No matter whether you’re the one doing the dumping or you’ve been dumped, the end of a relationship is painful and challenging. Even if you were the one who ended…
No matter whether you’re the one doing the dumping or you’ve been dumped, the end of a relationship is painful and challenging. Even if you were the one who ended…
So you’re wondering, why won’t he commit to me and how do I get a man to commit to me as deeply as possible? You’ll find…
In a truly happy relationship, it goes way beyond having intense psychical chemistry. The quality of your conversations…
To text or not to text, that is the question. It’s kind of frustrating how much you can get lost in fixating over whether or not you…
If only it was easy to melt a man’s heart, make him into a hopeless romantic, starry-eyed ball of nothing but pure, untainted and…
Got a crush on a guy you know? Maybe he’s a co-worker… or a classmate, or even some guy you met out in the world. Whoever he is – you probably…
Check out this list of signs you’re not over your ex, and find out if you’re really over him, or not…
Being in love with someone and not being sure if they love you back. That’s the scariest thing in the world…
You meet a guy, you have great chemistry, and everything is going in the right direction. And then, poof, he just vanishes out of your life so completely…
It’s not a stretch to suppose that you, like most Americans, want to be attractive. After all, Americans are expected to spend over…
Ah there’s nothing like a good old classic romcom at Christmas to warm the cockles and tug on the heartstrings. But just what is it that draws us back to these movies time and time again? Ah, that would be that little sprinkle of festive movie magic, the perfectly packaged romantic storylines that get neatly [...]
We have all been there. We try to make a guy like us. The more we try, the less they like us. Why? Because we aren’t being…
The stigma of online dating is now as old as the Magna Carta with one on five of us now online dating and thousands of loved…
I could rattle off a list of supportive traits, but again, my list is not your list, so instead of doing that, I will tell you how you know…
One of the best ways to attract the man you want – or the man you’re already with – is to be in your feminine energy…
Oh to be in love. Is there really anything quite like it? The slow cartwheels that turn over in your stomach every time you…
Know when you are dating a guy that likes you vs. one who is simply wasting your time is an essential tool to keep your…
I remember being in a relationship where jealousy got the best of me. I was checking his phone when he would go to…
While most of us think we know the difference between deep meaningful love and impulsive passionate lust (right?), it’s been proven that the deep sexual attraction…
A lot of people say that getting married early is a “bad idea,” as if it means you’re somehow “missing out”…
It’s OK – you don’t actually have to be a bad girl. If you did, 95% of the women reading this article…
Money, power, and wealth eventually fade away. However, there’s one thing that we chase after that we never stop desiring, and that’s love…
You and your partner should form a team that’s stronger together than either of you ever were on your own..
Even the strongest relationships can fall prey to a few basic mistakes, and once they do it…
There’s so much pressure on young people in their 20’s to “get out there!” “See all your options…
There are a few habits that most healthy couples share. If you get in the habit of doing…