If you’ve been in a relationship for a while and you’re starting to wonder if your new fella is falling in love with you, then this article…
If you’ve been in a relationship for a while and you’re starting to wonder if your new fella is falling in love with you, then this article…
For women who have been blindsided by a breakup, the first question is always “why?” “Why did he leave me? What did I do wrong?…
So you want to know how to tell if a shy guy likes you. It’s not easy! You can’t go by a lot of the normal signs that a guy likes you…
Does he really like you? Is he just too scared to admit it? Are all your instincts wrong and he actually doesn’t like you? Don’t worry…
So you’re here because you want to know how to keep a man in love with you forever. The kind of love that deepens between…
Getting your ex back is an extremely emotional topic. There is something unique about the pain that hurts your heart after a…
Understanding neediness is so important for sustaining a happy, healthy relationship. Why? Because neediness can ruin budding…
Dating can be a fun experience or a nerve-wracking debacle where you find yourself wondering why you even tried to do it in…
How do you deal with unrequited love? How do you get over it? Is it even possible to get over it? It might not feel possible. It might…
You want to know how to win his undying devotion, how to permanently make him want to be with you and only you, how to win…
Maybe you’re just not happy with your love life. And right now you’re wondering whether the problem is the guys out there, or whether…
Maybe you’re confused about what he really wants and how he really feels. Maybe you’re just tired of not understanding why…
So you want to know how to keep a man. How to make him want to be with you and only you. How to create a bond that lasts…
If you’re unhappy in your relationship and not sure what you should do, ask yourself this: Am I happier with this person in my…
You want to know how to tell whether a guy loves you or not. Maybe you can’t tell if he’s saying what you want to hear or if he…
A guy hasn’t texted in three days and you are freaking out about what to do. Ghosting is not exactly a fun situation to deal with…
“Why won’t he call me his girlfriend?” Usually, it comes from a woman who’s been seeing a guy for anywhere between under…
You might be in a situation with a man who used to text you back right away before, but as time has gone by, things seemed to have changed. What once…
Of course, guys want sex. They like sex. But sex isn’t the be all end all for men. It’s not the criteria they use to choose a long term mate. So if you think…
Does he love me or does he not? Is he in love with me or does he just love me as a person? Or does he just like me… as in… he…
I’m going to get this out of the way straight off: all of these excuses mean the exact same thing. The actual excuse he gives you doesn’t matter. If he’s…
If a woman is unhappy in a relationship, she often wants to talk about those issues. If a man is unhappy, he may stay silent and start to pull away…
If you’ve long since split up your ex-boyfriend but you’re wondering why he’s still staying in contact with you then there may be more to it than meets…
It’s not a stretch to suppose that you, like most Americans, want to be attractive. After all, Americans are expected to spend over…
Have you ever wondered what it is that men find so attractive in a woman? Maybe you’re wanting to impress a particular guy and…
Do you keep attracting narcissistic or emotionally unavailable partners? You can learn to attract a healthy partner…
Ah there’s nothing like a good old classic romcom at Christmas to warm the cockles and tug on the heartstrings. But just what is it that draws us back to these movies time and time again? Ah, that would be that little sprinkle of festive movie magic, the perfectly packaged romantic storylines that get neatly [...]
Going through a breakup is never easy! Most people never expect to get dumped by the man or woman that they’ve shared…