My Man Is Pulling Away, What Should I Do?
So you’re looking for the real reasons that men pull away.
It might help to hear you’re not alone. In fact, the vast majority of women experience anxiety about their partner growing distant… and most face a situation that’s very similar to the one you might be facing right now.
In fact, some of the most asked questions that I get in my inbox are, “Why is my partner pulling away from me? Why is he growing distant? It feels like he’s withdrawing, what should I do?”
First of all, don’t panic. Everything you need to know is right in front of you on your computer screen.
First of all, you can find my best, most accurate advice about what to do when your man is pulling away in this article that I wrote.
Since that article is jam packed with so much information, advice, and situation specific answers, I also decided to make an infographic on this topic.
Take The Quiz: Is He Losing Interest?
The infographic covers the most important points from my article. It gives you what I consider to be the best answer on what to do when you feel a man is pulling away from you, and it sums them up as clearly and concisely as possible.
Infographic: What To Do If A Man Is Withdrawing
Remember, when a man withdraws he usually follows these 3 steps:
1. He starts to pull away and grow more distant
This is when he’s feeling vulnerable in a relationship and he wants distance and perspective to make sure he’s doing the right thing.
2. This causes his partner to feel very anxious and confused, and feel a strong desire to “pull him back”
At this point, she might be obsessing over “what’s gone wrong” in the relationship. Panic, negativity, and fear of loss come through in every interaction with him.
3. He feels more vulnerable and trapped, which makes him want to pull away even more.
This happens because he never gets the perspective on the relationship that he was looking for, and causes a vicious cycle that pushes him away even farther and can even put the relationship into a death spiral.
Remember to check the infographic and read my article for exactly what to do when a man is withdrawing, so that you never have to worry that he’s becoming distant again, because you’ll know exactly what to do.
Want to find out if he’s really losing interest? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Is He Losing Interest” Quiz right now and find out if he’s really losing interest in you…
Been together a year he had a lump on his back that was cancer iv always been there. Had it removed but its come back..
He texted me I need to be single to get this sorted. Pls give me space. I need to get my head around this. I need to do this on my own. I’m in bits. Gutted. Is this normal fir a guy to act this way
What if he never comes back After giving him space
Thank you for your help will leave another comment when ive read my results…but thank you ever so much.
Too late for me with this article lol