OK, I’m going to warn all of you right off the bat – none of the opinions in this article are my own.
However, I think they’re interesting enough to share anyway.
In the course of my work, I’ve talked with, helped, and taught thousands of men how to have better love lives. Almost all the men I’ve worked with stay in touch with me, and I recently sent out a survey.
And the results were too good not to share.
So here are 33 guys explaining the one thing they wish all women would stop doing immediately.
Take The Quiz: Is He Selfish?
Thinking men always want to have sex
Not every guy wants to have sex with every woman all the time. I don’t want to have sex with you – not because I’m gay, but because I’m not attracted to you. – Phil M.
More: The Three Shocking Lies You’re Told about Men
Being uncomfortable with getting a compliment
It’s unreal how many women can’t take a compliment. If I say “You look great today,” I’m not saying you don’t look great every other day. It’s really freaking simple. – Chris E.
Being terrible at making decisions

I hate when we’re trying to figure out what to do for dinner and we can’t get on the same page. Don’t say “Anything is fine, I’m good to eat whatever” and then shoot down every suggestion I make. Drives me crazy. – Tom S.
Thinking I’m going to pick up on a subtle hint
Don’t tell me what you really want by dropping a hint. I’m not going to see it, I won’t get it, and you’re going to get mad because I can’t read your mind. – Greg F.
MORE: 10 Ways to Stay Single Forever
Assuming I’m mad just because I’m spaced out and not paying attention
Listen, I’m a guy. I’m going to zone out and let my brain wander. Don’t ask me “What are you thinking?” and then get mad when I tell you “I don’t know, I’m just zoning out.” I’m not avoiding your question, I’m just spacing out. Don’t turn nothing into a fight. – Jeremy L.
Eating the food off my plate

I ordered my food, you ordered your food. don’t just reach over and take my food like you own it. If you wanted fries, you should have ordered your own damn fries. I don’t want to split the food I ordered for myself with you. – Max H.
Treating other women like crap
I love hanging out with a group of women, but I think it sucks how awful women are to each other when there are no guys around. – Julian E.
Thinking it’s OK to sexually harass guys
Sexual harassment sucks whether it’s against a guy or a girl. I don’t care what you think, it’s creepy when you sexually harass me. – Mike W.
MORE: 3 Reasons You’re Still Single
Only paying attention to the phone

Why should it take you a whole hour to respond to a one sentence text? Every time, no matter what, when we’re hanging out all you’re doing is messing around with your phone. What the hell? – Steve K.
Treating men like children
If I decide I’m comfortable enough to reveal my sensitive side, I don’t want to hear “Awwww…” – Michael K.
Confusing dreams and real life
Don’t get mad at me for something I did in your dream. – Kyle W.
More: The #1 Mistake Women Make that Has Men Running
Getting a fake tan
Orange isn’t sexy. What’s wrong with you? – Phil D.
Making your eyebrows out of paint

They’re eyebrows, not the Nike swoosh. Stop it. – Paul K.
Holding onto grudges
The fight is over, we’ve already gotten past it. You need to let it go, I don’t want to hear about it in a later fight. Learn to just forget about the past and move on. – Dan A.
Being passive aggressive
I hate it when a girl is passive aggressive. Don’t tell me “Nothing’s wrong,” when something is clearly wrong, just tell me. – Kris E.
Putting your feet anywhere in the car

It’s my dashboard, get your god damn feet off of it. – Billy M.
Thinking that every gay guy you meet will be your best friend.
I don’t care what you expect, we’re not going to be best friends just because I’m gay. Throw all those fantasies out the window, because I don’t care about going shopping with you, and I don’t want to check out guys with you, and I definitely don’t want to date your other gay friend just because we’re both gay. – Simon L.
Getting upset when I don’t pick up on something “between the lines”
If you try to tell me “I’m not mad” when you really are, I’m going to ignore you. Don’t get upset when I won’t play your stupid game. – Brad T.
Wanting to prove you’re stronger than I am

Don’t try to prove that you’re stronger than I am, because you’re not. We can play wrestle all you want, and that can be fun, but when you try to prove something it’s going to end up with one of us getting hurt. If you go all out and I hold back, I’m probably going to get hurt, but if I use enough force to stop you, I’m going to hurt you. I’m not saying you’re not strong, I’m just saying someone will get hurt if you try to prove something. – Henry C.
Trapping a guy
If you ask me a question where there’s no right answer, it’s not going to go well for either of us. – Josh E.
More: The 5 Most Deadly (And Common) Mistakes That Destroy Relationships
Being loud during a movie
We went to a movie to go see a movie. I don’t want you to ask me questions about it, because I haven’t seen it either. I don’t know what’s going to happen, or if the guy is going to die, because newsflash: we’re both seeing it for the first time. And every time you ask me what someone said, I’m missing the next thing he says because I have to explain it to you. – Carl F.
Acting like a queen

I don’t give a crap about those stupid posts on Facebook like: “A real man would treat their girl like a Queen.” It’s not my job to treat you like a queen, and there’s a total double standard. If a guy said “I expect women to treat me like a king” he’d have feminists all over him in a heartbeat. It’s not funny, and it makes you look like a bitch. I don’t care what your girlfriends say. – Chad C.
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Asking for something they don’t really want
If you want to hang out with my guy friends and be “one of the guys”, don’t get upset when we treat you like “one of the guys.” You asked for it. – Ralph D.
Thinking that sex is some kind of gift they generously give to guys
Sex isn’t something that you’re “letting me do to you”, it should be something you want too. If you think it’s a gift, I don’t want to have anything to do with you. – Mark K.
Waking me up
Just because you woke up (or you had to wake up) doesn’t mean that I want to wake up too. If you’re up, great, but don’t wake me up just because you want someone to talk to. If I tried to do that to you, you’d blow up. – Stephen N.
Acting like a hypocrite
If you’re uncomfortable with me having girls as friends, why the hell are 90% of your friends guys? Oh, that’s right, because you cheated on me with all 90% of them. Screw you. – George V.
Putting on duck face in photos

What the hell is up with that pout? I mean seriously, what the hell? – Travis R.
Not being able to finish your sentence
Are you seriously going to finish your thought and follow through, or are you just going to throw your arms up and say “i can’t even?!” So frustrating. – Kevin G.
Taking up the whole bed
Don’t pretend like you don’t hog the entire bed all night and then tell our friends that I take up the bed in public. That’s bullsh*t. – John D.
Thinking that just because you’re on your period you can be as b*tchy as you want
I don’t care that you’re on your period, and I definitely don’t want you to tell me about it. It’s not a free pass to do and say whatever you want with no consequences. – Jeff S.
Quit playing stupid games
If you want to say something, say it. Don’t complain about something, and then say something like “Ugh, nevermind,” to get me to ask you about it. That’s so stupid. – Bill V.
More: End Any Fight With These 5 Simple Steps
Thinking that you can’t hurt guys
A lot of women I run into think that just because I’m male doesn’t mean that I can suffer or feel pain. That’s crap, and women need to dump that garbage notion, right now. – Randall W.
Having low self confidence
Yes, you can. Don’t say you can’t when I know you can. – Ned S.
How do you feel about this? Reasonable or over the top? Has your partner ever mentioned any of these to you? Let me know in the comments below!
Want to find out if he’s really selfish? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Is He Selfish” Quiz right now and find out if he’s really selfish…
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In summary…
The Biggest Things Men Wish Women Would Stop Doing
- Thinking men always want to have sex
- Being uncomfortable with getting a compliment
- Being terrible at making decisions
- Thinking I’m going to pick up on a subtle hint
- Assuming I’m mad just because I’m spaced out and not paying attention
- Eating the food off my plate
- Treating other women like crap
- Thinking it’s ok to sexually harass guys
- Only paying attention to the phone
- Treating men like children
- Confusing dreams and real life
- Getting a fake tan
- Making your eyebrows out of paint
- Holding onto grudges
- Being passive aggressive
- Putting your feet anywhere in the car
- Thinking that every gay guy you meet will be your best friend
- Getting upset when I don’t pick up on something “between the lines”
- Wanting to prove you’re stronger than I am
- Trapping a guy
- Being loud during a movie
- Acting like a queen
- Asking for something they don’t really want
- Thinking that sex is some kind of gift they generously give to guys
- Waking me up
- Acting like a hypocrite
- Putting on duck face in photos
- Not being able to finish your sentence
- Taking up the whole bed
- Thinking that just because you’re on your period you can be as b*tchy as you want
- Quit playing stupid games
- Thinking that you can’t hurt guys
- Having low self confidence
Depends on what you mean by a fight being “over.” Was the issue ever resolved, or did you simply get tired of talking about it and gave an apology or promise you didn’t mean just to get out of it? If a topic comes up again, in most cases it’s because it was never properly resolved and/or it keeps happening. It’s irrational to expect us to treat each repeated incident as a brand new one. If it’s part of a pattern, of course we’re going to point that out.
By the way, simply saying “I’m sorry” does not resolve any issue more serious than making a simple mistake or bumping into someone. You actually have to show genuine concern, do what you can to fix it, and not do it again. And of course you’re going to get past something faster if it’s an issue that’s more important to us. Suggesting that we should feel what you feel is insensitive and self-centered.
That’s not to say that women don’t hold grudges, of course, but something we bring up later isn’t automatically one just because you forgot about it or don’t think it’s a problem.
I am guilty for eating from my boyfriends plate so now when we go out he orders the same food for us and if i refuse he kindly reminds me he is no going to share his plate with me if i don’t end up liking what i ordered. its sweet. :)
Come on, both men and women must adjust to each others bad and good qualities without making them feel weird or stupid. The only thing is that they should be be themselves and if anyone makes any mistake. Point it out in a sweet way, and explain why not to do it kindly. If they make each other mature together, they are most likely to grow with love. If the other person is completely perfect, then u don’t even know them.
I think men should know that women also have their ways. Though some points are true otherrs aren’t. Try as a man to understand her weak pointing
LOL, waking me up. You selfish ass, if I want some loving, you are going to be woken up :)
I am guilty of eating the food from my b/f’s plate. I feel bad about it when I notice he is angry, but he always orders things that look so good :)
I have had a b/f that told me to be nicer to other people. Yeah, we didn’t last that long….do you have any idea why?
The fake tan has to go. Unless you are going to pay tons of money to get it done right, why bother with the half ass attempt on your own? It is not worth it and guys ARE making fun of it.
It is great that this list is made from man’s point of view. Some woman can learn from it, but myself, I am going to worry about what I can do to make a guy happy. I should stay away from this list naturally.
I always hated the “trapping” that can be done, but men or woman. In fact, during one relationship, I called it out and that brought a very interesting end to a conversation and relationship :)
LOL. Guys would know what they do not like. However, I see that many of these go both ways. Just saying…
If I was doing any of these things I wish I would be told to stop. I would expect that any man that is not appreciating something that I am doing or saying would speak up and give me a chance to fix it before leaving me :/
Painting the eyebrows on! I like that. A friend and I were talking recently about that and it is funny seeing it on this list.
I never make my man think that the sex is a gift :) He works hard and when I am ready to give it up, I know that he will be there and appreciate it. Great tips hidden in this post!
I try so hard not to do the things on this list. When I do them, I just think that it must be in my blood, because it is something that I cannot get passed. Maybe I need to see someone about that, right?
LOL, duck face photos. Yea, I am happy that I stopped doing that. Too bad it only took a few years worth of them before I realized how ridiculous I looked :)
I thought duck faces were something that happened back in the early 2000’s :)
Right now I know that my man is not happy with my asking him “Why” when he compliments me. I am not sure how to stop that, since it has been something I have done for many years after being told I was an ugly slut by bad “friends” and my mom.
My b/f always talked about hating the fact that I would not ask for anything that I wanted. I always just hinted at it and assumed that he would get the hint. The thing that hurt the relationship was the fact that it caused more fights than it was worth.
Even though many of these are complaints from men, I would think it could go both ways, don’t you think so?
Ah, yes. That is exactly what I was thinking. Guys are always crying that girls are whining and things like that.
Its funny that women should stop doing these things to men. I feel that some of these go both ways, but maybe that is why I am still single (?).
I don’t think so. It does go both ways and you might be single for other reasons I am sure…
I really try not to make a big deal if he is not paying attention at that very moment. I certainly would not assume that he is mad, that is for sure. This is an enlightening list!
Well, I was freaked out when a b/f of mine was not constantly talking about having sex with me. I was not used to it and I started to wonder if he really liked me PHYSICALLY. Of course I asked him and it turns out that he is just a gentleman :)
I can agree with this. BUT in our culture today, that is what the woman are led to believe. It is tough for men because of those that DO think about sex all day.