They all say it, right? “Oh, I miss you, I miss you so much”. And you want to believe it. But is he genuine, or is it just a cheap ploy to get…
They all say it, right? “Oh, I miss you, I miss you so much”. And you want to believe it. But is he genuine, or is it just a cheap ploy to get…
Everyone has insecurities, especially when it comes to figuring out if a guy is attracted to you or not. It is a question that can drive…
It can be devastating when the guy you’ve had your eye on and poured your heart into just doesn’t seem to be into you. You can try every…
Almost everyone alive has experienced the loss of love. It sucks. There’s not a nice way to put it – no sweet and sassy way to make it…
You’ve been checking out a certain guy and dropping subtle hints that you like him. You think your hints are pretty obvious, yet they…
It’s a tough world out there. Dating has become so hard these days. Everything has fallen out of place. In modern dating, it’s not so…
Even though you’ve made it this far in life, figuring out someone else’s affection or lack thereof can be confusing. There are…
There are a few ways you can tell if someone likes you to take the guesswork out of knowing if a crush or someone you’ve even been…
He’s been on your radar for a while, but you aren’t sure if he likes you. You feel a little shy about making it obvious you’re liking his…
Do your relationships seem to end a little too quickly? Do your boyfriends seem to lose interest in the relationship soon after…
Clinginess lies behind insecurities which is something to pay attention to. Start by figuring out why this is showing up for you…
Having a crush can be exciting but nerve-wracking. The idea of him liking you back is thrilling but the notion of him not liking you…
Asking any question is the key to deep any sort of relationship, but do we want these questions to be boring? Absolutely not! What…
These questions will help break the ice, and I’m sure you’ll find a few that anyone can laugh at that will help generate a more fun…
If you’re seeing a guy (or you have a crush on a guy) and you want to, there are some very clear signals that he’s thinking about…
Knowing deep questions to ask a guy can be what makes your relationship go to the next level and ultimately succeed. These questions…
You seldom hear about about the good parts of love, though. Ever notice how your friends always talk about their relationships when…
You can have a really great relationship, but if the sex is at a standstill, boring, or even nonexistent, it can literally kill things…
One of the hardest decisions you’ll have to make is whether or not to take him back after he already ended things with you. Not only…
Sure intimacy definitely has its place within sex and the sex life that you build in your relationship, but it’s also much more than that…
Maybe you feel like your relationship is losing its spark – you don’t know why or how but things feel distant between you and the…
If you’re racking your brain trying to figure out why he disappeared – don’t worry. I’m going to give you the biggest mistakes that…
He lays it on thick and absolutely ravishes you with attention and warmth – only to switch things up seemingly without any sort of…
This article is designed to do one thing: answer the question “How do men show their love?” By the end of this article, you’ll be…
One of the questions I see most often among women in relationships of all stages is “Why doesn’t he make me more of a priority…
If you’re reading this article, chances are that you can’t really tell if the guy you want is interested in you. Is he just being friendly…
If you suspect that your guy is cheating, it can be devastating. If you’ve ever been cheated on or even done the cheating, you know…
Many, even most of these secrets can be applied equally to either partner, regardless of their gender. It’s about wanting what’s best…
So you feel like he is losing interest and you are anxious about it. You might be trying to figure out what’s happening with him…
After a breakup, it’s extremely common. Especially if he’s been acting cold or distant, or he’s done something that makes…