So you’re here because you want to know what makes a man happy?
Presumably, you want to know the answer to that question because you want a happy relationship. But more than that, you want a naturally happy relationship.
I could give you a list of actions you could do that would make a man happy… lots of articles have those.
more: The Exact 8 Things Every Man Really Wants In A Woman
For instance, other articles will tell you to:
- Make him feel secure with you
- Give him praise in front of others
- Let him have his space
- Support him when he’s down without criticizing him
- Be a great cook and give him delicious meals
- Take the lead and be adventurous in the bedroom
- Etc…
As you can see, most of those articles tell you to put yourself second, and do things for him in order to make him happy.
But if you have to constantly and consciously do things for him to try to make him happy – that means that he’s not naturally happy in the first place.
It means that you have to go out of your way and put in extra effort in order to ‘make him happy.
Take This Quiz And Find Out Right Now: Is He Slipping Away
However, here’s the secret: You can act totally and 100% naturally and make him the happiest man in the world – keep reading and I’ll explain exactly how.
What Makes Him Naturally Happy?
Lots of women are in relationships where they don’t feel totally secure. It can feel like they’re walking on eggshells around him and afraid to say or do the wrong thing.
Maybe it feels like he could ‘take it or leave it’ when it comes to the relationship… or it doesn’t feel like he’s super excited and WANTS to be there.
more: How To Get Him To Treat You Like A Priority

When a woman finds herself in that situation, the natural response is to looks for ‘how to make a man happy’.
The logic is that if he’s happy – he’ll naturally want to stay in the relationship, and it won’t feel forced or unnatural anymore.
Unfortunately, most of these lists online offer cheap band aids to use over deeper problems in the relationship.
Cooking him a great meal isn’t going to magically make a struggling relationship into a great one.
Even worse, women who read these lists online and think that they have to do things for him in order to keep him happy and interested wind up getting trapped in a vicious cycle.
They do more and more for him and put in more and more effort, but they don’t see him becoming happier and happier – in fact it’s often the opposite.
He winds up pulling away more and more… because he knows that she will keep doing whatever it takes to get him to stick around. She (rightfully) feels more and more resentful, which makes him pull away more and more, which eventually causes the relationship to collapse.
The truth is, if you’re looking for shortcuts on how to quickly and easily make a man happy (by doing a few things off of a list), you’re going to be disappointed.
Best case scenario – you slap a band aid on a relationship that’s struggling and keep the status quo for a while longer. Worst case scenario – your relationship enters a death spiral that becomes harder and harder to get out of.
more: Exactly How To Tell When A Guy Loves You
Here’s a hint: it’s much better to be in a relationship that naturally makes both people happy.
And yes, I understand the response to that is ‘duh, who wouldn’t want that?!?!’
It’s true – that’s an obvious statement, and it’s true – it might seem out of reach or even impossible to you right now.
But in fact, it’s possible for every man and every woman to be in a relationship like that. Here’s how:
How To Have A Naturally Happy Relationship
Here’s what the ideal relationship is: it’s a relationship where both partners are naturally happy… and naturally make each other happy.
His natural state will be happiness – you won’t have to ‘do’ something special for him to be happy.
more: Why Men Pull Away And How To Stop It
He just wakes up and is happy to be there, happy to be in a relationship with you and happy to wake up next to you.
That’s not just possible, that’s what every single person deserves in a relationship. And I can tell you the way to get there is not to look up a list of ways to make him happy online and start picking things off the list.
Here’s the secret to a naturally happy man in a relationship:
Guys are happy when the relationship is going well.

That means that he’s not worried about ‘saying the wrong thing’ and stumbling into a fight. He doesn’t have to walk on eggshells to avoid trouble or ‘drama’.
There’s no unresolved tension or lingering resentment in the relationship, and he feels calm, comfortable, and relaxed when he’s with you.
He knows beyond a doubt that you’re happy in how you’re living your life on your own, and your relationship with him is the cherry on top of an already happy life.
Most importantly, he’s happy when he knows he can make you happy.
I’m not saying that he thinks it’s solely his responsibility to make you happy – that’s an easy and quick way to turn a guy off and make him want to escape. The truth is, both people in a great relationship are happy before they get into the relationship. The relationship is icing on the cake, not the cake itself.
Rather, he knows that when he is his natural, normal, relaxed self – his true self without the mask that he puts on for other people and the outside world – that person that he truly is makes you genuinely happy.
more: 9 Tips To Keep Your Man Happy
That’s the best way to make a man happy in a relationship: when he knows, deep down, that you accept him for who he truly is.
Not for the person he is when he’s wearing a mask. Not for who he is at work, or with his friends. When you accept him for the person he truly is, deep down, when ‘no one is watching’ – he will be truly happy.
If he can be his true, authentic, natural self around you –and you accept that person and rejoice in that person and that person makes you happy – then you will make him happier than any relationship has ever made him. (And that’s how you get him to enthusiastically stay by your side).
So now the question becomes, how do you get to that point?
How do you make a relationship where both people naturally make each other truly happy and accept each other for who they truly are?
more: 5 Secret Rules For A Happy Relationship
What Makes A Man Happy?
The answer is simple: you find someone who you’re compatible with. A 100% compatible match is the foundation to any good relationship. You simply can’t have an amazing relationship that lasts without being deeply compatible with the other person. Most of the relationship questions that I get where the woman is suffering through the most heartbreak are relationships between incompatible people. The women who come to me in the most pain are the women trying to make an incompatible match work, who are trying day and night to fit a square peg into a round hole.
That way only leads to disaster and heartbreak. The truth is, women (and men) who do the most “fighting to keep their relationship alive” are the ones who suffer and struggle the most in their relationships.
Good relationships are supposed to be effortless. That doesn’t mean that neither party puts in any work into the relationship, it means that both people feel naturally good and happy around each other, because they’re deeply compatible with each other.
more: 10 Little Things That Make Men Ridiculously Happy
So even when the relationship runs into trouble and hardship, both partners know that they’re on the same side, pulling in the same direction, and that they have each other’s backs.

Remember, if you want a relationship that lasts, you have to be truly compatible with your partner. Only you can judge whether or not you’re compatible, and on that question I would counsel you to listen to your gut and listen to your instincts.
When you’re with someone that you’re truly compatible with, the relationship feels effortless – and you effortlessly and naturally make each other happy. You don’t have to ‘do’ anything special to make him happy… you make him happy simply by being yourself. And he makes you happy simply by being himself.
Once you have that, the rest is gravy, and neither you nor him ever want to let each other go.
Want to find out he’s slipping away from you Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Is He Slipping Away” Quiz right now and find out if the man you want is really slipping away from you…
take the lead in bed sometimes..this will really make him happy! (;
you’re right! i realized men only want natural and happy relationships. women need not to pretend, just be happy and fun and spontaneous.
a man would want to come home to a happy home esp after a long and hard day at work. nothing extravagant, just being w/ his woman will make him really happy
make him feel secure at all times. men need this as much as we do especially when there’s struggle at work or anything in between
do not criticize him in public, talk to him and praise him for the things he is good at & encourage him to do better.
a simple, happy relationship will make a man very happy. men are not into complicated things.
men want genuine and natural happiness in relationships so do not even try to be someone else w/ your man
make him feel loved and appreciated. i think that’s the best answer to this
natural and happy relationships make men happy. be yourself but make an effort to better the relationship
make him feel secure of your love and your presence in his life..this will make him happy.
take the lead and be adventurous in bed – absolutely correct! (:
make him happy by bringing fun & excitement into the relationship. know his best interests and focus on them
avoid drama. men do not like this especially after working so hard on his job or business. men are happy when they know they’ll come home to a happy woman and happy relationship
keeping a man happy isn’t so hard and having this cheat sheet makes it even easier
give him praise in front of others. making him feel that you’re proud of him is the best way to make him happy.
men do not need prentensions especially in their relationships. the more natural they feel you are, the more comfortable and genuinely happy they will be.
a man that is assured of his partner’s love and support is going to be happy and will stay happy
making the most of what you do and making him comfortable in the relationship and your life together would definitely leave a man happy and satisfied.
Take the lead and be adventurous in the this one’s gonna keep him really happy! :)
be yourself in dealing with him and the relationship. if you bring happiness to it, he will definitely be happy
i believe what men need most is support and understanding. they are naturally focused on their career that they are happiest hen they know they have a partner who supports them.
men also need the security of a happy relationship. this will definitely keep him happy and satisfied in your relationship.
keep the relationship going well by trying to be as understanding as you can
i have learned that men want respect and praises from their partners.
making him feel your support and understanding will make him a happy person who feels security in a relationship.
men are really satisfied with relationships that doesn’t burden them with so much complications. make sure you are working with him and that you support him in everything.
assure him you’re there for him and let him feel & see your efforts for the relationship as well.
making him feel appreciated is one of the most important things you can do to keep him happy.
men are simple, women are complex and sometimes complicated. we don’t seem to understand men because of our own expectations, hence we don’t make them happy
these are all true indeed. mean need the same attention and affection that we need.