Find Out If Your Ex Still Loves You With These Hidden Signs (Even If He Insists He Doesn't)

Here’s the real story – breakups are messy. When two people break up, it’s almost a guarantee that they’ll both still have…

Why Men Pull Away: 3 Easy Ways To Stop A Man From Withdrawing

You want to know the worst thing about what happens when a man starts to withdraw and become distant?…

13 Relationship Lessons We Learned From The TV Series 'Friends'

We all love watching television, and the reason for that is our favorite television shows. These television shows come in multiple…

Exactly How To Get a Guy Back That Pushed You Away (Do This Right Now)

One of the most annoying things men do is to push you away, seemingly for no reason. Everything is great, until it isn’t anymore…

Exactly How To Let Go of Someone You Love And Move On (Really Works)

Break-ups are always difficult, and if you still love the other person (maybe they still love you, too), it’s even harder. But even with…

Breakups: Why They're Good For You and Why You Should Never Regret Them

You seldom hear about about the good parts of love, though. Ever notice how your friends always talk about their relationships when…

Been Dumped? 3 Questions For This Real-Life 'Hitch' Who Can Help You Get Your Ex Back!

Breakups hurt because the rug has been pulled out from under us. We had been giving our heart to someone and we thought they…

The 9 Biggest Reasons Men Fall Out of Love

Maybe you feel like your relationship is losing its spark – you don’t know why or how but things feel distant between you and the…

Avoid These 8 Huge Mistakes Women Make That Push Men Away

If you’re racking your brain trying to figure out why he disappeared – don’t worry. I’m going to give you the biggest mistakes that…

The Top 7 Reasons Why Men Leave The Women They Love

For women who have been blindsided by a breakup, the first question is always “why?” “Why did he leave me? What did I do wrong?…

Exactly How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Getting your ex back is an extremely emotional topic. There is something unique about the pain that hurts your heart after a…

20 Signals That You Should Move On And It's Time To Let Go

Life is hard. It’s full of trials, troubles, and bad boyfriends, disasters, diseases, even death…

Picking Up The Pieces After A Toxic Relationship

It’s not just loss, and it’s not just betrayal, because you weren’t betrayed by just them – you were also betrayed by life…

The Truth Of How Guys Deal With Breakups

A lot of women come to me feeling very confused about their guy’s actions after a breakup… and the question usually goes…

How To Get Over Even The Worst Break Up

No matter whether you’re the one doing the dumping or you’ve been dumped, the end of a relationship is painful and challenging. Even if you were the one who ended…

Here's How To Stay Strong After A Breakup

Sometimes you can feel like everything is falling apart after you break up with someone you loved. Look – there’s no getting past it, breakups …

These 8 Signs Mean You're Not Over Your Ex

Check out this list of signs you’re not over your ex, and find out if you’re really over him, or not…

Dating a commitment phobe

So is commitment phobia a real condition or is it made up? Lots of women out there are under the impression that if a man is refusing to commit, it means…

Why Men Pull Away: 3 Easy Ways To Stop A Man From Withdrawing: Infographic

So you’re looking for the real reasons that men pull away. It might help to hear you’re not alone. In fact, the vast majority of women experience anxiety…

If you broke up because of Jealousy..Here's what to do..

No matter what age you are when a relationship ends, a breakup or divorce can feel devastating. If jealousy was one of the main…

Everybody knows what a difficult time a breakup is. Only James Griffin wrote a song called Breaking Up Is Easy, but when you get to listen to it, the title turns out…

Why breaking up for guys is hard to do!

So you’ve found someone that swept you off your feet, but you are having second thoughts about the relationship. Why are…

How Lonely Are You

Do you feel lonely all the time?…

Have You Actually Moved On?

Are you still pining over “the one that got away”? Have you…

Should You Break Up With Him?

Breaking up is sometimes the best possible option for the future of your love life…

Quiz: Are You Sabotaging Your Love Life?

There are a ton of people out there who simply can’t get out of their own way in their love…

The 5 Most Common Red Flags Women Shouldn’t Ignore

Ladies – I don’t mean to be negative, but I’ve noticed a lot of you making some relationship mistakes that are…

The 8 Biggest Threats To Any Marriage

If you’re married and don’t want to end up divorced, you really need to think about something. You know, there’s something…

Six Reasons Why You Shouldn't Try To Stay Friends With Your Ex

Every breakup, there’s always gotta be that one person (aka the person who’s ending the relationship) that says “I don’t want to lose you as a friend…

The 5 Most Deadly (And Common) Mistakes That Destroy Relationships

There are no really good role models today to follow for advice on relationships. Most of the time, people are flying blind…