111 Good Questions To Ask A Guy

Whether it’s someone you like at work or someone you’ve met at a party recently, you always want to have a repertoire of good questions…

Second Date Ideas That Will Ensure A Third Date!

So, the first date is over, and it went well! Or at least, you think it did (enough for a second date to be happening). Most of the initial…

How to Stop Being Clingy In A Relationship

Clinginess lies behind insecurities which is something to pay attention to. Start by figuring out why this is showing up for you…

First Date Questions to Banish Awkward Silences (Rejection Proof)

A first date can be nerve-wracking. There are almost certainly going to be some anxious feelings associated with any first date. There is…

Philosophical Questions to Deepen Your Relationship

Maybe you’re looking to deepen your relationship, or maybe you’re trying to hash out something unknown about your significant…

Cute Love Quotes To Melt Any Heart

Love quotes can express feelings in your soul that you cannot describe but desperately want to express. No matter if it’s a text…

Ways Stress Affects Your Skin & How to Manage It

With those who are having, or had, skin issues stress may result in flare-ups and other forms of aggravation. If you feel your stress…

How To Tell If A Guy Likes You (or If He's Lying!)

Having a crush can be exciting but nerve-wracking. The idea of him liking you back is thrilling but the notion of him not liking you…

52 "Naughty" Questions That'll Turn You BOTH On

Don’t let the spark die in your relationship. If you don’t know how to turn him on and turn yourself on, it is almost impossible to…

Weird Questions To Ask A Guy

Remember asking weird questions can either come off as original and funny, or on the opposite end, can be cringe inducing…

Random Questions To Ask A Guy

Do not worry! Men like being asked questions. Now, don’t get me wrong… do not go crazy and start asking things and persisting if…

Interesting Questions To Ask A Guy

Asking any question is the key to deep any sort of relationship, but do we want these questions to be boring? Absolutely not! What…

Fun Questions To Ask A Guy (Rejection Proof!)

These questions will help break the ice, and I’m sure you’ll find a few that anyone can laugh at that will help generate a more fun…

How to Tell If He Misses You

If you’re seeing a guy (or you have a crush on a guy) and you want to, there are some very clear signals that he’s thinking about…

Conversation Starters for Couples To Get Closer

Conversation obviously plays a key role in getting to know someone better; so this article is going to give you questions that will…

This or That Questions

What is the purpose of playing the “this or that” game? Surprisingly, this or that questions are a fun way to get to know what someone…

Deep Questions To Ask A Guy (To Reach His Heart)

Knowing deep questions to ask a guy can be what makes your relationship go to the next level and ultimately succeed. These questions…

21 Questions Game: Everything You Need To Know!

21 questions is a classic game to get to know someone. As a matter of fact, my very first relationship at the age of fifteen began because…

Truth or Dare Questions (Warning: SUPER Embarrassing)

This article is going to give you the most embarrassing truth or dare questions ever! Truth or dare is a perfect game because it gives…

Breakups: Why They're Good For You and Why You Should Never Regret Them

You seldom hear about about the good parts of love, though. Ever notice how your friends always talk about their relationships when…

Been Dumped? 3 Questions For This Real-Life 'Hitch' Who Can Help You Get Your Ex Back!

Breakups hurt because the rug has been pulled out from under us. We had been giving our heart to someone and we thought they…

6 Secrets To Spice Things Up in the Bedroom and Make Him Crave You

You can have a really great relationship, but if the sex is at a standstill, boring, or even nonexistent, it can literally kill things…

Should You Take Him Back After He Dumped You?

One of the hardest decisions you’ll have to make is whether or not to take him back after he already ended things with you. Not only…

20 Reasons Why I Love You

Never underestimate the power of words. I’m not talking about minimizing the importance of actions or neglecting caring attitude…

Secrets to Keeping the Intimacy Alive (Must Read Guide For Any Women)

Sure intimacy definitely has its place within sex and the sex life that you build in your relationship, but it’s also much more than that…

15 Signs He Actually Doesn't Care About You

He doesn’t answer your calls. He seems distant, difficult and strange—especially lately. There’s definitely a noticeable change in…

Top 10 Foods (and Drinks) You Should Have on an Empty Stomach to Lose Weight

Losing weight can seem like a daunting task when you just are starting out. Especially, if your schedule or health prevents you from…

Funny Questions to Ask A Guy

This article is going to give you not only a list of funny questions to ask any man to get him talking, cultivate a connection and make…

The 9 Biggest Reasons Men Fall Out of Love

Maybe you feel like your relationship is losing its spark – you don’t know why or how but things feel distant between you and the…

Avoid These 8 Huge Mistakes Women Make That Push Men Away

If you’re racking your brain trying to figure out why he disappeared – don’t worry. I’m going to give you the biggest mistakes that…