What Really Makes A Man Happy?

So you’re here because you want to know what makes a man happy? Presumably, you want to know the answer to that question…

Should You Break Up With Him?

If you’re unhappy in your relationship and not sure what you should do, ask yourself this: Am I happier with this person in my…

Exactly How To Tell When A Guy Loves You

You want to know how to tell whether a guy loves you or not. Maybe you can’t tell if he’s saying what you want to hear or if he…

16 Powerful Ways To Attract Men

How to attract a man that you like and how to attract men in general is such a big topic that I get asked about constantly by women…

Should You Say 'I Love You' First Or Wait For Him?

Maybe you’re with a guy and you feel like things are going really well. And maybe you’re feeling really tempted to say “I love you…

Exactly What To Do If He Hasn’t Texted You In Two Days

A guy hasn’t texted in three days and you are freaking out about what to do. Ghosting is not exactly a fun situation to deal with…

Why Won't He Call You His Girlfriend?

“Why won’t he call me his girlfriend?” Usually, it comes from a woman who’s been seeing a guy for anywhere between under…

Exactly How To Get A Guy To Text You Back

You might be in a situation with a man who used to text you back right away before, but as time has gone by, things seemed to have changed. What once…

Why Did He Withdraw After Sex?

Of course, guys want sex. They like sex. But sex isn’t the be all end all for men. It’s not the criteria they use to choose a long term mate. So if you think…

Does he love me or does he not? Is he in love with me or does he just love me as a person? Or does he just like me… as in… he…

The Real Reasons Guys Disappear After A Great First Date

I’ve heard people say that maybe the guy didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so he pretended to want a second date and then disappeared. And while that…

What Do A Guy's Excuses Really Mean?

I’m going to get this out of the way straight off: all of these excuses mean the exact same thing. The actual excuse he gives you doesn’t matter. If he’s…

9 Things The Happiest Couples In The World Talk About

In a truly happy relationship, it goes way beyond having intense psychical chemistry. The quality of your conversations…

What To Do When Your Boyfriend Starts To Pull Away

If a woman is unhappy in a relationship, she often wants to talk about those issues. If a man is unhappy, he may stay silent and start to pull away…

How To Be Romantic And Melt His Heart

If only it was easy to melt a man’s heart, make him into a hopeless romantic, starry-eyed ball of nothing but pure, untainted and…

How To Stop Jealousy Dead In Its Tracks And Get Over It Fast

If you want to make sure you can keep your relationship strong, you’re going to need to get rid of negative emotions like jealousy before they affect your relationship and put a dent…

The Top Reasons Why Your Ex May Be Staying in Contact With You

If you’ve long since split up your ex-boyfriend but you’re wondering why he’s still staying in contact with you then there may be more to it than meets…

These 8 Signs Mean You're Not Over Your Ex

Check out this list of signs you’re not over your ex, and find out if you’re really over him, or not…

8 Key Signs Your Partner Is In Love with You

Being in love with someone and not being sure if they love you back. That’s the scariest thing in the world…

Dating a commitment phobe

So is commitment phobia a real condition or is it made up? Lots of women out there are under the impression that if a man is refusing to commit, it means…

The Exact Reasons Why Men Suddenly Disappear

You meet a guy, you have great chemistry, and everything is going in the right direction. And then, poof, he just vanishes out of your life so completely…

What Do Men Find Attractive: 15 Character Traits That Attract Men To Women

Have you ever wondered what it is that men find so attractive in a woman? Maybe you’re wanting to impress a particular guy and…

Why Men Pull Away: 3 Easy Ways To Stop A Man From Withdrawing: Infographic

So you’re looking for the real reasons that men pull away. It might help to hear you’re not alone. In fact, the vast majority of women experience anxiety…

If you broke up because of Jealousy..Here's what to do..

No matter what age you are when a relationship ends, a breakup or divorce can feel devastating. If jealousy was one of the main…

How to Attract a Healthy Relationship

Do you keep attracting narcissistic or emotionally unavailable partners? You can learn to attract a healthy partner…

4 Tips if You Want Your Partner to Change

There’s always something you’d like to change about your relationship or your partner but trying to change someone you…

8 Ways Your Relationship Changes after Having a Baby

You did expect that the birth of your child would change your life. Now you know what it means, it’s much better…

7 Worst Sins That Ruin a Relationship

There are ups and downs in every relationship, which is but natural, yet while some of the dips are just a phase that’s left…

7 Features of a Happy and Harmonic Relationship

Do you sometimes wonder just how happy your relationship is? Maybe you’re aware that something is needing mending, and…

The Secret Formula for Making Him Commit

How do I get him to commit? Simple. Getting your partner to commit starts long before you get to the exclusive stage of your…