl anymore.
yep. trust is important in a relationship.
if he doesn’t respond to your messages, he might just be really over you.
these are pretty obvious signs and should be able to see them and feel them so you’re not prolonging your own agony.
if he’s dating or seeing someone else, i believe that is it. :-(
if he doesn’t flirt with anymore nor even respond to your cues, he might not really be interested anymore.
if you feel like there isn’t trust between the two of you, this might be a huge sign he doesn’t really want you back.
if you think that there is no longer trust and that he treats you nothing more than just a friend, he might not really be interested in getting back with you.
if he never responds to your messages anymore, there’s really something wrong.
the very famous line, “It’s not’s me” is definitely one way to know if he even wants you back.
giving your stuff back and wanting his back is surely a big sign he is moving on without you.
if he seems to be always angry at you, he doesn’t want you anymore
if he tries to keep away from you even thru texts, i think that’s it.
your ex being really angry at you is s big sign he doesn’t want you back.
cutting off on communication is a major sign.
very good post right here. women should be aware of these.
he’ll seem to be indifferent and just wouldn’t care at all. his actions will be far from his true self.
ouch! but these are all true
if he’s dating a new girl then maybe stop hoping there’s a chance for you to get back together
this is really sad. :( but if there’s nothing left to do, better be moving forward without him. it’s for your own good.
hopefully this makes you realize that you finally need to move on and look forward. don’t dwell on the what ifs and stuff.
all these signs are definitely true
when he’s always in a bad mood and you two barely look at each other’s eyes.
the very famous “it’s not you, it’s me” line! too often used just to get rid of the partner
a person who doesn’t want you nor want you back, he is always angry or irate. it’s as if you did something really bad
What if he suddenly avoids you and you get upset…can the no contact rule work in that aspect?
if he turns down invites to meet up, he might really be over you
if he tells you to find someone else then maybe you should let him go already