Do not worry! Men like being asked questions. Now, don’t get me wrong… do not go crazy and start asking things and persisting if…
Do not worry! Men like being asked questions. Now, don’t get me wrong… do not go crazy and start asking things and persisting if…
Asking any question is the key to deep any sort of relationship, but do we want these questions to be boring? Absolutely not! What…
These questions will help break the ice, and I’m sure you’ll find a few that anyone can laugh at that will help generate a more fun…
Conversation obviously plays a key role in getting to know someone better; so this article is going to give you questions that will…
Knowing deep questions to ask a guy can be what makes your relationship go to the next level and ultimately succeed. These questions…
21 questions is a classic game to get to know someone. As a matter of fact, my very first relationship at the age of fifteen began because…
You can have a really great relationship, but if the sex is at a standstill, boring, or even nonexistent, it can literally kill things…
Never underestimate the power of words. I’m not talking about minimizing the importance of actions or neglecting caring attitude…
Sure intimacy definitely has its place within sex and the sex life that you build in your relationship, but it’s also much more than that…
This article is going to give you not only a list of funny questions to ask any man to get him talking, cultivate a connection and make…
He lays it on thick and absolutely ravishes you with attention and warmth – only to switch things up seemingly without any sort of…
So you’re here because you want to know why men withdraw from relationships. Something he’s doing or not doing is setting…
So how in the world do you go from small talk, to really getting to know someone in order to make a more emotional and…
If you wanna get the guy, you’ve got to know how to turn him on. We all have our natural charm and sexiness, and you might have
When you’re in a long-term relationship, a lot of sex moves can feel a bit “old hat”. Not that you don’t still enjoy sleeping together…
If you really want to learn new things about your man –and have fun while you’re doing it, there’s no better game to play with…
There are a few things you need to remember if you want to have a good make out, but lucky for you, they’re easy and they’re all here even if you aren’t…
One of the questions I see most often among women in relationships of all stages is “Why doesn’t he make me more of a priority…
If you read most of the advice about how to turn a man on, it’s pure bunk. No wonder women are so confused. The “art” has been…
You might not be in contact with your ex… But in this day and age, where everyone is constantly addicted to their phones…
So what’s the deal? Is it possible to change a guy’s mind? Can you convince a reluctant guy to get married? The truth is, there’s only…
Is the relationship going to get more serious? Are you misjudging the situation? Does he feel the same way? It’s enough to stress you…
Dating can be a fun experience or a nerve-wracking debacle where you find yourself wondering why you even tried to do it in…
Emotional abuse can be a sneaky killer of the spirit – and worse. Why? Because, if you are like most people, you…
Here’s everything you need to know about kissing, from every angle. Trust me, you will want to read this…
A lot of women come to me feeling very confused about their guy’s actions after a breakup… and the question usually goes…
So you’re wondering, why won’t he commit to me and how do I get a man to commit to me as deeply as possible? You’ll find…
A lot of women ask me whether I think “friends with benefits” arrangements are possible. And the short answer is yes – they’re…
Want to know a secret about making guys fall for you? Most of the time, when a guy falls for a girl and really likes her – it’s for…
So you want to turn him on… but you’re not sure where to start or you feel awkward, uncomfortable and nervous. I’ve got good…