20 Secrets Behind Relationships That Last Forever

When you fall in love, your dream is for that love to last forever. There’s nothing worse than…

8 Reasons Real Men NEVER Cheat On The Ones They Love

It’s a sad but honest truth that finding a real guy in the cess pool that our dating culture has become is like…

9 Clear Signs You’ve Found Your Future Husband

Money, power, and wealth eventually fade away. However, there’s one thing that we chase after that we never stop desiring, and that’s love…

6 Signs Which Mean That That “Complicated” Guy Is Actually A Huge Douche-Nozzle

My problem with the word “complicated” is that it’s not being used as a description, it’s being used as an excuse…

Find Dating Success: Avoid The ‘Identity Trap’ And Be Yourself

One of the biggest dating mistakes that I constantly see people falling into has me amazed. No, not because it’s not an easy mistake to make…

21 Types Of Men That Are Worth Giving A Chance

Let’s face it – there are a lot of guys out there that are just flat out not worth your time or who will…

Reasons It Rocks To Be In A Relationship In Your 20’s

There’s so much pressure on young people in their 20’s to “get out there!” “See all your options…

So here are 33 guys explaining the one thing they wish all women would stop doing immediately…

Things Healthy Couples Do

There are a few habits that most healthy couples share. If you get in the habit of doing…

Our Dating Culture Sucks. Here’s 15 Ways We Can Change It

It sucks to try to navigate the world of blurred lines between “labels”, “friends with benefits”, “casual”, and “kind of exclusive.”

6 Ways to Spot an Unhealthy Relationship

Have you ever felt like you’re trapped in a horrible relationship you can’t seem to end? It’s a scary thing to be stuck in…

Bring Back These 8 Old Fashioned Dating Habits

What if men actually acted like gentlemen? What if they actually held doors open, did things out of the blue just to show they care and …..

End Any Fight With These 5 Simple Steps

There’s nothing worse than getting in a huge fight, saying things you regret but not being able to help it.

The 5 Most Deadly (And Common) Mistakes That Destroy Relationships

There are no really good role models today to follow for advice on relationships. Most of the time, people are flying blind…

How to get over a breakup

I get how horrible it feels when you honestly think you are in love with someone… and then all of sudden, out of nowhere, they pull the rug from beneath you…

The Secret to Love that Lasts Forever

You can have a relationship that lasts, and you can be adored, desired and loved by the man of your dreams forever…

Signs You're in Love Infographic

You know how amazing love feels – but it’s also totally overwhelming. When you’re in love, you’re in love. You’re completely overcome by new feelings and emotions and experiences with the new guy. You’re not just wondering, ‘does he like me?‘ – you’re wondering ‘does he LOVE me?’ You don’t have to frantically worry about [...]

Reasons Why Men Don't Text Back Infographic

Ever get confused about why a guy isn’t texting you back? Ever freak out and wish that he would just respond to your texts? Basically, have you ever wished that texting guys was just simpler? Relax, because now it is. Take this quiz and find out Why Isn’t He Texting You Back? We surveyed thousands [...]