Signs You're Attractive: How To Tell If People Find You Pretty Hot

Unfortunately, it’s not at all unusual for women to feel insecure about the way they look or carry themselves. It seems that we find…

How To Give Him Space So That He Misses You And Comes Back

So you want to know what to do if your boyfriend wants space. Maybe he hasn’t been responding to texts lately. Or hanging up off…

Quick Tips To Make Yourself More Attractive

You might have problems attracting love because you seem unhappy or have developed unhealthy behaviors…

Will He Miss Me If I Leave Him Alone? Here's What Makes Him Come Back!

Sometimes, break-ups are right and you both know for sure it’s over for good, but other times, you just can’t stop thinking about…

12 Subtle Ways to Know Someone Doesn't Like You (Look For These Signs)

How do you know if someone is keen on spending time with you, or they are just doing it due to habit, circumstance, or duty? You may…

How to Get Someone to Like You: The 3 Most Effective Ways

They say you can’t change someone else, you can always change yourself and control your own behavior. You can’t determine if…

When Does A Man Miss A Woman? How To Make A Man Miss You (In 3 Steps)

Whether you’ve just broken up with your boyfriend or you’re flirting with a new guy, if you want to push him to discover his real…

He Doesn't Call Or Text For Days. What Does It Mean? Here's What To Do

Tell me if you recognize this scenario: you’ve been texting back and forth with a guy and he’s giving you the vibe that he’s majorly…

Does He Secretly Love Me? 36 Sure Signs That a Guy Loves You Secretly

Men can often have trouble expressing their emotions, not knowing how to express their feelings — especially when it comes to…

How to Give Someone Space Without Losing Them (Or Losing Your Mind)

Often in relationships, there will come a point when one of you needs space. If it’s not you (and he needs space), it can be scary and…

51 Perfect Text Messages That Will Make Him Smile and Miss You More

A simple text message can brighten a person’s day and when you’re texting your significant other, it’s only natural to have the need…

How to Make Him Miss You: 5 Ways to Have a Man Missing You Like Crazy

Let’s face it, it hurts when you’re missing a guy, especially when you two haven’t been together for a month and he isn’t showing…

He Hasn't Texted Me in a Few Days? Why Do Guys Stop Texting?

You’re getting along nicely with a new guy, you two may have even been on a few dates. Texting every day has become the normal…

He Says He Misses Me: What Does It Mean When He Says He Misses You?

They all say it, right? “Oh, I miss you, I miss you so much”. And you want to believe it. But is he genuine, or is it just a cheap ploy to get…

32 Signs He Loves You Without Saying It: Actions That Mean "I Love You"

You’ve been together for a while and you’re reasonably certain you love him, but does he love you back? Sometimes you think he…

Why Doesn't He Like Me Back?! 21 Reasons Why He's Not That Into You...

You’ve been checking out a certain guy and dropping subtle hints that you like him. You think your hints are pretty obvious, yet they…

Does He Like Me? 27 Signs for Adults That He's Into You

Even though you’ve made it this far in life, figuring out someone else’s affection or lack thereof can be confusing. There are…

Exactly How to Know When Someone Likes You

There are a few ways you can tell if someone likes you to take the guesswork out of knowing if a crush or someone you’ve even been…

51 Signs a Guy Likes You

He’s been on your radar for a while, but you aren’t sure if he likes you. You feel a little shy about making it obvious you’re liking his…

Second Date Ideas That Will Ensure A Third Date!

So, the first date is over, and it went well! Or at least, you think it did (enough for a second date to be happening). Most of the initial…

How to Stop Being Clingy In A Relationship

Clinginess lies behind insecurities which is something to pay attention to. Start by figuring out why this is showing up for you…

The 9 Biggest Reasons Men Fall Out of Love

Maybe you feel like your relationship is losing its spark – you don’t know why or how but things feel distant between you and the…

Avoid These 8 Huge Mistakes Women Make That Push Men Away

If you’re racking your brain trying to figure out why he disappeared – don’t worry. I’m going to give you the biggest mistakes that…

The Real Truth About Why Some Men Run Hot And Cold

He lays it on thick and absolutely ravishes you with attention and warmth – only to switch things up seemingly without any sort of…

Exactly How Men Really Show Their Love

This article is designed to do one thing: answer the question “How do men show their love?” By the end of this article, you’ll be…

The Exact 8 Things Every Man Really Wants In A Woman

If you’re reading this article, chances are that you can’t really tell if the guy you want is interested in you. Is he just being friendly…

Huge Giveaway Signs He Doesn't Like You Through Texting

You want to be able to figure out how he feels about you from looking at his texts. Maybe you just met him and you’re texting back…

The Top 10 Signs A Guy Isn’t Interested In You Anymore

Maybe you’ve been flirting with a guy for a while and know that he likes you, but all of a sudden he’s giving you the cold shoulder and…

Does He Know I Like Him Back? Top Signs He's Trying To Figure Out How You Feel About Him

It’s always nervewracking when you like a guy and you’re not sure how he feels about you. It’s even worse when you’re pretty sure…

The Absolute Best Way To Get Over A Guy Who Doesn't Like You

Maybe you’ve known each other forever and you’ve always had feelings for him, only to discover that he doesn’t like you “that way”…