We’ve all been there.
You want to know how to tell whether your ex-boyfriend still loves you.
After a breakup, it’s extremely common. Especially if he’s been acting cold or distant, or he’s done something that makes you wonder if he ever cared at all.
So if you’re looking for signs that your ex still loves you, you’ve come to the right place.
Unfortunately, no sign is going to be 100% accurate. However, if he’s showing more than a few of these signs, it’s a good bet that he still has strong feelings for you.
Before You Check The Signs, Do These First
It stands to reason that if you’re looking for signs your ex boyfriend still loves you, you want to get him back.
And if you want to get your ex back, there are 2 things you absolutely must do.
First, you have to cut off contact with him for at least a month. No ifs, ands, or buts.
This is the most important step towards getting your ex boyfriend back (and making your ex boyfriend want you back). If you want to know the best way to do it (or if you have any questions about it), you can read more about it here on Vixen Daily.
If you don’t follow the no contact rule, you could drive yourself crazy looking for signs you can get your ex back – so just follow the no contact rule.
Take The Quiz: Can You Get Your Ex Back Or Is He Gone Forever?
Second, if you’re going to be able to identify these signs your ex still loves you correctly without getting confused, you have to get your mind in the right place first.
That means that if you want him back, you have to really, truly understand why you want him back.
Wanting to end the pain of your breakup isn’t a good enough reason to want him back – nor is wanting to make your ex miss you.
So think about why you really want him back, and decide whether you have a good reason to get back together with him or not.
In my experience, couples that get back together (and stay together for good) do so because they both have excellent reasons to want to get back into the relationship.
ok, ready?
Here are the signs that your ex boyfriend still loves you:
The Top 5 Giveaway Signs Your Ex-Boyfriend Still Has Feelings For You
1. He’s Trying To Make You Jealous
This is a huge sign he’s still in love with you.
When someone is over a relationship, they’re not thinking about what their ex is thinking. They’re not trying to affect their ex in any way – they’re beyond it.
So if he’s trying to make you jealous, by rubbing a new girlfriend in your face, or bringing someone new somewhere he knows you’ll be, he’s trying to get a reaction out of you.
And if he’s trying that hard to get a reaction out of you, he’s still obsessed with you, how you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, and how you feel about him.
And that’s a massive sign that he’s still in love with you.

2. He’s Nice One Day And Cold The Next (And Vice Versa)
If his behavior towards you changes by the day, that’s a very good sign that he’s got unresolved feelings towards you.
When we accept the end of a relationship, we stop letting the breakup affect us so much. We let go of the other person’s stranglehold on our emotions, and move forward with a good understanding of how we feel.
So if he’s acting one way towards you one day, and then completely differently the next, it means he’s still working through his feelings.
That unsettledness is a huge sign that he’s not over you – because if he was, he wouldn’t be having crazy behavior swings towards you.
So if he’s going hot and cold on you it’s a big sign that he still cares a lot about you.
3. He Follows All Your Moves
Like I said before, if a guy is truly over a breakup then he’s not going to be obsessed with his ex and he’s going to let her go.
That means he’s not going to keep a close eye on her… because he’s not going to feel an urge to do it.
So if he’s showing up at places he knows you’ll be, or asking your friends about your love life, or you catch him cyber-stalking you on Facebook or Instagram, that’s a huge dead giveaway sign.
It means he can’t stop thinking about you – and if that’s not a huge sign that he’s still in love with you, then I don’t know what is.

4. He Contacts You By Text, Phone, Or Instant Message
This is about as plain as it gets.
If your ex is calling you, or sending you texts, or messaging you over Facebook or gchat, it means he wants to keep in contact with you – which is a huge sign he still has feelings.
Obviously, if he’s calling to organize getting his stuff back, or trying to coordinate a shared responsibility, that’s not a strong sign he loves you.
But if he’s contacting you just to talk, or to ask you how you’re doing, or to check up on your love life – it’s a dead giveaway that he still cares about you a lot.
5. He Keeps In Contact With Your Family And Friends
Obviously, if you had the same group of friends before you started dating, this rule doesn’t apply.
But if he didn’t know any of your friends or family before you two started dating, and he’s keeping in regular contact with them, it could be a sign that he’s digging for information about you.
And if that’s the case – it means he’s still obsessed with you.

This sign on its own isn’t a guarantee that he still has strong feelings for you.
But if you see this sign combined with a few of the other signs on this list, then you’re in luck…
And the chances are good that your ex still loves you.
Want to find out if you can get your ex back? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Can You Get Your Ex Back” Quiz right now and find out if you can ever get him back or if he’s gone for good…
Take The Quiz: Can You Get Your Ex Back Or Is He Gone Forever?
In summary…
Here’s How To Tell If Your Ex-Boyfriend Still Loves You
- He’s trying to make you jealous
- He’s nice one day and cold the next (and vice versa)
- He follows all your moves
- He contacts you by text, phone, or instant message
- He keeps in contact with your family and friends
He stalked me one day on imo when I posted a photo with my male friend until now has not been online
We broke up July 3 of this year after turning 4 months on July 1 and then I was heart broken cuz I really loved him and stuff but I got over it and annoyed it and kept myself busy and I got a birthday coming next next Friday so I’m really about to be annoying it still. But , we talked for awhile and then he went a whole week not talking to me cause he lost his phone. I heard from im
him saturday ( recent) I didn’t text him at all yesterday cause I really didn’t feel like talking to him I was enjoying myself honestly . And I didn’t text him all today till he texted me at 6pm something said hey out of nowhere and then asked how I was we talked and talked then he started talking about how a white woman added him on FB and I’m like ” okay idk what to say not that I care cause I really don’t at this point” but like why are you telling me about females and then saying he wants a snowbunny or a Asian I’m just like why all of sudden your telling me about the type of girls you want . I’m black and native American and his white and black but I don’t understand why he started talking about that .I have a idea to see if it was to make me jealous but Im not sure and I changed the subject and started talking about something else and then he stopped texting me. What does that mean ???? Any ideas
My boyfriend dumped me for no reason because I called him text him but he didn’t answer me or return my calls for the past three days so I sent him a voicemail to ask him why he does not pick up my calls. Then after ten minutes he texted me,. Telling me that “ I’m sorry for how i been treating you , you’re a great person and you deserve a good man because I can’t give you all the attention you need and I don’t deserve you I think we should just be friends” he said that. And I was very confused I tried to call him but he was already blocked me everywhere that I couldn’t reach him., and he is my supervisor at work so when he saw me he act like everything is fine., I was really hurt but he always say hi to me when he see me at work And we haven’t spoken for the last 3weeks now.
ooking for answers about how getting my Ex boyfriend back
I broke up with my boyfriend approx. 6 months ago and had no contact since then. But now he has contacted me saying that he realizes what his mistake was and wants to get back into the relationship. But I don’t want to. Does this mean he really loves me???
Sometimes after s breakup…old feelings might still be there..I Think had just…doing that to make sure..if he still have feelings for you…before moving on…
We broke up just 4 days back and I was trying to reach out and pled him to come back. He wanted to be alone and free . He think he has a problem and cannot commit., but right after i talk to him he hug me and put his arms aound me saying he wants me to be better loving myself. He still cares for me , love me , and wants but he want me to respect his decision because he wants it. He even say that he is not leaving me for anyone he is doing it for himself. When he is ready to be in relationship he will find me coz he think there is no other better than me in his life that he has. We broke up because I’ve been monitoring and controlling him and questioning him and he feels like i never trust him. Lately just drop me a message saying go for it that i can do it . Politely i replied thank you. He was talking about my interview and after that he stop talking then i have photo posted on instagram on the same day. He has put a like on it. In the beginning I was calling him he answer my call quickly he still want me to understand his space and ask me to try not to talk to him. So i can move on and focus on myself. He was talking in a nice tone of voice. Do we really have a chance together even when he breaks up with me to be back sooner ? How will it be u til he realize he still want us back?
hi,we used same transport to work and he spoils me after work then drop me home but he once said he does not need me anymore.He is jelous and we do shopping together sometimes so he is confusing me now.
These signs are accurate! I was the one to innitaite the breakup because I thought he’s cheating on me but he says he used to just talk to girls but never cheated, I don’t know what to do anymore I did the Nc for more than 45 days he wants me back but I don’t but I still love him I’m just so confused what m I supposed to do ♀️
I pay both moblie bills and since July he’s been very distance with me almost cringes if I try to touch or kiss him. I found over 300 texts on his bill some early hours up to 60 a day not always one same number. He’s even accused me of having an affair.
So my boyfriend broke up with me three weeks ago because he couldn’t handle the long distance and of me being away for college. We were dating for almost two years and we had a great relationship together and right after he broke up with me he decided to start ‘hanging out’ with this girl the told me not to worry about. She’s always taking snapchats of him and putting it on her story to see. I feel betrayed and just annoyed and I’m wondering why he is doing this and if the one reason he broke up with me is to just hook up with other girls.
Me and my ex boyfriend broke up a couple of weeks ago and he does act hot and cold with me. He even is still attracted to me still but denied it. He started talking to a girl 2 days after breakup and saying he liked her. I don’t know what to do honestly. One of my friends even told me he told her he still loved me. What do i do? I think it’s a rebound relationship he is trying to get into but still, I love this guy to death and we were together for 3 years, HELP!
well, what if he was doing SOME of these during the “decision period” and then broke up? Do I continue with my 30 no contact (have about a week left) and then contact him, or simply continue no contact indefinitely? We haven’t spoken since the break up and I know he has a new gf (literally the day after and I know it’s someone he fancied for a while)….he’s not doing ANY of the signs above…I think I just answered my own question :)
these are all really “giveaway signs” but women almost never see these coming. great post! :)
i agree with you..before even fantasizing about your ex still in love with you, better think a lot about really wanting to get back with him
real signs that happen in real life situations. i once broke up w/ my ex and he tried to win me back using some of these. lol
i’ve seen my ex do all these stuff and when we got back together, he admitted he was really just trying to get my attention.
there are many signs to know but these are basically the most common and obvious..women should be really aware of
these are all true signs, i do these also with my guy..haha guilty! :))
this is really nice..something to look forward to, thanks! :)
i thought he was trying to make me jealous but found out he’s not. haha, joke’s on me!
i wish he’d just make the first move..i’m too shy to approach him
he used to do all these but now i feel like he has stopped making connection to any of my peers, our old friends together and don’t get to see him as much :'(
wish i knew this when i just broke up w/ my ex..well i guess it’s just not meant to be. im still trying to move on..
hhhmmm..i like this article, i could make use of it
nice tips, i love it! <3
great insights..i love this! <3
ive seen that he’s trying to make me jealous at times..hhmmmm…
i strongly agree!
most men would chase you for a few times..if he pursues you then you know he really loves you still.
these are all for real..it happened to me and true enough, he admitted he wants to get back together and here we are..enjoying each other’s company like never before.
you should know that all of these signs are true but they can also be deceiving..hehe
i woud have to agree, these are all true. plus if he remains single cause he’s hoping to get back w/ you
dont mean to brag but i see him everywhere and i hear him asking around a lot about me.
these are all so true, i can attest to them. haha
i recently broke up w/ my bf & i heard he was asking around about me..i’ll have to think really hard before deciding on getting back w/ him regardless of the fact that he still loves me.
my ex still contacts me & my friends constantly..
yeah, i know this..my ex used 2 get in touch w/ my family..i hated it
well..gathering proof he is actually still into me
contacts me still and i heard he’s always asking around bout me..
oh yeah, iv seen my ex being cold suddenly aftr communicating again aftr our breakup
i recently found out he was stalking me on fb..i guess he’s on the lookout