How to Tell If a Man Likes You: You’ll Know For Sure When You Spot These Subconscious Signs (Even If He Tries To Hide It)
Is there a guy you like, and you’ve been flirting with him and giving him signs, but you can’t figure out if he’s as into you as you are into him? That can be confusing and anxiety-inducing. You just want to know, damn it! And make a move, if necessary. But if he likes you, too, then why isn’t he telling you or showing you? Well, maybe he is – he just doesn’t realize it. Look out for these 36 subconscious signs that he’s into you.
Take The Quiz: Does He Like You?
MORE: Exactly How To Know for sure If A Guy Likes You
1. He smiles at you a lot
How often do you find yourself just smiling at people you’re indifferent to? Not very often, I bet. But how do you react when you like someone and you just want to smile your head off? Put 2 and 2 together: he likes you and he can’t control how happy you make him.
2. He tries to get close to you
We typically respect a certain amount of personal space, but when a guy likes a girl, he will always try to sit close to her, be around her, touch her, etc. You’ll be able to tell the difference between a polite man and one who likes you.
3. He is jealous of men you spend time with
When a guy likes you, even if he doesn’t tell you, he still doesn’t want you being with someone else. So, if he sees a guy with you on social media, around town, or at work, he won’t like that. He might not be able to help himself and make some petty comments.
4. You catch him looking at you
When we like something or we think it’s pretty, we stare at it. So, if you catch him looking…you know what that means. Especially if he tends to look away all of a sudden. It’s cute, isn’t it?
5. You make him laugh
Whether you’re trying to be funny or not, it’s working, because he thinks you’re hilarious and can’t stop laughing at your jokes. It’s not that he’s trying too hard, it’s that he really does think you’re great. Because he likes you.

MORE: Exactly How To Tell If A Guy Likes You At Work: 16 Giveaway Signs
6. He looks into your eyes
Eye contact is one of the sure signs that someone is into you. When you like someone, you tend to look deeply into their eyes for longer than you would with any other person. People in love stare at each other 90% of the time.
7. He listens to you carefully
When you talk, he doesn’t just nod absent-mindedly, he listens. Leans in, looks at you when you talk, and is genuinely interested in what you have to say. He remembers it, too, no matter how inane the conversation was.
8. He texts you all the time
Men find texting to be a bit of a pain in the ass, truthfully, so if he’s not interested, he won’t just text you for no reason. But does it seem like he always “needs” something from you? Or he just wants to see how you’re doing? You know why.
9. He takes your side
His chivalrous side may come out when his favorite lady is being threatened; or just disagreed with. Take note – does he always take your side in arguments, disagreements, or debates? He can’t help it, he wants to be on your side.
10. He pays you compliments – but not only about your appearance
If a man compliments you, it will usually be about your body. Unless he really likes you, in which case he will see further than just that, and he’ll appreciate things about your personality, skills you have, etc.

MORE: 10 Drop Dead Giveaway Signs A Guy Likes You
11. He does little things for you
Does he ever bring you coffee? Does he hold doors for you? All these little gestures are indicators that he likes you and wants to do things for you to make you happy.
12. He finds excuses to see you
Think hard – did you really need to meet up for him to get that sweater he conveniently forgot right now? Was that cd he wanted to borrow so urgent? Of course not; he just wants to see you and he’ll make any excuse for it.
13. He mirrors your gestures and behavior
Did you know that when we like people, we tend to pick up on their specific gestures and behaviors? Pay attention and see if he imitates you without realizing.
14. He asks questions about you
You can tell when people just ask questions to be polite, but he is genuinely interested. He wants to know your likes, your dislikes, and what makes you tick. You fascinate him and he can’t get enough of you.
15. You make him nervous
It’s adorable when men are nervous, and you can definitely tell by the way he keeps running his hands through his hair or straightening his tie. He wants to look his best and he’s hyper aware of how we comes off.

MORE: 10 Guaranteed Signs He Doesn’t Like You
16. He fusses with his appearance
And speaking of fussing, does he ever groom himself in your presence? Does he preen? Does he have a secret little comb be stashes in his back pocket, just in case a hair is out of place? That’s for your benefit, entirely. Gotta look good for his favorite lady.
17. He teases you
It’s universally accepted that teasing is a primary way of flirting. Even little kids do it. So, if he’s giving you a hard time (playfully!) about habits you have, quirks, weird fashion choices, or even men, then you have confirmation.
18. His body language is open
You know how people tend to keep their arms crossed, in a guarded way? He doesn’t do that around you. In fact, his body language is completely open, and he leans towards you when you talk, palms up, and eyebrows raised. He’s comfortable around you.
19. He’s nicer to you than to other people
Do you ever feel like he’s just nicer to you than he is to others? Does it seem like he’s more soft-spoken, more patient, and is in a better mood when you’re around? Music can soothe the savage beast, and so can love.
20. He remembers details about you
No one can remember every detail you babble about, but he can. He knows your date of birth, your brother’s name, and how many pets you have. He is interested.

MORE: Exactly How to Tell If a Guy Likes You – Here’s 25 Ways To Know For Sure
21. He opens up to you
You often have long conversations with him about everything under the sun, and he often opens up to you about deep things like hopes, fears, or intimate details he just doesn’t tell anyone else. You’re special.
22. He tries to make you laugh
His favorite thing in the world is to listen to you laugh, so he will try his hardest to make it happen. He’s always telling jokes around you, tickling you, or being self-deprecating, in an effort to please you and make you laugh as much as you make him laugh.
23. He doesn’t mention other women
Have you ever noticed how he never talks about other women around you? Other than his mom, he never gives you any indication that he likes any of the women he works with, doesn’t mention ex-girlfriends, and doesn’t mention anyone attractive. He doesn’t want you to think he is not available.
24. He offers to help
Whenever you need help, he always seems to be there, ready to offer you whatever you need, whether your computer crashed, you need change for the bus fare, or you need some help sorting out some paperwork. He genuinely wants to help, and he loves being your hero. What does that tell you?
25. He asks people about you
He may be trying to get information about you and your whereabouts without seeming too obvious. If you missed school or work and he’s dying to know what happened to you, he won’t impose by texting you directly, but he will ask someone else.

MORE: 5 Telltale Signs He Likes You
26. He doesn’t break his promises
This man is one of the most dependable people you know. If he promised you something, then you can be certain that he is going to keep his promise to you. If he said he’d meet you, he does, and if he promised to help you move this weekend, he shows up with coffee and three more friends.
27. His voice seems deeper around you
A neat little trick men sometimes do when they like someone is to deepen their voice. You see, he wants to appear attractive and women like men with deep, masculine voices. He will try to appear manlier, and his voice is part of that package.
28. You notice him blushing
It’s always cute when a man blushes, but most importantly, you caused it. Either he really likes you, or he’s embarrassed. Ask him if he has a girlfriend next time and see if you can see the read spread across his cheeks and you’ll know what you’re dealing with.
29. He touches you casually
He likes you and he’s so eager to touch you, even just for a second. Just in passing, just accidentally. So, he might put a hand on your shoulder, or on the small of your back, or press his leg against yours, just for that thrill of making physical contact, if he can’t kiss you.
30. You just have a feeling
Sometimes, there’s just a feeling you get around certain people. It’s like there is something in the air, an energy, it’s almost electric. Sexual tension is usually palpable, and if you keep an eye out, you’ll be able to sense it. Chances are, you aren’t imagining it, so if you like him back, I’d make a move.

MORE: How to Tell If a Guy Likes You – 52 Signs He Likes You More Than Just a Friend
31. He goes out of his way to point out similarities you share
One of the easiest way for people to bond is over shared interests, hobbies, or other things they have in common. Does he seem to go out of his way to point them out? “It’s so crazy that we both have an older brother!” Not that crazy, dude, but it’s cute he’s trying to connect with you.
32. He tries to figure out if you’re single
He probably won’t straight-up ask you if you have a boyfriend if he’s not ready to outright hit on you, but he might try to get to the answer he wants in other ways. He might mention your boyfriend, just to have you correct him and say you’re single, he might ask someone else, etc.
33. He stands up taller
Remember when I said that we want to appear attractive in front of people we like? That also translates to his body language and posture. He will stand up taller, straighter, and push his chest forward. He is a man worthy of your love and he wants to be noticed by you. And notice, you did.
34. His friends are really nice to you
Lately, whenever he and his friend are around, his buddies are very smiley, nice and complimentary. You’re not sure, but you think they go out of their way to invite you places or leave the two of you alone. That’s because he probably confessed how much he likes you, and now they’re trying to be good wingmen.
35. He’s very honest
Whenever you talk to him, he is always very honest. He will talk to you about anything, and answer any question, no matter how embarrassing or personal. It makes you wonder why he’s never told you he likes you, but to be fair, you’ve never asked, have you? Maybe it’s time you do.

MORE: How To Tell If He Really Likes You
36. He hints at dates
Sure, he’s never straight-up asked you on a date, but he’s hinted at it several times. He casually lets it slip that he’d like to take his bike out this weekend, or that it’s great weather for a picnic. He wants you to take the hint and say how much you’d love to join him.
This article shows you subconscious signs a guy likes you, now in any relationship I’ve found there are 2 pivotal moments that determine if your relationship ends in heartbreak or you get to live happily ever after so it’s vitally important that you take the next step and read this right now, because at some point the man you want is going to ask himself: Is this the woman I should commit to for the long term? That answer determines everything… Do you know how men determine if a woman is girlfriend material (the type of woman he commits himself to) or if he sees you as just a fling? If not you need to read this next: The #1 Thing Men Desire In A Woman…
The second problem almost all women experience: At some point he starts to lose interest. He doesn’t call you back or he becomes emotionally closed off. He seems like he’s losing interest or pulling away – do you know what to do? If not you’re putting your relationship and the future of your love life in great danger, read this now or risk losing him forever: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This…
Want to find out if he really likes you? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Does He Like You” Quiz right now and find out once and for all if he likes you…
Take The Quiz: Does He Like You?
In summary…
1. He smiles at you a lot
2. He tries to get close to you
3. He is jealous of men you spend time with
4. You catch him looking at you
5. You make him laugh
6. He looks into your eyes
7. He listens to you carefully
8. He texts you all the time
9. He takes your side
10. He pays you compliments – but not only about your appearance
11. He does little things for you
12. He finds excuses to see you
13. He mirrors your gestures and behavior
14. He asks questions about you
15. You make him nervous
16. He fusses with his appearance
17. He teases you
18. His body language is open
19. He’s nicer to you than to other people
20. He remembers details about you
21. He opens up to you
22. He tries to make you laugh
23. He doesn’t mention other women
24. He offers to help
25. He asks people about you
26. He doesn’t break his promises
27. His voice seems deeper around you
28. You notice him blushing
29. He touches you casually
30. You just have a feeling
31. He goes out of his way to point out similarities you share
32. He tries to figure out if you’re single
33. He stands up taller
34. His friends are really nice to you
35. He’s very honest
36. He hints at dates
now i can figure out easily if my crush is as into me as i am into him. i so love this post! my friends do too!
a man who likes a woman will always try to compliment her. that’s not only to impress her but also to make her feel more confident about herself and comfortable with him.
you really have good things in here about men’s body language. this is the reason why i love your site so much! i keep on discovering things about men!
let’s face it, a man who is really into you will make all the moves just to get to you. if he’s doing at least 4 or 5 of these, you’re sure he likes you.
yah! i find it really cute when i see a guy staring at me and then look away all of a sudden. by the way, the last guy i caught doing this just told me that he likes me and asked me out for a date!
aaaw..i think it’s really cute when a guy asks around about you. with all the technology nowadays, i think we are just so used to looking up people on social media when we also know that’s not the real person.
i noticed some of these signs form my crush but still, he hasn’t approached me yet! i better add more hints to let him know that i like him too. i still want him to make the first move. haha!
“He goes out of his way to point out similarities you share” – i think this a great point you shared here. If a guy does this, it only means that he wants to make you realize that you’re compatible and that he’s the one for you.
i really like this post! for me, figuring out if a person has romantic feelings for me is very frustrating but it will not be from now on because of this awesome article. thanks!
i really like this guy at my workplace and i wonder if he likes me too. i’ve read that it can be a little less obvious and tricky. will just look carefully at the signs. thank you so much.
these signs are all great! i have learned a lot of new things here and i appreciate that you write more helpful posts that women can learn a thing or 2. thanks for your work and congratulations!
i want this guy to ask me if i want to hang out with him sometime. i knew he likes me but is just scared or maybe shy to say it. this post helped me discover that. glad there are many ways to interpret a guy’s body language to our benefit.
a man who likes you will not stop finding out things about you especially if you have someone special. and if he finds out you’re seeing someone, brace yourself because he will definitely bring his A game in impressing you.
wow! i realized i have easily overlooked some of these signs! i hope that if someone likes me now, he’ll be ready to tell me what he’s feeling openly so i will not have a hard time checking for these signs hahaha!
when a man likes you, he can be honest. only a serious guy will do this because he respects you and he wants you.
i am very much confused if my crush also likes me too or not though i feel a strong vibe between us. gotta watch up for these signs. thanks for your big help!
these signs can be too obvious but sometimes because we’re not paying much attention, we actually miss them. these are great and really accurate.
will start paying attention to these signs because sometimes, the signals delivered aren’t straightforward obvious. thanks for this wonderful article.
he gets jealous of men you are seeing. he may show this by acting a little weird with the topic and start asking silly questions maybe even trying to be funny.
most men will not make grand gestures at once. so look out for the small things he is willing to do for you. when a guy likes a woman, he’ll do his best to be available for you anytime you need him.
now i am aware of the male body language secrets if he wants to get with me. i used to think that this is very hard to determine until i read this post. good job for posting this.
thank you so much for posting this! now i know what to look for in a guy’s body language! i am proud to say that your article made me realize that i can read my man like a book. glad to share this with my friends!
this guy has been on my radar for a while now and i wanted to be 100% sure that he likes me too! this is a big help for me and i am so excited to look out for these signs!
i love this post! there’s so much i learned from this and i now know how to gauge a man’s actions towards a woman he likes. thanks a lot!
a guy will ignore your text or will not even bother to text you if he is not interested in you at all. and yes, i know a lot of men who find texting a pain in the ass so a guy texting you all the time is one sure sign that he is into you.
if a man teases you a lot and does not with other girls, he is definitely into you! this is one of the massive signs that you should watch out for!
you may smell some jealousy when he realizes you’re seeing some other guys too. men are often challenged whenever there’s competition and this is when he may show his real emotions for you.
when a man really likes you, he will want no other thing than to be with you. if he is the one to initiate date nights or just hanging out, i think he must really like you and want something more than just casual dates.
when a man likes a girl, he can’t stop texting her or even stalking her on her social media accounts. this is very true specially now that everything is just so accessible.
these signs are not hard to detect at all! glad you explained each. i thought there is no way to read a man’s thoughts but i was wrong. i am really learning a lot from your site.