Many of you reading this article probably know a lot of these 7 positive feelings that come from successful relationships. That’s because when you’re with the right person, they just arise naturally, and both people can enjoy them.
The person you’re with should always make you feel appreciated, beautiful, and cherished in your relationship (as you should with them). You and your partner should form a team that’s stronger together than either of you ever were on your own, and help each other climb to new heights of happiness.
All healthy couples do these 10 things.
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So without further ado, here are the 7 most incredible feelings that grow out of a successful relationship:
1. Excitement
The best relationships inspire passion in both parties no matter what’s going on.
MORE: 7 Keys to Long-Term Relationship Success
When your partner walks through the door, are you excited to hold them in your arms? To kiss them? To want to do nothing but run your hands all over their body?
Successful relationships turn on the passion at the start and never turn it off. It might cool slightly for periods of time – like after children are born – but it never dies completely, and it always gets rekindled.
Here are 8 key signs your partner is in love with you.
2. Comfort
Comfort is one of the most important feelings possible in a relationship. It’s the base line for everything else in the relationship to grow.
Without comfort, you can’t have trust. After all, how can trust grow if the two people aren’t comfortable telling each other anything and everything that’s on their mind?
MORE: 10 Keys to a Successful Romantic Relationship
The comfort between you and the right partner grows and grows, until they’re someone you can talk to about anything – whether you’re laughing or talking about something really serious – and you can be lovers and best friends wrapped up into one.
3. Consistency
The thought of your relationship ending should be the last thing on your mind.
That’s because you and your partner know how to engage with problems and work through them, rather than letting them work you over.
You know that you love each other too much to let your relationship end over something silly.
He’s there to take care of you, just like you’re there to take care of him, in sickness and in health, no matter what.
MORE: The Top 10 Secrets Of Those Highly Successful Couples We All Envy
4. Safety
This circles back to comfort, which circles back to trust. Being with your partner should be a completely safe experience for you, you should never fear them.
It’s OK to worry if they’re mad at you or if they’re upset about something, but that should never spill over into physical violence.
If you’re ever afraid your partner is going to be physically violent towards you, something is seriously wrong. If you don’t feel safe with them, they’re not the right person for you.
Never ignore these dangerous relationship red flags.
5. Hope For The Future
You and your partner should share a vision of the future together – one that involves both of you.
It could be a house, children, it could even be travelling the world together. The important thing is that whatever it is – it involves both of you, and neither of you are going to let it go.
All women deserve these 4 things from a man.
6. Willpower
Being with the right person raises you up, instead of pushing you down (or leaving you flat).
When you spend time with your s/o, do you feel like you could conquer any challenge? Overcome any obstacle? Take on the world?
Your partner is your best friend, and they’re also the person to push you when you need it, to help you see your success and materialize it, and push yourself towards your own internal happiness. If you don’t have their support, what can your relationship possibly survive on?
7. Gratitude
A feeling of gratitude is key to any successful relationship.
That’s because in a great relationship, both partners wake up and thank their lucky stars that they have each other. When you’re in the middle of a relationship, it can be easy to forget how hard it is to find someone that you “click” and connect with, so being thankful that you’ve found the person for you is very important.
Each and every day you should both take the time to compliment each other, cherish each other, and love each other, and give thanks that you’ve found the right person for you.
Want to find out how compatible you are with him? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Are You Compatible” Quiz right now and find out whether you’re *really* compatible with him…
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In summary…
The Most Important Feelings In Every Successful Relationship
- Excitement
- Comfort
- Consistency
- Safety
- Hope for the future
- Willpower
- Gratitude
Hope for the future is always nice. The rest of these feelings should just come as they come and not be forced. Otherwise you get false hope and that does NOT do anything for the couple!
great list. i appreciate these types of feelings because i know they are not being felt by everyone out there.
If we can make it through a couple months at a time without arguing about something, that is when I feel like our relationship is successful.
I agree that consistency can be a good thing, however, I prefer to have some sort of spontaneous element as well.
Successful relationships are not that common. Both parties need to do the right thing, all the time.
Exactly. Good point and remember that you are going to get out of the relationship what you put into it.
very good list. one that should be read by anyone in a serious relationship.
Exactly. Someone that does not have experience, should read this.
It is not uncommon to have these feelings. Puppy love is great and if you get through the first year with each other and the feelings are still there, it might be time to think about a marriage.
Talking to a doctor friend of mine, she said that these feelings are great in a relationship, but in general, better for your overall health. If you are not experiencing them, there are issues that you might need to work out.
You hit the nail on the head right here! Great list and do you know when the best part about being in a good relationship is? When you can feel it on the inside.
If you are going to be in a serious relationship, getting these feelings is a must.
You got that right. The feelings can come and go, but the ones on the list should be present at some point.
Comfort and safety is always a good thing and you are right, they do go hand in hand.
I would think that safety would be the number one, but the more I read through the list, the more I would to feel comfortable about being with someone.
A successful relationship is one that has both partners in the same boat, at the same time. These feelings just come along with naturally :)
These are all great feelings to have. If you can have them during a relationship, then you are even better off. Feelings of excitement have also been known to extend your life :)
Great post! Being able to feel these types of things from another person is such a great thing!
I personally like excitement. Especially if you haven’t seen each other in a while. That first time you see your partner, the feeling is so great!
Being able to get these feelings is great. A successful relationship starts here, but still takes plenty of work.
I agree! There is great feelings to have and one of them is LOVE. If you both feel the same way, the others will come right along with it!
If you do not feel safe, you could been in a new relationship. It might take awhile to get that feeling. Take your time and keep an eye open for these types of things.
Feeling comfortable with the person you are with is great! At first you both seem to be so rigid and as soon as you are able to have a little fun around each other it opens you up and that is a great feeling!
I agree with safety for sure. When I feel safe with a man, there is no better feeling.